The Funny Unicorn wanted a bag of poop that they would sometimes annihilate It might have been a fairly extraordinary undertaking, to some, but not to the Unicorn, who assumed that the idea was awesome. You wouldnt have thought, a bag of poop would be the chosen thing.
The Funny Unicorn searched for a bat that they would eat. It might be a fairly exciting proposal, to me and my parents, but not to the Unicorn, who felt that the idea was fun. Remarkably, a bat was the chosen item.
The Funny Unicorn wanted a sponge that they would often annihilate One might consider this to be a fairly peculiar suggestion, to many, but not to the Unicorn, who expected that the idea was wonderful. You wouldnt have thought, a sponge was the thing that was chosen.
The Funny Unicorn had a Harry Potter wand that they would sleep with. It should have been a fairly exciting operation, to me and my wife, but not to the Unicorn, who considered that it was in fact, fun. Strangely, a Harry Potter wand would be the item that was selected.
The Funny Unicorn desperately wanted a toilet brush that they would sometimes put on his head. This is certainly a surprising thought, to many, but not to the Unicorn, who considered that the idea was awesome. You wouldnt have imagined, a toilet brush was the thing that was selected.
The Funny Unicorn desperately wanted a stapler that they would often insert somewhere. It should be a new undertaking, to many, but not to the Unicorn, who thinks that this idea is out of this world. Remarkably, a stapler is the thing to choose.