Il bibliotecario francese: cap. XXV

in hive-184714 •  last year 

A Lisbona dove al momento viveva, oltre al suo incarico in una prestigiosa università, la professoressa White dedicava parte del suo tempo libero a un’associazione di volontari incaricata di reclutare baby-sitter qualificate. La sua professionalità e dedizione l'avevano fatta giungere alla presidenza dell'organizzazione stessa. Generalmente, dati i tempi che correvano, soltanto poche famiglie elitarie potevano permettersi una tata per i figli e tra di esse figuravano tutte le coppie che avevano scelto la strada dell'adozione. Cioè le uniche, secondo la legge, aventi i requisiti per percorrerla. Le aspiranti baby-sitter venivano dichiarate idonee dall'associazione soltanto a seguito di una severissima selezione, ma nessuna mamma che avesse dato in adozione il proprio bambino poteva candidarsi. Però nel caso di Alberta stava accadendo qualcosa di sorprendente: sia la professoressa Mary White che l'assistente sociale Simone Fraga stavano mettendo in atto una strategia per riunire Alberta con i suoi piccini a dispetto di leggi e regolamenti. La signorina Fraga si era resa conto sin dal loro primo incontro che Alberta era una donna di assoluta discrezione e dunque non avrebbe commesso imprudenze in grado di cacciare nei guai tutte le persone coinvolte in tali penose pratiche. Né Simone Fraga né la professoressa White avrebbero potuto comportarsi allo stesso modo di fronte a una persona incline a chiacchierare, perché qualora scoperte, avrebbero perso i loro impieghi e pure la libertà. L'assistente sociale era appena contravvenuta al divieto di passare informazioni riguardo ai coniugi adottanti: si chiamavano Alfredo Mascarenhas e Renata Côrte-Real, un banchiere e una commerciante dall'attività bene avviata, una coppia facoltosa di Lisbona. La professoressa White aveva poi gestito la procedura di reclutamento della tata affinchè a casa dei Mascarenhas si presentasse soltanto una certa Alberta Moreira, giovane venticinquenne in ottima salute con il titolo di infermiera, che vantava un'esperienza lavorativa triennale in vari reparti ospedalieri. Nessun'altra aspirante tata avrebbe bussato alla loro porta. La donna possedeva anche un diploma secondario in economia e gestione domestica, dunque la direttrice dell'associazione aveva convinto i ricchi coniugi che l'infermiera in questione rappresentava quanto di meglio potessero ottenere.

Posti online in cui "Il bibliotecario francese" si trova:

1)camTV, in cui avevo pubblicato anni fa un'edizione precedente con il mio pseudonimo Giusy Gil Mammana Parisi

2)publish0x, nickname PousinhaDosPous, stesso avatar che ho qui su steemit

3)blurt (al momento fino al cap. XIII parte prima), stesso nickname e stesso avatar che ho qui su steemit

DISCLAIMER IN ENGLISH: I'm the author of this e-book (and other e-books too), previously published in the above mentioned platforms, using my pseudonym in one of them (camTV) and a similar but longer username in publish0x

Nota d'autrice: questo capitolo, così come il XXII (anche se più lunghetto rispetto a esso), è volutamente breve per le solite esigenze di copione. Allungarlo rovinerebbe la trama, dunque la brevità qui si fa d'obbligo.


Ps: immagine Pixabay royalty free, autore RichardMc (

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I saw you in publish0x and I hardly comment on posts there even here. I saw you publish same content in hive, publish0x, its fine for platform publish0x but be careful about hive because there are many downvoters there for finding cross posts. You'll be lucky if no one can find you but if someday you caught then your hive journey could be end. I was experienced downvoted because they find me active in steemit with good reputation but I post different article to both sites, I always post steem exclusive posts. I left hive because downvotes are very painful. Hope you’ll be safe there. Good luck.

Thank you for your concern, dear friend, but not reason to worry! I first publish on hive and only when time is passed I publish on publish0x. The same English disclaimer is clear under each post. Hive wants to be the first, while platforms like publish0x and blurt accept to be the second (as we only earn crumbs, compared to hive). And various other users do the same: first on hive and then on publish0x/blurt. About my e-book here: the community knows very well I'm the author, even if it's yet published elsewhere. That's why I don't tag steemexclusive. Same way, other users do so. Here the most important thing is to avoid plagiarism (copy/paste other people's works) and when we are the same authors there is no plagiarism, obviously. And to avoid the tag steemexclusive if the same topic (even if we are the authors) was published yet elsewhere and obviously it's understandable). And we also need to use a disclaimer as I do, so the community can know where it happened the first posting. I'm so sorry you experienced downvotes on hive. Sometimes it happens cause random bots. If in your case you shared the same content between hive and steemit, the matter could be the 2 platforms are not very good friends. Lot of us of the Italian, south American and African communities are members of both platforms, in any way. If the owners quarrel, it's not our fault. In my case, I only share the same content between hive/publish0x (first on hive, then on publish0x and the same do my Spanish and Italian friends) and publish0x/steemit/blurt (avoiding the tag steemexclusive, clearly), but never between hive and steemit. In any way, I also see friends who publish the same content among hive and steemit and they are free to do. I'm really sorry your account was targeted. Maybe, if you were in the Italian hive community, you'd probably could have solved the issue (this happened to other friends who were downvoted on hive).

Hey dear I've no problem if you sharing same content to different platforms but hive users with big power attack me like personal revenge and they directly told me the reason behind their Down vote was my good reputation in steemit for years. Fortunately or unfortunately my account shohana1 in hive hacked and I lost 1200+ hive right there. At that time the account worth $400. I suffered but I'm glad that you are on safe zone. I wish you earn more steem, hive, ETH and any crypto coins, I'll be always happy for your success around 💗🤗💖❤️

  ·  last year (edited)

Dear friend, I'm so sorry cause your bad experience! Thank you very much for your concern💖. Until I know, many accounts were hacked in hive, in spite of the very secure keychain. Maybe I catched where is the hole it lets private keys leakage: users using ecency interface instead of PEAKD faced hacking. Ecency interface doesn't pass through keychain to ask permissions and maybe there's the hole and consequently data leakage. I know people having lost thousands. And a close friend of mine lost assets worth 50K dollars. By my side, I never stake big amounts and I withdraw on monthly basis (as a lot of times this becomes my main job: my geographic area is very disfavoured and it often happens student's can't pay or there is no interest at ones' education). In addition, I'm at the second power down on hive. In any way, you are free to open a second hive account (this time, in the case you'll open a second account, I'd advice to join the Italian community and to choose the safer interface PEAKD instead of ecency). 💗

There is some culprits to attack my account personally and I've already lost my hive account. If I go back there I need a new account but I don't want fake account there so I prefer not to go back hive. You enjoy making money there my friend! Thank you!

Yes, I'm dedicating new e-books (unpublished) to the platform (posted only there). I really need to keep this job. Hugs and kisses!

my good wishes with you dear, I saw you are doing good there so as a friend I just alert you about bitter experiences I had there and I wish no one suffer like me. Hugs back!

Thank you, friend!
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