Does emotional dependence limit personal development?

in hive-175254 •  4 months ago 

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Emotions should be well managed by us and not that we have to depend on them, dependence can be harmful in many ways, but even more so when we depend on emotions, let's see what are the reasons for this severity.

When we depend on emotions is because we commonly worry about the way we are seen by other people, since knowing the perception that others have of us gives us that false security of knowing how we are doing in our life.

When I say false security it is because depending emotionally on what others say only shows insecurity and lack of self-esteem in ourselves. That is why marching through life while building a path that we are sure to build only merits self-confidence in our own decisions, and in the event that we make a mistake we should only learn so as not to make the same mistakes in the future.

The only validation we should seek is the one we have from ourselves, as long as we know our origins, who we are and where we are going, we do not need the additional approval of other people, in case we have it, it simply makes us have the faithful commitment to keep working and keep improving to be better people, to do good no matter what.

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