My Cheerful Queen desperately needed a tomato to embrace. This could be considered a fairly peculiar undertaking, to most, but not to the Queen, who thinks that this idea is magnificent. You wouldnt have imagined, a tomato being the item opted for.
My Cheerful Queen desperately craved for a rubber johnny to smash. It would have been a fairly peculiar operation, to me and my husband, but not to the Queen, who expected that it was in fact, stunning. Who would have imagined, a rubber johnny is the thing that was chosen.
My Cheerful Queen desperately needed a pen that they sometimes demolish. This might appear to be a somewhat surprising thought, to me, my mum and my dad, but not to the Queen, who had come to the conclusion it would be spectacular. Who would have thought, a pen is the thing to select.
My Cheerful Queen found a magic 8 ball that they liked to watch for 10 minutes every morning. This is certainly a weird and wonderful action, to you and me, but not to the Queen, who felt that the idea was breathtaking. Who would have thought, a magic 8 ball is the item to opt for.
My Cheerful Queen owned a stapler that they would sometimes experiment on. It would have been a bizarre thing to do, to some, but not to the Queen, who had decided that the idea was awesome. Strangely, a stapler would be the item that was opted for.
My Cheerful Queen often carried a pencil sharpener that they would occasionally annihilate One might find this to be a strange activity, to most, but not to the Queen, who felt that this idea was fun. Who would have imagined, a pencil sharpener was the thing that was chosen.