Importance of accepting our shadows

in hive-175254 •  8 days ago 

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The first thing we must understand is that regarding our personality and our progress, a shadow can be considered as everything we hide from our personality such as some kind of limitation, weakness and/or fear.

Generally we seek to hide our shadows by the constant pressure that can dictate a society that demands men and women devoid of imperfections, however we want to follow a path of development and success is not hiding our shadows, on the contrary, this is achieved by supporting our actions in our strengths, while in parallel we are improving our weaknesses (shadows) in a process of transformation that should seek a conscious improvement of our personality.

The conclusion of the case is that we gain nothing by hiding our fears and weaknesses (shadows), since what really makes us great is to be able to accept them and work to transform and change them into a way where we achieve the best and most advanced positive aspects for ourselves.

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