On a long bus ride in Malaysia, there is usually long stretches of plantation you'll see. What wasn’t usual for me was this hill that seem to be partiality 'removed'
在马来西亚乘坐长途巴士时,您通常会看到长长的种植园。 对我来说不寻常的是这座山似乎被“消除”了偏见
🎶Meanwhile, some music for you to enjoy as you read. This piece is part of Vivaldi’s The Four Seasons, particularly the first of the 4 violin concertos, called Spring.
🎶让大家继续读的时候,欣赏一点音乐。这件作品是维瓦尔第的“四季”的一部分 - 4小提琴协奏曲中的第一首,名为“春天”。
Source | 来源: https://musopen.org/
Source | 来源: https://musopen.org/music/2213/antonio-vivaldi/the-four-seasons/
The ride usually includes toilet stops.
One time after going to the toilet I had to wonder.... who would get a coffee or ice cream after a toilet break. hmm 🤔
有一次上完厕所后,我不想着……谁会在上完厕所后买一杯咖啡或冰淇淋。 嗯🤔
请看我其他帖: @ace108