Use your Failure To Achieve Success

in hive-175254 •  4 months ago 

This life is actually full of ups and down in life and it actually looks like sometimes I prefer life is unfair to us but actually that is the way life is actually. Everyone of us actually wants the achieve greatness in life but most of the time I always wonder why do people always not achieve that success they once achieved. Well today I have brought to you my view on it.

Years back, I have a whole lot of dreams to achieve success in some aspect of my life including finances, academically, and many wise. I will set the goals but at the end of the day, I discovered that majority of them, I didn't actually achieve them and I begin to wonder, what is wrong. Well I am here to share it with us.


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Just like I said, I have discovered that many of us actually want to achieve that success just like I said but it is quite unfortunate that we encounter failure along the journey of success but we can't overcome failure. I am here to tell you that failure is here to make us succeed in life and that is the hurdles of life. We really need to understand the concept of how failure works. Failure is an event and not a person so you should stop seeing yourself as failure but see it as a motivating factor to succeed.

Like I said earlier, many of us face failure and instead of us using it to achieve success, we tend to give up. No we should use it to achieve the success and how we can do it is to be motivated by it. I am here to tell you that no matter what it may be, you can still be successful in that plan you have made already before only if you don't give up. As long as you don't give up and as far as you keep pushing on irrespective of the obstacles or hindrances along the way, you will surely achieve greatness.


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There was a time I wanted to achieve one success in my academics. I discover that I constantly encounter failure along the way. Trust me, I actually wanted to give up because I am tired but someone motivated me that instead of giving up, I should be motivated more to achieve greatness. That is how it should actually be. We should use it to achieve greatness. Yes you might fall but don't remain on the ground. Yes things might not actually be working out as it should be currently now, but you need to keep it going and keep pressing no matter what. There is always light at the tunnel.

Probably you felt devastated about your finances and you have tried and tried to make sure your finances get life but the more you tried, the more you encounter failure along the way, I want to tell you that you should keep going no matter what. It will always be well at the end. A lot of successful people we celebrate today at one point of their life encounter failure but they never let the failure to limit them. Instead they pick up the broken pieces and keep going in the journey of life.

One of the things which I strongly believe will help you as it has helped me over the years is to see that failure is an event and not a person. As far as you are not seeing yourself as a failure, trust me your success is not far but the moment you start seeing that you can't do it again, you are already limited in life. Never let failure to prevent you to achieve your success instead use that failure to achieve that success.

I will like to wrap up this discussion here. Thanks for staying with me. I hope you got value.


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