Optical system of an LCD projector_III_Part

in hive-175254 •  4 years ago 

Gif_Proyector LCD_Parte_III.gif


Greetings again my dear friends of this prestigious platform especially to the members of the Project.hope community, we continue to alternate with different content, some related to our behavior or conduct as a human species, and others related to the behavior of different machines or tools created by man thanks to the influence of science-technology, and confirming that technology is nothing more than applied science.

In this opportunity we will close with the description of the components of the optical system of a LCD projector, it is important to emphasize that this type of technology came to replace optical instruments that only managed to project black and white images, without movement or sound, as the so-called overhead projectors.

One of the most outstanding characteristics of the field of technology is its constant and rapid evolution, where, in a few years we can observe exceptional changes in the behavior of certain machines or tools used by all of us, leaving behind old techniques, and managing to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of such instruments as the one analyzed in this opportunity.

To close with the optical system of the LCD projector, we must express that we already analyzed in a general way to the mercury lamp and the dichroic mirrors, in this opportunity we will continue with the path of the luminous rays that transport the images and that pass from one optical component to another.

It is important to express that the mercury lamp will emit high power white light and when it reaches the dichroic mirrors it is broken down or filtered into RGB colors (as seen in the gif at the beginning), and then reflected by the flat mirrors and from there sent to the LCD panels (Liquid Crystal Display), and with the prism that we observe inside these LCD panels it transforms again these RGB rays in white light and this way through a lens the images transported to a receiving screen of the same ones are projected, all this route allows an appropriate treatment of the luminous rays generators of the images with movements, as they could see in the gif.


Any type of machine, tool or instrument that we analyze in our environment will always present the essential influence of technology, as observed in the wonderful optical instrument such as the LCD projector, and as we have already expressed, it is very useful in important areas of our intellectual development such as our academies.

With the general analysis of the mercury lamp, dichroic mirrors, flat mirrors, LCD panels, prism and projection lens, we close with the wonderful description of the optical system of an LCD projector, and whose images are then projected onto a receiving surface which we can call a screen.

Until another opportunity my dear and appreciated readers.

Note: The images are of my authorship, made using the Power Point application, and the animated gif was made with the Photoscape application.

Recommended Bibliographic Reference

[1]LCD Projectors.


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Hi @rbalzan79.

No doubt that with the value you give to your own images it is very easy to netender the optical system of a LCD projector. Greetings and thank you very much for sharing.

Greetings @carlos84, thanks for the valuable support.