What should humanity care about in the future?

in hive-175254 •  2 days ago 

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Hello friends of steemit.com

In this opportunity I want to share an important reflection oriented to the fact of the aspects that should matter to humanity in the future.

Many may think that there are so many aspects that may interest mankind in the future, but resources will not be so abundant in the future that mankind can only take care of a few factors, especially considering the environmental problems of today.

Given our current lifestyle, many people are already thinking about future predictions, and I particularly think that humanity and our planet will face a series of challenges in the future that make us think of a very complex future.

The complexity of the near future makes us think that we have to prioritize some aspects that are of great importance, otherwise our survival as a human species could be compromised.

Examples of aspects to prioritize are: climate change, biodiversity loss, resource management, balance in social inequality, artificial intelligence, public health, education.

It is not that others are unimportant, but given current events and given a context of reality in which the deterioration of our planet and basic human needs are a priority, I think that the aspects mentioned will be of paramount importance in the future.

In summary, humanity must prioritize the sustainability of any form of life it plans for its future, if any plan, no matter how good it may seem, lacks sustainability, then it should not be among the priorities of the future, since in order for future generations to receive a viable and prosperous world within stable standards, all the aspects mentioned above must be considered.

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