Laser technology implemented for communication from outer space to Earth

in hive-175254 •  3 years ago 



Greetings again dear readers of this prestigious platform, it is always important to observe our surroundings in order to be able to witness the various technological applications in the development of our activities, and this, from any area of our rich history as living beings of our home Earth, of course, we must always take into account the proper balance that should exist between the use of such applications with respect for our environment because there is no use so many technological advances if in the end it is to harm our precious environment.

This time my dear friends we will be relating to a beam generation as is the Laser, and as it is of great importance in many of our activities, however, this time we will link it with the communication that is possible to obtain from outer space through the implementation of the Laser, therefore, it is important to note that this type of beam is possible to generate it from a device through an action related to quantum mechanics.

This type of beam belongs to the family of electromagnetic radiations whose injection of energy excites the atoms already present and in this way reaches a higher energy level.

Figure 1. Laser Formation


This type of impressive beam is implemented to achieve communication from our planet to our outer space and vice versa, and this has been the main reason for NASA to take into account such an important feature, for example, the various missions of human beings that are sent to the planet Mars can and do use the Laser to be in communication with the stations that remain on Earth.

If we compare the use of the technology of radio systems with that of the laser beam, we can say that if a given mission to Mars requires sending a map of that planet to the stations on Earth by means of radio wave technology this can take a lapse of time of around 9 years, however, the communication technology developed through the implementation of the laser reduces this task to only 9 weeks approximately, and also the communication with the personnel or astronauts is much better with laser technology.

Therefore, laser technology has allowed astronomy to know even more about our outer space, through the laser is possible to accurately know the distance between the various bodies present in outer space with our planet, for example, the Earth and the moon, or the stars, and this due to its essential characteristics such as its rectilinear directionality (monodirectional), sense of coherence, aspects demonstrated by NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) and implemented for the communication described above, then we can see one of the applications of the laser in the following figure 2.

Figure 2. Laser application in astronomy


Technological advances go towards any type of area related to our exponential development as the one we were able to analyze in a general way through the application of the laser beam in astronomy and thus allowing us to know more about our outer space and that so much passion transmits us because every time man strives more for this purpose.

Until another opportunity my dear readers, I hope to be able to count on your so important contributions and to be able to consolidate the subject raised on this occasion.

Note: Figures 1 and 2 are of my authorship and were created in Power Point.

Bibliographic reference consulted and recommended


[2]Laser Beam Physics


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hello @rbalzan79,
in science fiction movies lasers are used to send information, nowadays the use of lasers is no longer science fiction but is used daily in the military field to destroy missiles and very soon they will be used for communications on a planetary level, no doubt that what was once science fiction is now a reality as the use of lasers or space exploration, this century will be one of the most remembered by the human being is a century that will mark a before and after in technology and the way humans live and communicate.

That's good, I think I read something about it in 98 but I never heard about it, since that year they are doing tests, most likely if it gave good results here on earth now it's time to try it in space.
I am sure that it will work perfectly, and you will be surprised that somehow in a few years the communication here will be using those laser beams.

Hello friend, the laser beam has extraordinary characteristics that have allowed us to implement them in different areas of our lives and here is one of them, namely in astronomy and especially for its great efficiency when communicating from outer space as NASA has proven.

Thank you for your excellent contribution, greetings and many successes.

Woah, never know this kind of technology really exists, if it's used properly then for sure it will make studying the space easier and faster than ever, it will save so much time since sharing information won't take that long as mentioned in the article.

Even though I still ask myself, didn't they figure out a way to make going to space and explore other planets faster at least for going there, if they can then their research speed will be enhanced double or even more times than the time it takes now.

Nice information, thanks for sharing!

So my friend, the laser has excellent characteristics that have allowed it to exploit its great utility both in the earth's crust and in the highest reaches of our outer space, both to calculate the distance between the Earth and any other celestial body and now in communication.

Thanks for your great contribution. Regards.

We always need to improve our communications and increase the speed of sending messages or files.

You are absolutely right my friend, when it comes to outer space it will always be necessary to achieve better communication techniques and with the implementation of the Laser it is evident that such an advance will be very useful for that purpose.

Thanks for such a valuable contribution. Regards.

This is a new technology to me.. nice to have learnt something new today.. thanks

The area of technology is in constant development, especially at NASA, since excellent applications are required to achieve each objective set for missions sent to any part of our outer space.

Thank you for your valuable contribution, greetings and many successes.

Wow this is something new information regarding technology development in the field of astronomy. We all know from the beginning that this is not just the only planets which is having life if wea re able to get some more signals for the outer space that will be amazing discovery.