We are in the 21st century and this is the time when technology is evolving faster. We get to see a lot of innovations happening around us and thanks to the advancement of technology that is taking place and making things smarter for us. This is also the time when we see a lot happening in the world of technology where we get to know about blockchain and artificial intelligence kind of technologies that have the potential to change the world. Technology is something that keeps on evolving and it does not stay the same for a long time because that is not the basic nature of the tech.
I am sure that many of you must have experienced the power of conversation and communication supported by technology. Especially if you talk about the pandemic time when we were forced to work from home because of the lockdown. Still, the organisations are working on work from home model and some of them have adopted the hybrid model but all of these have been possible because of the technology.
We have many tools available to us including Zoom Microsoft Teams and even email and chatting software. No doubt we can connect with people in less time and it can be an efficient way to interact with people but does not mean that it is always effective because sometimes in-person meetings can be good. These are the alternatives and help a lot to deal with the situation and discuss with people without meeting in person because that takes time.
While technology is making the conversation easy it is also important that we follow it in a disciplined manner. Spending too much time with technology and staying connected with people across the world is not something that we should drive. If we talk about the conversation and communication then a meaningful and impactful conversation is highly important. If we can convey the message in less time without wasting time from the other person then it is one of the best methods that should always be applied while having a conversation with one or more than one person.
Thank you.