Emotional management needs evolve with age

in hive-175254 •  yesterday 

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With age comes many changes, we reach maturity and wisdom that we did not have in our youth, which is why, as we gain years of life we tend to prioritize the management of our emotions, as it is essential for several reasons, first for our health, second because with age we realize that being conservative is sometimes better.

As we change our habits, our way of acting and thinking, it is also essential that we check and evaluate the way we manage our emotions at different stages of our life, so we can see how emotional management evolves as we age.

We always turn to the past and compare it with the present and evaluate if we have improved, if we remain the same, or if on the contrary we have regressed, these comparisons allow us to make adjustments, one of those adjustments is that we are placing ourselves in a position in which we do not allow our emotions to control us, it is not the same the emotions of ourselves when we were children to when we are of age, but neither are the same emotions that we handle in our premature adulthood as when we are already in full old age.

The importance of emotional management is not only that we take control of our emotions, but that we know how much we advance or regress in the management of emotions as we gain years of life.

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