However, Is it possible to consider that successes or achievements come out of nowhere?
I think this is not possible, if we want to achieve a goal, we must plan for it, we must concentrate for it, we must give our best effort for it, that is, we must prepare for it, therein lies the key to our preparation, maybe someone could have received a positive event without expecting it and, if he was not prepared, then, this positive event may fade away.
When we prepare ourselves, we are focused on what to do at the moment of reaching our objective, therefore, we can maximize such achievement and extend its action as much as possible, I believe that there lies the meaning of our existence, that is, to extend the positive events that we reach and reduce the opposite aspects to our welfare.
Sometimes many people think that from the not so positive facts that come to us we cannot extract anything good or positive, however, when we are in constant preparation we are able to invest or at least extract any positive aspect of such not so convenient fact for our aspirations of triumph.
The constant preparation guides us all the time towards a positive attitude, that attitude with which nothing and nobody pretends to weaken our intention of triumph in relation to the accumulation of happiness, understanding happiness as any aspect that generates wellbeing in our lives, of course, not only in the material aspect, but also in the physical-mental aspect, our emotions are linked to positive and negative facts, but we must learn from both extremes.
Perhaps, someone with a negative mentality may think that we can hardly be prepared to achieve certain success, however, around us there are plenty of examples that we can take as inspiration and be very clear that we can prepare ourselves to achieve what we want throughout our existence.
The preparation consists of visualizing ourselves immersed in this objective, walking through our objective, analyzing it and measuring it in all its expansion, only in this way will we be ready to reach it and make it tangible for our purpose and wellbeing, successes cannot change our perspective of life, that is, if we reach it we cannot believe that everything will be simple.
We must never lower our guard in relation to our constant preparation, life teaches us that we must keep up with its speed, and we must be very attentive to this aspect, undoubtedly, there will be times when we can slow down our pace, however, let it only be to continue accumulating energy that allows us to implement it to continue on the right path of our preparation in all aspects of our existence.

Until another opportunity my dear friends.