We have a closer group of friends in the pickleball section. Many times we played and wanted a rematch. I started calling us Avengers as a result. Since our courts are next to the Padang, I’d call Padang Avengers. One day I came up the idea of printing T-shirts for us.I used some AI tools but the design wasn’t satisfactory. I like the flying pickleball and decided to piece my own design with that using emoji of Crescent moon and 5 stars. Finally, a design that I think will work well. I found a T shirt printing company near home and quoted me $20. Bit expensive but decided to go ahead and asked my friends.
我们在匹克球区有一群关系更亲密的朋友。我们打过很多次球,都想再再战一会。因此我开始叫我们复仇者。因为我们的球场就在大草场旁边,所以我叫我们大草场复仇者。有一天,我想到为我们印制 T 恤的想法。我使用了一些人工智能 工具,但设计并不令人满意。我喜欢飞翔的匹克球,于是决定用新月和五颗星的表情符号来拼凑我自己的设计。最后,我觉得这个设计效果不错。我在家附近找到了一家 T 恤印刷公司,报价 20 元。有点贵,但还是决定继续问朋友。

🎶Meanwhile, some music for you to enjoy as you read. This piece is part of Vivaldi’s The Four Seasons, particularly the first of the 4 violin concertos, called Spring.
🎶让大家继续读的时候,欣赏一点音乐。这件作品是维瓦尔第的“四季”的一部分 - 4小提琴协奏曲中的第一首,名为“春天”。
Source | 来源: https://musopen.org/
Source | 来源: https://musopen.org/music/2213/antonio-vivaldi/the-four-seasons/
It seemed my search for t-shirt printing resulted in more ads of them coming up. I looked at a few and made inquiry with another company who quoted $10. Then people in my group asked for other colours. I checked with the supplier if we can print on different coloured T-shirts with the same design. They said as long as same design in the same colour, it’s still the same price at $10. I spent some time gathering sizes and colours request. The design should work well with darker colours but I raised concern if someone chose a lighter colour. I sent the order to the company. They came back with the mock-up. I had concern with the lime green but my friend was OK with it. So I confirmed the order, received the invoice and paid $120. Then went on a trip to Genting Highlands. Here are the mock-up.
似乎我对 T 恤印刷的搜索带来了更多广告。我看了几家,并向另一家报价 10 元的公司询问。然后我们小组的人要求其他颜色。我向供应商咨询我们是否可以在不同颜色的 T 恤上印上相同的设计。他们说只要是同一种颜色的同一种设计,价格还是 10元。我花了一些时间收集尺寸和颜色要求。这种设计应该适合深色,但如果有人选择浅色,我会担心。我把订单发给了公司。他们拿来了模型。我对柠檬绿有点担心,但我的朋友决定要那。所以我确认了订单,收到了发票,付了 120元。然后去了云顶高原旅行。这是模型。





Asked the company for update after a few days when I came already was back from my trip. They wre ready for delivery. Arranged for delivery to my workplace and I bought a coffee to wait at the meeting point.

A lady came out from a car that stopped and handed me a bag.

I took out my black t-shirt to check and was happy with it.
我拿出我的黑色 T 恤检查,很满意。

After work, brought the t-shirts to the pickleball games session and distributed to those who were there despite the rain earlier.
下班后,尽管下雨,我还是把 T 恤带到了匹克球比赛现场,并分发给了那些在场的人。

请看我其他帖: @ace108