
in hive-180932 •  9 months ago  (edited)

金阙尉夜行服出自京城久负盛名的裁缝铺“流苏影”, 专用定制的苏州”雾金缕”的黑缎,轻便坚韧。衣襟紧贴身形,袖口略宽,以便随时挥剑或投掷暗器。衣内巧设多个小口袋,用以藏匿各类秘函与暗器。腰间佩带的是精铁打造的宽腰带,其上悬挂一柄锋利短剑及数个暗器。短剑剑身狭长,剑柄上刻有风云变幻的纹路,似乎预示着即将到来的轩然大波。
今夜,他的目标是城东北一座不并起眼的宅院,此地乃西御卫的秘密据点,秘藏关乎天下军国大事的机密文档“ 玖天舆图”,南宫轻抚马鬃,附耳低语,玉骊骥立刻乖巧的止住马蹄,南宫轻盈地越过高墙,巧妙避开院中守卫,蹑手蹑脚至一间灯火通明之处,他轻展袖中薄如蝉翼的事先浸透迷药的药纸,轻轻一吹,纸片瞬间化为粉末,絮絮飘飘,散落一室,守卫顿时纷纷昏睡。南宫惊鸿悄无声息地潜入屋内,动作干劲利落,不留半点痕迹,携玖天舆图,踏上踯躅于院墙外的玉骊骥, 迅如归鸿地消失于茫茫夜色之中。

“Nine Heavens Map: Storm’s Approach”

Chapter One: A Gust of Wind

The north wind raged, swirling snowflakes creating a silver veil over the land. In Datong, the key fortress of the Nine Borders, the night was dark and desolate, with only sparse streetlights breaking the monotony. Riding on a jade-hued steed, South Palace Guard Nan Gong Jing Hong cut through the night like a bolt of lightning. He wore a sleek black nocturnal suit tailored by the prestigious “Flowing Tassels” in the capital, crafted from Suzhou’s finest “misty golden thread” black satin, both sturdy and light. Embroidered with golden threads, the suit bore dragon and phoenix motifs, barely visible in the dim night, flowing like life itself. Nan Gong’s handsome face was hidden beneath a broad black hat, revealing only his piercing eyes, radiating determination and sharpness.

Tonight, his target was an inconspicuous mansion in the northeast, a secret outpost of the Western Imperial Guards, holding the confidential document “Nine Heavens Map,” crucial to national military affairs. Nan Gong gently stroked the horse’s mane, whispering softly. The jade-hued steed obediently halted, and Nan Gong stealthily scaled the high wall, skillfully avoiding the courtyard guards. Moving silently to a brightly lit room, he delicately blew on pre-soaked drug-infused paper concealed in his sleeve. The paper instantly turned to powder, drifting and lulling the guards into a deep slumber. Nan Gong slipped into the room unnoticed, swift and silent, leaving no trace behind. With the Nine Heavens Map in hand, he mounted the waiting jade-hued steed and disappeared into the night.

The jade-hued steed trotted through the streets, returning to the inconspicuous carriage waiting at the street corner. The black-painted carriage almost melded into the darkness, but its intricate craftsmanship spoke volumes. Nan Gong surveyed his surroundings, all quiet, before reaching out to touch a concealed wooden panel on the side of the carriage. In its center was a small copper button, engraved with a pattern resembling clouds and wind, a secret mark of the martial world. Nan Gong lightly pressed the button, and a cleverly concealed compartment slowly opened. Inside, lined with soft crimson silk, was a layer of black gunpowder. A single touch could trigger its destruction, obliterating the documents. Nan Gong gingerly placed the Nine Heavens Map inside, then touched the hidden mechanism, and the compartment closed seamlessly.

Guiding the jade-hued steed forward with gentle reins, Nan Gong Jing Hong led the way, followed closely by the winged-horse-drawn carriage, gradually vanishing into the swirling snowstorm. While the night sky sparkled with stars, Nan Gong’s heart surged with anticipation. A tumultuous storm, about to shake the nation, silently approached.

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