Puoi trovare la traduzione ITALIANA dopo la fine della versione in lingua INGLESE.
You find the new key-subjects after the rules section.
Usually, I tag the previous participants in the post. If you no longer want to be tagged, use the comment section to inform me. Thank you. :)
All rights reserved.
All the uses of the contents herein - and their derivatives - are strictly prohibited.
Hello World!
This is the 74th Edition of the Photochain challenge TESTNET on Steem. The Photochain Challenge is a blockchain-like photography contest. If you would like to know more about, read the Photochain TESTNET Edition ZERO on STEEM. There, I explained the functioning of the contest and how to join.
In this post, I'll announce the 2 (two) winners of the Edition Seventy-three of the TESTNET contest. Within the next 72 hours, I'll reward both of them with 1.5 STEEM - as previously explained - and will post in the comment section of the EDITION SEVENTY-THREE.
And the Winner is...
The edition number seventy-three of the TESTNET phase counted 10 (ten) valid participants.
The two Key subjects were:
Glass and Copper
These are the 2 (two) winners of the edition:
Winner 1
with an artificial butterfly and a broken glass.
The personal subject is Break.
Winner 2
with a guitar and an empty glass.
The personal subject is Empty.
Even this week we concluded with a good participation, so I though to add two special awards to two honorable mentions (for the just-ended edition): 0.75 STEEM each.
The first honorable mention is:
and the second honorable mention is:
by @serdak
Congratulations to the authors of the photos.
Thank you EVERYONE for participating in this week's contest!
@wakeupkitty.pal @olivia08 @xiao-aine @lupega @cicisaja @dim753
I explained in the TESTNET EDITION NUMBER ZERO Post that you can participate by submitting a photo in the comment section: you must be the author of the photo.
The photo must contain the two Key-Subjects - I will write below - and another key-subject of your choice (the subject must be contained in the photo). I also explained HERE how the key-subjects will change and the criteria with which I'll choose them. Below, I'll mention all the rules. If you have any doubt, follow the practical examples in the TESTNET ZERO EDITION and learn about the contest there. If you post on your blog, remember to use the #photochain tag.
STEPS and RULES: first part
- The photo that contains the two Key-Subjects;
- A Comment with the two Key-Subjects + another subject of your choice but CONTAINED in the photo. (If you posted the image in your blog, you can post the link to that page, but you must add your photo in the comment section anyway);
2) ONLY IF YOU WANT: mention another person you think would like this challenge;
4) WAIT FOR THE NEXT WEEK: time limit to join is to 3 hours before the edition post Payout; I'll announce the winners after that moment.
RULES: second part
You can join with 1 (one) photo only each edition.
The PHOTO MUST BE TAKEN BY YOU (any device, like professional camera, smartphone, and so on).
Key-subjects must consist of a single word; multiple words are allowed only if the combination indicates a well-defined object/subject (for example "street lamp").
The entry photos MUST CONTAIN the two key-subjects indicated in the launch of the edition.
The entry photos MUST CONTAIN the third key-subject indicated by the participant.
The third key-subject has to be different from the first two key-subjects.
The duration of the contest is: from the start announcement post to 3 (three) hours before the post payout time of that post.
I'll advance with the prize-sending 3 (three) days approx after the finish of the weekly edition. I'll write the transaction ID in the winners' announcements post (practical example for educational purposes only: after 72 hours about from the winners' announcement, whoever wins the 10th edition will find a comment under the launch post of the 10th edition, containing the transaction identification link).
Participation is open in Italian and English. Not having knowledge of different alphabets, I ask those who want to participate to first make a translation of the proposed key-subjects together with the photo.
Basic editing is allowed.
Each color cover is allowed, including Black and White.
You mustn't use graphic design and/or add part of other image and/or use deep editing like Photoshop-guided rebuilding processes: this is a photography contest!
GIFs are allowed only 1) if the duration is less or equal to 10 seconds; and 2) if it represents a view of the same objects/subjects and not a rebuilt-video; and 3) if the key-subjects remain in the foreground for the whole duration of the GIF.
I ADVISE you about the photo you want to propose: there are some Law rules in each State, and I know that using photo of people or photographing private properties could get you into some troubles. Make sure you're not infringing on anyone's rights when you post your photos on the web.
Each Theme is allowed: no censorship except for extremely explicit content. The nsfw contents are allowed but, if I choose a nsfw photo as a winner, I will not insert it as an image in the official post (only as a mention or a link to the published post).
IMPORTANT: I invite the participants to use fairly large categories as subjects so as not to sabotage participation. You mustn't use proper names (of cities, places, mountains, species, etc).
Another example: don't use words like London, or Danube, or Mark, or Blue Crab; or don't use the snow bear subject, just animal or bear. Naturally, in case of equally deserving photos, I will consider a photo of an animal that isn't often photographed in a more relevant way than a simple domestic cat.
The more general the category of the meaning of the word used as a subject is, greater the participation in the competition will be, greater the prizes and the fun will be in the future.
Are you Ready?
This weekly edition is the:
74th Edition of the Photochain Testnet
The KEY-SUBJECTS for this week are:
BREAK (in the meaning of "Broken") and EMPTY
Unbelievable but true, ten excellent entries this week too. I wouldn't have predicted it, given the key subjects involved. Instead, you managed to propose many new photos with different and effective representations. Thanks to everyone for participating, and I hope that the next edition will also be able to reward some new faces. Now let's move on to the new edition, and the pair of key subjects formed by: Break and Empty. A new pair on which I don't want to leave too many inspirations. I entrust you with the task of using your imagination to find the best possible views. In the meantime...
Now it's your turn.
Quella di seguito è la traduzione ITALIANA del post.
Puoi trovare i nuovi soggetti chiave dopo la sezione contenente il regolamento.
Di solito taggo nel post i partecipanti delle edizioni precedenti. Se non volessi essere taggato nei prossimi post, usa la sezione commenti per informarmi. Ti ringrazio :)
Tutti i diritti riservati.
Tutti gli utilizzi dei contenuti qui presenti – e ogni loro derivato – sono strettamente proibiti.
Ciao mondo!
Questa è la Settantaquattresima edizione della Photochain TESTNET su Steem. La Photochain Challenge è un concorso fotografico dal funzionamento di base simile a quello di una blockchain, cioè "a catena". Se vuoi saperne di più, leggi l'Edizione ZERO della Photochain TESTNET su STEEM. In quel post spiegavo il funzionamento del concorso e come poter parteciparvi.
In questo post annuncerò i 2 (due) vincitori della Settantatreesima edizione della versione TESTNET del concorso. Entro le prossime 72 ore ricompenserò entrambi con 1.5 STEEM - come spiegato in precedenza - e pubblicherò nella sezione commenti della SETTANTATREESIMA EDIZIONE.
E il vincitore è...
La settantatreesima edizione della fase di TESTNET ha visto 10 (dieci) partecipazioni valide.
I due Soggetti-chiave erano:
Vetro e Rame
Questi sono i 2 (due) vincitori dell'edizione:
Vincitore numero uno
con una farfalla artificiale e un bicchiere rosso.
Il soggetto personale è Rottura.
Vincitore numero due
con una chitarra e un bicchiere vuoto.
Il soggetto personale è Vuoto.
Anche per questa edizione abbiamo avuto una buona affluenza, per cui ho pensato di aggiungere (per l'edizione appena conclusa) due premi speciali da assegnare a due menzioni d'onore: 0,75 STEEM per ognuna di loro.
La prima menzione d'onore è:
e la seconda menzione d'onore è:
di @serdak
Grazie a TUTTI per aver partecipato al contest di questa settimana!
Ho spiegato nel Post dell'EDIZIONE NUMERO ZERO della TESTNET che puoi partecipare inviando una foto nella sezione commenti, e che devi essere l'autore della foto.
La foto deve contenere i due Soggetti-Chiave - che comunicherò più avanti in questo post - e un altro soggetto-chiave a tua scelta (il soggetto deve essere contenuto nella foto). Ho anche spiegato QUI come cambieranno gli argomenti-chiave nel corso del tempo e i criteri con cui li sceglierò. Di seguito menzionerò tutte le regole. Se hai qualche dubbio, segui gli esempi pratici che trovi nel post dell'EDIZIONE NUMERO ZERO della TESTNET e scopri tutto quello che hai curiosità di sapere. Se pubblichi i post sul tuo blog, ricordati di utilizzare il tag #photochain.
PASSI da seguire e REGOLE: prima parte
- La FOTO che contiene i due SOGGETTI CHIAVE;
- Un COMMENTO con i due Soggetti chiave + un ALTRO SOGGETTO a tua scelta che sia contenuto nella foto. (Se hai pubblicato l'immagine sul tuo blog, puoi pubblicare il link a quella pagina, ma DEVI COMUNQUE AGGIUNGERE la tua foto nel commento). La ricerca sui tag o le notifiche hanno spesso mostrato problemi e non posso garantirti che riuscirò a trovare la tua partecipazione se non segui questa procedura;
2) SOLO SE VUOI: menziona un'altra persona che ritieni possa apprezzare questa sfida;
3) NESSUN FOLLOW, UPVOTE, RESTEEM RICHIESTI (ma sarò più che felice di riceverli);
4) ASPETTA LA SETTIMANA SUCCESSIVA: il tempo limite per partecipare è fissato a 3 ore prima del pagamento del post di lancio dell'edizione; la proclamazione dei vincitori verrà effettuata dopo questo traguardo.
REGOLE: seconda parte
Puoi partecipare con 1 (una) sola foto per ogni edizione.
La FOTO DEVE ESSERE SCATTATA DA TE (con qualsiasi dispositivo, come fotocamera professionale, smartphone, e così via).
I soggetti chiave devono essere costituiti da una singola parola; sono consentite più parole solo se l'insieme indica un oggetto/soggetto ben definito (per esempio "street lamp" che è la traduzione inglese di "lampione")
Le foto proposte DEVONO CONTENERE i due soggetti chiave indicati nel post di lancio dell'edizione.
Le foto proposte DEVONO CONTENERE il terzo soggetto chiave indicato da ogni utente che proponga la propria foto.
Il terzo soggetto chiave deve essere diverso dai primi due soggetti chiave.
La durata del concorso va dalla pubblicazione del post di lancio di ogni edizione fino a 3 (tre) ore prima dell'orario di pagamento di quel post (che avviene circa 7 giorni dopo).
L'invio del montepremi avverrà circa 3 (tre) giorni dopo la conclusione dell'edizione settimanale. Comunicherò il codice identificativo della transazione in un commento al post di lancio dell'edizione vinta (esempio pratico a scopo soltanto didattico: chi vincerà la 10a edizione troverà un commento sotto il post di lancio della 10a edizione, contenente il link alla transazione).
La partecipazione è aperta in lingua italiana e inglese. Non avendo conoscenze di alfabeti differenti, chiedo a chi voglia partecipare di effettuare prima una traduzione dei soggetti chiave proposti assieme alla foto.
Niente SPAM!
È consentito l'editing di base (colori, saturazioni, luci e ombre, nitidezza, contrasti, eccetera).
È consentita qualsiasi versione cromatica, incluso il bianco e nero.
Non è consentito utilizzare grafiche e/o aggiungere parti di altre immagini e/o utilizzare editing profondi come per esempio processi di ricostruzione di immagini guidati da Photoshop o da altre intelligenze artificiali: questo è un concorso fotografico!
Le GIF sono ammesse solo: 1) se la durata è inferiore o uguale a 10 secondi; e 2) se rappresenta un'inquadratura degli stessi soggetti/oggetti e non un montaggio video; e 3) se i soggetti-chiave rimangono in primo piano per tutta la durata della GIF.
UN CONSIGLIO riguardante la foto che vuoi proporre: ci sono alcune norme di Legge in ogni Stato, e so che usare foto di persone o fotografare proprietà private potrebbe metterti nei guai. Assicurati di non violare i diritti di nessuno quando pubblichi le tue foto su Internet.
Ogni Tema è consentito: nessuna censura, tranne che per contenuti estremamente espliciti. I contenuti nsfw sono ammessi ma, se scelgo come vincitrice una foto nsfw, non la inserirò come immagine nel post ufficiale (ma soltanto come menzione e con un link al post pubblicato).
IMPORTANTE: ho invitato e invito i partecipanti a utilizzare come soggetti chiave categorie abbastanza ampie e "generaliste", così da non sabotare la partecipazione. Non è consentito usare nomi propri (di città, luoghi, montagne, specie, ecc.).
Un altro esempio: non utilizzare parole come Londra, o Danubio, o Mark, o Granchio blu; oppure non utilizzare l'oggetto orso delle nevi, ma soltanto animale o orso. Naturalmente, a parità di risultato, considererò più meritevole la foto di un animale che non viene fotografato spesso rispetto ad un semplice gatto domestico.
Più il significato della parola che userai come soggetto chiave sarà generale e ampio, maggiore sarà la partecipazione al contest, maggiore sarà quindi il divertimento ed eventualmente il montepremi per le edizioni future.
Sei pronto?
Questa edizione settimanale è la:
I SOGGETTI-CHIAVE per questa settimana saranno:
Incredibile ma vero, dieci ottime partecipazioni anche questa settimana. Non lo avrei detto, visti i soggetti chiave coinvolti. Invece siete riusciti a proporre tante nuove foto con rappresentazioni diverse ed efficaci. Grazie a tutti quanti per aver partecipato, e spero che la prossima edizione potrà premiare anche qualche nuovo volto. Adesso passiamo invece alla nuova edizione, e alla coppia di soggetti chiave formata da: Rottura e Vuoto. Una coppia inedita su cui non voglio lasciare troppi spunti. Affido a voi il compito di utilizzare la vostra fantasia per trovare la migliore prospettiva possibile. Intanto...
Adesso è il tuo turno.
The "Break the day, crack an egg" is a Dutch slogan to promote eggs after the fairy tale that eggs are unhealthy.
I cracked the last one, dog happy.
A portrait of an egg according to the phone. I can't find a macro option. The second photo doesn't look clear the phone says it's food 😬 which it says of everything I try to ake a photo of.
Food more colour and portrait a facelift?
Who to ask? Everyone seems to take photos but if it comes to this contest it's a hard task.
@kafio @rissi @watii please, join
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Thank you for inviting me to this exciting contest. I wish you luck.
What do you want to make using eggs? Do you want to cook a cake?
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No, I broke the egg for the photo (break) and the eggshell is empty so I have both words.
I have a part to the dog and baked omelette with cheese.
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Yum yum yummy 😋
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But you have certainly guessed a perfect proposal. Thanks for joining again, Xiao-aine. A big welcome and a big good luck! :D
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Hahahaha! You got a good and perfect idea! For the win! Dog is happy? Smart dog eat eggs.
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Capital idea! You nailed the keywords with this photo. Don't worry so much. The photo is as clear as a whistle, as the saying goes. I like that Dutch slogan you shared because all of us here at home eat eggs everyday. Sometimes even two. Good source of protein, choline, vitamins and antioxidants. Good to go with cheese and mushrooms too. Great entry and good luck to you.
Thanks for inviting more of your friends. 🫠
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Smart. Killing two birds with one stone👌
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The important thing is that the dog is happy, and I hope you win this contest and find happiness too
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This was a nice idea that came to my mind too!
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Egg🤔🤔🤔 looks like I need to take my wife walking around the paddy field to find some eggs🫣 oohh.. why did you add the eggshells in?
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I found this house empty, main gate , doors and windows were broken for a very long time ago since we lived here. This is an abandoned house. Some of my cats made this place as their hotel, checking in everyday😃.
I didn't know why the owner of this house leave it . It is located near of the back part of my employers house. How many years since we live here. Its almost 2 decade bit this house is still standing but broken. Everytime , I passed, I felt something weird. Maybe there's a bad spirit living inside.
This is my entry @davidesimoncini
Calling old steemians for a long time, @jurich60, @sarimanok and @diosarich
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Wow, that is amazing! I believe the later the entries the better!
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I like the idea of the eggs breaking of @xiao-aine
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Hmmmm I will submit my entry on the last day then. Maybe they will be better 🤭🤔
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The later entries stand on the shoulders of pioneers! 😁
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thank you buddy!
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thank you buddy!
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I agree 💯%
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Nice shot @olivia08, I guess cici needs to find another subject, because she's rumaging her gallery just now to find a series of dilapidated house photos 😁 did you find any @cicisaja
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Thank you so much I hope she can find what she wants.
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Murag na pud ning balay ni Dracula uy hahaha. O di kaha tikbalang? Hahaha Ka nindot kaayo sa imung idea. The house looks so forlorn and empty. You captured it so beautifully. Take a bow @olivia08. Love this so much. 😍
Ayaw lang pag date dinha kay basin dili na mu makagawas sa adlaw. Sa gabie na lang 🤣🤣🤣
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Dear everyone 🙌 I'm not in the mood to post something lately. I was thinking to submit my entry last Tuesday, but then things around kept me busy and I saw my hubby arranged things on the bench in our living room🤔 oohhh... Snap!!
Still thinking about making the gel/jelly as key subject🤭 but then I remember that the broken glass was last edition's winner.. so I dropped that idea.
When hubby chosen "break/broken" key subject last week, I did secured the broken trunk of wood elephant figurines as an anticipation 😉 well, that's me...
Anyway, here's my entry...
I was going to keep the cinnamon in the spices container when I saw @dipoabasch scrolling the comment section here. 😁 Perfect timing I guess. I need cinnamon to spice up my day 😊 good luck, everyone and thanks @davidesimoncini for keeping this fun going 💐❤
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It would be interesting to see the broken piece. Do you still have it?
Great entry. This time a wooden figurine. Last time it was copper. What's next? If you do a gold figurine, I wouldn't even be surprised anymore 🤣
Glad you could make it and best wishes on your entry 🫠
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Here we go PhotoChainers. Let's start the ball rolling.
Hi @davidesimoncini. Here's my entry to this week's Challenge.
I saw this colorful but broken ceramic pot in the garden this morning. It was under a pile of garden soil and almost missed it. When I saw it I knew I had found my broken piece. The other Keyword was much easier to find.
My Personal Keyword is CRACK.
Good luck everyone. Meanwhile, I eagerly await your entries @wakeupkitty.pal @joslud @solperez @henryclive @xiao-aine 🙂
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Nice one! Hope those pieces bring luck. Took the photo but I doubt it's clear.
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Thanks. We'll see if these are really lucky 😁
I'll check your photo soon as my sked permits. Have to do some errands first. 😊
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When did you break this? Did you try to glue it with Bison kit?
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I think one of the dogs broke this. They always have a fun time running around the garden chasing the cats and the birds. Must have bumped into it. This must have been broken more than once as you can see areas that have been glued already. My wife uses Bulldog glue. I don't think I've seen Bison kit being sold here anywhere.
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It is placed outside that the dogs can break it while chasing birds?
Is that glue brown as well? Perhaps it's the same?
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My wife used that for her succulent plant which she placed on a small stand outside the house.
I know the bulldog glue is transparent. Must be soil stains? 🤔
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Estos temas están más fáciles. La semana pasada no encontré nada de cobre, jajaja.
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Muy bien. So you can now join this week. I look forward to seeing your entry 😊
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Ops, a drawback that turned out to be a great inspiration for Photochain. Thank you for joining again, Gems. A big welcome and a big good luck! :D
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Uhm🤔 crack is a good subject, nice shot bro!
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You in this week? I am waiting for yours and cici's. ☺️
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I wanted to take a picture of my empty wallet and let you judge just how broke I am, but I wasn’t sure if that’s a valid entry😅
But, perhaps an empty cd case and an explosion of some kind will do:
Break / Empty / Crater
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An empty wallet is a good. Last time I had a wallet is...
The cases easily break, no broken CD?
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I only keep a wallet to store my receipts, money doesn't always thrive in it..
I do not have CDs myself, but I was rummaging through my brother's collection to see if I could find broken ones. Found none. He's very careful with his collection, I guess.
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Sounds as if we both have a secret cave. It's good to have a sibling. We had a few but threw it away and what I no longer need goes to the give away store where I can also take away what I like. Cool system just wish they have normal opening hours instead of making an appointment first.
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For someone who doesn’t own a lot of stuff, yes, it’s good to have a sibling.
That’s much better than throwing things away. Smart. Did you find any books there?
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That's a good system. Wish we had one like that. 👍
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Hahahah, I don't know for the first, but the second entry is perfect. Thank you for coming back to the new edition, Henryclive. Welcome to the current edition and a big good luck :)
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I was starting to regret not going with my first option, but then you said it’s perfect...so maybe I did something right. 😂
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C'mon guys @alexanderkass @bluelavender ?
Dory, if you see this, I'm inviting you now😇
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Thanks for the invite, Henry. Too bad I saw this late. 🥲
Though the broken statue and the empty CD case seem nice, I think the broke wallet would have been a very creative idea.
Peace ✌️
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Hi. You can join next week. This is a weekly contest although the objects or keywords will be different next week, depending on the winners. Hope you can join 🙂
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There's still time… but I should’ve invited you earlier. I thought you’d completely gone off the grid - only recently did I learn you were in stealth mode. 😎
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😒 Stealth mode??
Besides, I don't even have any idea what to post. Uh, except for a broken plate— which is prolly not helpful.
What's up with the dinosaur and music thing? I saw your comments in the-gorilla's post. Musical dinosaurs?
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Yep, stealth mode😉
A broken plate will do and the keyword 'empty' is easy to find. Please join 😊
✅ 🎶🦕
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Yes sire. Even though I might be too late 😁
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Am I mistaken, or was the photo supposed to be submitted within 72 hours of this contest's announcement?
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The contest runs from the start of the announcement until three hours before the post-payout time. That means you still have 2 more days to submit your entry.
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🤣🤣🤣 you know what, when I choose that "break/broken" last week, I was thinking the same like showing off my empty wallet too... 😂😂 But nobody will considered that as a subject 😂
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I will, definitely. It doesn't have to be physically manifested in the photo. It can be implied, which would even be more awesome.
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Empty wallet, empty cd case don't matter. All will do. We all know an empty wallet can mean the owner is broke. So your first option would have been fun. But what amazes me with your entry here was the probability of you finding an empty cd case with a photo of something breaking up in pieces. I would say zero probability but you found one. Lady luck is with you this week! Best of luck then to your entry. But I was half expecting the Cuervo to be all gone with the bottle beside a heartbroken Auggie 💔 🤣🤣🤣🤣
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If I hadn't found that CD, I would've settled for the wallet, but strangely...😁
This would've been the best option of all time! 😆😆
So, you find my key subject too easy? Hmm...I'll change my current one then.😂
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Hmmm a barcode is practically seen in anything bought nowadays. But depending on the other keyword, it might be difficult to combine. Take my keyword - Crack. If we both win that will be Barcode and Crack. You still think that's easy? I don't. 🤔
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It's still easy, I think. I changed it to crater 🤭 🤔
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To the mooooon we goooo 🤪
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Here is my photo for contest. I show BREAK and EMPTY with my subject STREET. The road near my friend house is break very bad, and today with rain it look more sad. You can see how water make street shine in night time. The street is so empty because of rain, nobody walking, no cars moving, just some parked cars and yellow lights making wet ground shine. The broken road with rain make big problems for people living here. Water make holes in road bigger. We need government to fix it. I take this photo to show how our street look at rainy night when it is empty and broken. The rain make everything look more lonely.
I ask , @nananrazila, @bimanakhan, and @leonciocastto submit their amazing ideas!
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That is a great interpretation and I am so happy you joined!
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Thank you, After you, I discovered another side of the comments in Steemit. I'm hanging out in the posts, making text, and testing my extension, haha! By the way, I noticed they refer to you as 'she.' Sorry, I always call you 'sir,' and you never corrected me.
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Actually, @wakeupkitty and I have never been formally introduced. I just assumed she was female so refer to her as 'she'. She never corrected me either. So when someone like you calls her sir, I would begin doubting myself 😆😆😆
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Hello @kafio. Welcome to the PhotoChain Challenge, the comment contest that promises to bring out the creativity in you and at the same time enjoy it. So sorry to hear the sad condition of the streets in your place. But there is also some good that come out of it. You were able to picture it and enter the PhotoChain Challenge 😉 But seriously speaking, I know just how frustrating bad roads can be. Here in our country the government builds roads that deteriorate so fast owing to the use of substandard materials. That is no secret here in our country. It's a good thing that rain only covers the holes in your roads. Here, especially when the rain is hard, the streets get flooded sometimes upto the rooftops of houses.
Anyway, your photo for me is so intense that I can really feel the gloominess of the empty and broken road. The street lights help in creating this mood too. This is a good entry. And I like your personal keyword of Street. It opens up a lot of possibilities. Best of luck to you and once again, welcome to PhotoChain! 😊
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My heart is broken this ventines day hahahaha. I just smile about the keywords this week. A lot of friends of me confessed of being heart broken and feeling empty..
God luck and congratulation winners
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It must be the weather I hear the same. The void taking over. It will get worse with our unhealthy lifestyles and if we forget to have a good laugh.
Btw, do you still have a laptop or just the phone? Youand your friends should sing together and keep the spirit high.
Take a shot of something that is broken. You can look in garbage bag.
@xiao-aine time to wake up! @serdak @ronnie10 @vipnata a picture with break and empty
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I posted, thanks for the reminder
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I got an idea for this break and empty. I will go there tomorrow morning..
I have no laptop. I didn't know how to use it. I use android phone only in blogging.
I will buy earphone first so I can sing here again.
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Great you have an idea and so have I. I hope to be in time since I have to do something else first.
Oh, I thought you had a laptop years ago. I phone is handy. Everthing at hand especially the photos you take.
I look forward to hear you sing.
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I will sing a song that you won't forget until I die my dear . I will buy a earphone first today.
I have many promise to draw too hahaha. So please God give me good health to carry on everything,
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just write down what you intend to do and take it step by step.
Did the family hear you sing?
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Yes, they know that I know how to sing. Every vacation what I was doing and miss so much is the karaoke session of the family. They sang few only and never turned the microphone, it was only for me.
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Me too 🫠
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Hey, join. Look at my entry!
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I will do it and thank you for the reminder
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Good idea but how to show that in a photo would be very difficult. Heart broken and empty.
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Yes, I need surgeon first . That's a joke but I have new idea later. Just toooooo busy for the ramadan preparation.
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Sweet... Simple and nice shot 🙌 plastic is kinda easy subject to find around, good luck!!
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Wonderful! Glad you can make it. Hope you cooked the inside after you broke the 🥚. Nice that you picked plastic. If you win, and I hope you do, this will be a really easy object to find and pair with whatever the other keyword will be. A very big good luck to you 🙏
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Hah, 22 hrs left I am in time! It was too cold to dive into the shed so I found something else inside. I broke it but did not break it to take this photo.
I kept it because it was a gift from a child and there's no bad luck.
Break - empty (the missingg piece which I threw away) - open
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I think we have something in common here, to keep broken things because the story behind it, who gave it and another story following.🤭
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It's good to see you back. It is still goid and I like the outside let me show you
And here is the next story 😁
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I like it!!
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Creativity is the name of the game. Your entry had me wondering where Empty is until you mentioned the missing piece. Of course, there's a blank space where the missing piece is! And blank means none or empty. Haha you got me there. Great one. Btw I was wondering what this is. It's obviously a mirror but why on both sides? For convenience? So regardless which side you open it there'll be a mirror? I asked my wife because obviously this is a female item. She said that's a mirror with a normal reflection on one side and a magnifying glass on the other. She showed me hers. I didn't know she had one like this too. Women. They do not cease to amaze me.
Best of luck to your entry 👍
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Congratulazioni ai vincitori
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Congratulations to everyone. That was a fun week, don't you think so? Well this week looks like it will be fun again. Empty and Break. Let's see what you guys cook up. Can't wait 😊
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Broken door (no door hole) or window into any abandoned empty house, maybe?
1st that came to my mind. The last week topic was very very nice! Lovely selection of pics.
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I got thus idea too, thank you for the suggestions. Before I see this comment, I want to open my heart how it looked broken and empty🤣🤣🤣
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Huh! I so badly wanted to take a picture of my empty wallet which indicates just how broke I am😆
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Or an axe and a piece of wood 🤔 I have both. Or break the bread...
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break the bread?.. empty sandwich i.e. with no topping? imo, thats correct!
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you can also break the day.... and stare into emptyness
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one may break your glasses and see nothing! blurry emptiness of the sky and space. I have a spare pair of broken glasses, which makes possible to emulate such a 'creative shoot'. but I do not want to do that - I already have bad memory about this pair of glasses.
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You guys do have fantastic ideas how to show the keywords. I am excited to see what you finally come up with 😃
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Wow, that's deep 😳
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Hmmm you just gave me an idea. Let's see. That's good thinking. I might have some pics of this. Agree, last week's topic was very very nice. 😊
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You already wait for 3 days.. It's quiet everywhere
@jiva34 @elva8 @steemadi do you have a photo where we can see a break and emptyness?
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Preoccupied with trying to resolve a credit crunch.
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I know how that feels. Hope you resolve the problem. 🙏
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AI art
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The spoon is empty, does the frog take a break or the cook?
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Display this in your room will give you good luck and prosperity according to the Chinese people.
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What is the display? I can use a little magic.
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Display it in your room as lucky charm according to them.
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Hmm, that's a good question.. I don't have anything springing to mind right now, but let me have a quick look through my photos and see if I can find something.
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Great, I know what I will do unless someone else will show the same but have to do something else first. Good luck!
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Hi. You can go through the comment section of this post and check out the entries. You might find something that fits. 😊
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It's the high of the previous week. Takes time for it to come down and restart all over again 😀 But not anymore. I see some stirrings already. Hopefully it continues 🙏
Thanks for remembering to invite people to the Challenge. I appreciate it very much 😊
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I will see who is willing to take a photo but it feels as if not that many are active right now. It isn't a holiday or? Well, to some it is and the student-mods said they have time and after that they disappeared. I need to clean up the communities a bit.
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With difficult subjects it would be hard to invite people. Maybe next week we will have easier ones and a much better response. 🙏
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@nana9, @dilesha, @mhizta can you share a photo with break and empty on it in the comment section of this photochain contest? You can add some text to explain or what made you take this photo.
Don't forget to add your personal keyword!
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I hope you don't mind if I elucidate more on what personal keyword means for the benefit of @nana9, @dilesha, @mhizta. When you share your photo with the two words Break and Empty please add any object found in your photo which becomes your personal keyword. If you win, this personal keyword will be one of the objects needed to be shown in the next Round.
Did I explain it clearly @wakeupkitty.pal? Hope I did. Anyway, looking forward to seeing the three of you here in PhotoChain. You will not regret it 😊
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I am fine with whatever you do. I only hunt for the heads and the rest is your job. LOL
You are better with it anyway. I saw you grabbed the change at Talkchannel, well done.
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Couldn't resist the urge to plug PhotoChain. 😁
I might need to do another PhotoChain post next week. Then I can tag your invitees. Hopefully next week's keywords will be much easier. 😊
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Still missing @cicisaja and @dipoabasch. I haven't forgotten about you guys 😄
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Me top. I believe the are gaming 🤔
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Shucks. I hope they remember. There's still time ⏲️
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I'll be there!
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Yay!!!! This is exciting!! 😆
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Congratulazioni ai vincitori.
Ti auguro una giornata felice
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Thanks @davidesimoncini, I'm sorry.. a bit hectic in the real life and couldn't find a spare time to check on steemit.
I have no idea whether my wife would jointed this week, because she didn't seem to talk much about the idea. So, I collected the broken things she kept for "who-knows-what's-that-for"😅 it's a jar glass, eggshell (she's making omelette) and I was thinking to raise a butterfly and cici was providing a cookie jar for me.
So.. that's it, my entry this week
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I'll join in .. got some idea and my phone is overheating again🤦 good luck!
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Yes!! So glad you could make it. I was wondering if you were going to show up. And you did. Good one though I couldn't help wonder what that purple thing is?
Best of luck this week 🙏
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کچھ چیزوں کی عمر چھوٹی ہوتی ہے۔ اور وہ بہت جلد ٹوٹ جاتی ہیں۔ خاص طور سے شیشہ۔ شہد شیشے کی بوتل میں اتا ہے۔ اور اگر احتیاط نہ کی جائے تو وہ ٹوٹ بھی جاتا ہے ۔مگر اکثر بچے شوق میں شیشہ توڑتے ہیں۔ میری تصویر بھی اس ہی سے ملتی جلتی ہے۔
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You missed something here @hafsasaadat90.
It's not just photo but also a key subject. Yeah right, you have an empty and broken things... But you need to add a personal third key subject. And you need to include it in the post.
Example : Break/Empty/Pieces or Broken/Empty/Clear .. so the third word must be showed up in your photo that you submitted. Thanks for joining and hope to see you around in the next edition
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The first photo is spot on @hafsasaadat90. It clearly shows the BREAK and EMPTY keywords. Fantastic! Welcome to PhotoChain. May you find excitement and challenge in this Contest to make you stay and be a regular here. Good luck to you.
But great as your photo is, you need to add another keyword or name another object that is found in your photo. So that if you win that object will become the next keyword in the next Round. Choices are "Honey", "Flowers", "Green", "Brown", "Glass", "Red", "Green", "White", and "Shadows". Choose one which becomes your personal keyword.
After choosing, you're good to go. Anyway, just edit your comment to include your personal keyword. 😀
Again, welcome to the PhotoChain Challenge. Glad you could participate. 😊
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