However, in our mind we can understand that happiness is everything that makes us feel very good, that which does not hurt us, that which makes us value every moment of our lives, that is, that which we long for at all times, of course, it is necessary to personalize this conceptualization and in this way be able to mark each person's path in the search for happiness.
The truth is that as human beings we are directing our existence at all times, therefore, the best direction we can give ourselves is to always choose the path that gives us the best pleasure in life, moments such as sharing with our loved ones, moments where we leave behind all kinds of resentment, that is, not to waste any moment in wishing evil to someone.
I think that we are not in this space-time to fight with anyone and much less with a loved one, I know that we can and will have some difference with anyone around us, but this should never lead us to feel hatred with that person, the difference of thought will always be the order of the day, but, however, should not cause anger, on the contrary, feel proud to be a living species with such an important characteristic.
Many people want others to think like them, and it is a big mistake, there will certainly be times when they can agree with their way of thinking or acting, but it will not be all the time that way, what is important and necessary is mutual respect in everything we do each one, when we understand that, I am sure that this will lead us to the path of happiness, remember that our happiness should depend on ourselves and not on someone else.
Undoubtedly, we are human beings filled with a great amount of emotions, where other people play a great role, but we must always be very clear that everything depends on our behavior and the way we lead our lives, and that is what every person must do if he/she really wants to move towards his/her happiness.
Therefore, do not waste your existence in actions that only make your life sad, on the contrary, help yourself to be happy yourself and I am completely sure that it will help those who love you to be happy, many will follow your example and even if they do not have your same happiness points, they will begin to understand their world of happiness with all the complexity that at some point they may have.
Until another opportunity my dear friends.