EMPOWERING MINDSET STRATEGY ~RIGHT OR HAPPY~ If you had chosen to be similar to most people you would have preferred to be right ALL the time because this would have absolved you of any need to discover where you now see the areas where you must work on yourself. Being right all the time meant all growth had stopped. This also meant a lonely existence as people grew tired of hanging around a “know it all”. The Good News? It is far easier and even more Powerful to admit you could be wrong. This means the possibility of people being able to offer their advice to you. I wonder if you realize yet here are many highly experienced and skilled, successful people who are very happy to offer their guidance to you. Their happiness reflected back to you now means your Happiness. A subtle shift in how you operate changes everything. For you – and them.
Everything happens for a reason because of the Law of Cause and Effect. “Coincidences” were only a description for things you did not yet understand.
This means that for your Life to change ( People, Events, Objects, Experiences ) you must first change. On the inside. This change that I speak about is on the Subconscious level. You must now do whatever it takes to effect this change. Affirmations. Therapy. Clinical Hypnosis. Energy Work. All the tools for you to now begin to transform yourself are available. Transformation means you now begin to attract a different Reality. Search and you will find. Ask and you will receive. Reading these daily Strategies is a wonderful first step. Now you must give yourself permission to take the next one.
I know there are people in your life you simply don’t understand. Some of them even drive you crazy with their curious ways. You reacted that way because you naturally seek to find meaning and make sense of all that surrounds you. To them their behavior is completely normal. I wonder if you have realized yet that to understand others you must now seek to understand yourself. Understanding is intimately connected to Knowing. Those people were “mirrors” that reflected back to you the Discoveries about yourself you are now making. Truly knowing yourself even more now makes it so much easier to overcome those weaknesses and massively Leverage your Strengths. This is a good thing.
I spoke yesterday about where you are now & how you can change that situation. It is easier than you had thought because you do have trusted friends to call on for advice.
Ask them now, what they would do in your position. Be careful to ask people that will not validate where you are now. It would have been easy to fall into the trap of only speaking to people that agreed with you. Seek out the people that will hold you accountable to a higher standard for yourself because because they believe you are now capable of so much more. There are so many people who genuinely want the best for you. When you now graciously accept their good energy it now empowers you to reach down inside your soul for the courage to do what has to be done. I know you can do this.