Getting to know ourselves through personal reflective self-knowledge

in hive-175254 •  4 months ago 

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Personal self-knowledge can lead us to understand ourselves, understanding ourselves implies asking ourselves questions that help us to reflect on how we can help ourselves to achieve our personal development.

I will now explain the meaning that some of these questions that we can ask ourselves can have in our lives:

What are my fears and how do they hold me back?

It is our own fears that limit us, and who else but ourselves who will know how to identify them and then eradicate them from our lives, and thus continue to move forward in achieving our goals.

What are my needs and how am I meeting them?

Although each individual knows his or her own needs, many times we do not know how to correctly relate knowing what our needs are and what we are doing to meet them.

What is my truth and am I living authentically?

Our truth is what we believe characterizes us as an individual, it is our philosophy of life, our beliefs, ideologies, all this has to mean a posture of us before life, that is why if at some point we realize that we are failing to these principles with our actions, then we must correct to continue walking in the lane of our own philosophy of life.

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