🔥 Dollar Cost Averaging with Bitcoin - Episode #10 - UP to +24%!

in hive-175254 •  4 years ago 


Here I am again sharing with you the results of the 10th straight week buying Bitcoin. I am Dollar Cost Averaging and accumulating sats, hopefully I will be able to accumulate a good amount before the massive bull run ends. We're currently at $33,700.

The Plan

The plan is to make 100$-200$ purchases every weekend and keep stacking sats for the long term. This sats are not going to be spent, I am making a full commit on this.


The progress so far

I have been buying 200€ (euros not dollars) for six consecutive weeks. Eventhough now it is not the best time to be buying Bitcoin (we are trading at ATH) I still believe this strategy is the best approach if you want to HODL Bitcoin long term.


My goal is to not skip a single week, and keep buying through all the spikes and dips. The original plan was to start 1st of January but I finally decided that the best time to start was right now! I finally started buying by the end of November.

I still have to figure out the cheapest way to buy Bitcoin. I am paying a 1,5% that is starting to accumulate, I should take a decision about that soon.

The results. 6th week in the green! +24% 💹

I am keeping an Excel sheet with all the details.
Here the actual results:


I am more than 24%% UP! 🚀And I have been buying at ATH every sunday, it's common that Bitcoin dips after I buy, it's funny.

Some weeks ago I was more than 50% up, now I am just 24% because the price dipped. I am really happy about this trading experiment even if Bitcoin dips for a while I will still be in the green.

In the long run this strategy will give me good results, I am sure!

Keep stacking! 😊


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Hi @resiliencia
This is great, congrats on that. I'm sure before long you will have more than One BTC, and that's a good fortune, considering you are saving it for the long term, imagine having one BTC projecting its price to 100K..... Wow, just thinking about it is great.
Good luck.

Thank you @josevas217!
I am planning to invest every sunday without exception. Let's see if I can hold until we get 100K
That will be awesome!

The idea that you propose is very interesting and I wish I could invest 100 or $ 200 each time.

The good thing is that you have the opportunity to invest because surely you live in a country with a stable economy, but in countries like the one I live in, it is very difficult to acquire that amount of money, Here generating an income of $ 100 is quite difficult.

However, I recommend that you be very cautious and hold while you can.

I started investing in other crypocurrencies with really low amounts.
The important part is the consistency, it doesn't matter if you invest 5 or 50.
Save and invest is the key.