A beautiful moment of the whole day

in hive-184714 •  last year  (edited)

Hello friends, Assalamu Alaikum hope everyone is well. I am also very well and sometimes I come back at your request. I will show you some of the best moments of my day and I will bring those moments to you through a photo shoot.

After waking up in the morning, after brushing my teeth, I ate some food. After eating, I went out to go to the shop. There were many of our friends and there were two brothers with me and I did some photography with them in the morning. After the photography, we all got busy with our respective phones. I have shown you the busy moments where they were on the phone while I was texting them and shared that pic with you.


There I took a photograph with one of my brothers and took a selfie and I am sharing that selfie with you guys. Then I sat there and took a selfie of myself and I am sharing that photo with you.


We have a lot of beautiful clothes available in the store, it looks very beautiful and the lighting makes the store look very beautiful. That's why I came to you and shared the photo of the shop. It looks very nice there because of the lighting and we have very nice gentee pants available in our shop.


One of my elder brother was sitting there, he was very attentively tipping the mobile, while he was playing the mobile, I took his pic and shared that pic with you.


Then I came up from there. After coming up, the front looks very beautiful. When he took a peak in the glass, I very stylishly stood there and took that peak and shared that peak with you.


From there I came down to the shop and it was almost afternoon when I reached my shop. It was a bit cold. That's why I'm in the shop below in the afternoon and when I came to the shop below I took a tea from the shop in a very nice way and it looked very nice to eat tea that's why I came among you and picked up the pick of tea very nicely. I am sharing with you and because tea looks so beautiful in the afternoon, I am having tea and after having tea I am sharing this pic with you.


Then took those four hands and took a selfie with Achar and me and you. I shared that selfie. I feel better after drinking tea and I had a sore throat so I drank tea and the pain subsided a lot.


After having tea there I came to my own shop and when I came to the shop I cleaned the doa alone very well and sat in the shop it is very nice to sit alone in the shop and not everyone is sitting alone because of this I was sitting in the shop and felt very upset.


From there I cleaned up the store very nicely and shared with you the pic around the store. It looked very nice there because of the lighting the shop itself looks very nice yes I'm almost in the shop below I turned the camera to the side and took a very nice side pic. I took a picture of the aura on the right side of this page and shared it with you.



Sitting there alone was feeling very boring so uncle came down from upstairs after a while. While my uncle and I were sitting, my friends were roaming around as they came to my shop. Spend some time with them and like to gossip a lot and chat a lot. They were very nice and we took a selfie between them and it was very nice to spend those beautiful moments with them and I am sharing the time with you and I gave it to them.


Yes then around eight o'clock in the night we close the shop because it's eight o'clock. I closed the shop and went to the market. I saw an uncle cutting snow very beautifully. I took a picture of him while cutting and shared that picture with you. It looked very beautiful and at night. Because of that light it looks more beautiful because of that I picked up Kusar's pic very beautifully and I share it with you.


There was a lot of lighting around when I came home from the market after going for a walk. That's why the road looked so beautiful and I felt so good on the way that's why I took a pic of the road and shared it with you.


From there I returned home. After returning home, I went home. My younger sister likes to take pictures of many people. She took my phone in her hand and took a very beautiful picture. That's why I shared this picture with you. It was very beautiful and those moments of the night and the whole day. I have shared the beautiful ones among you. Yes, if you like it, you will support me again. I will bring you some beautiful moments again.


I will come back to you again, I will share the moments of the day with you through pictures and through writing, I want to explain many things to you, if there are any mistakes, please forgive us and you all will support me again with the beautiful moments of the day. I will come back to you again, peace be upon you.

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