10 Principles To Increase Brain Power | boost your mind

in hive-184794 •  3 years ago 

To Increase Brain Power

In this article, you will learn 10 principles that will increase your mental capacity. Remember that the human mind is the only thing that can make it successful or unsuccessful. That is why it is so important to be strong. And that's what you're going to learn in today's article.

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1. You can't be multitasking

The human brain can never do more than one thing at a time. Indeed, the human brain can only do one thing at a time. If you are taking more than one task at a time from your brain, you are harming it. By doing so, you are making your mind sick. Many people are busy with one task and at the same time, their focus is on the other task. For example, many people use a mobile phone while driving. Sometimes their focus is on the car and sometimes on the mobile. Many people use mobile phones while eating. Doing so affects a person's memory. Nerve cells are damaged. And gradually, the brain loses the ability to think deeply. So focus on just one task at a time. Doing so not only boosts your mental strength but also your thinking ability. And focusing on one task at a time, the human brain works better. Which gives the best output.

2. Teach Others

Teaching people also increases mental strength. Any work that you are doing, if you start teaching it to others, that work will be stored in your mind for a long time. If we read something, only ten percent of it is stored in our brain. Many students read books in school, college. But as soon as the exams come, they forget everything. Because they just read. They do not understand by reading. If you read, understand, and explain to others, the same subject will store in your mind for a long time. If you listen to something, then 20% of it is stored in your mind. For example, if you read something and then hear it from someone, that thing may be stored in your mind for a long time.

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But if you saw a scene. 30% of it will be stored in your mind for a long time as you look at a picture or a place. Fifty percent of it will be stored in your mind if you see and hear it as well. For example, if you watch a video, 50% of it will store in your mind. But if you listen to it, see it, and then write it down, that is, make notes, then the same thing stores in your mind seventy percent. But if you listen to something, see it, and then teach it to others, the same thing is stored in your mind for 90% of your time. This means that if you read, watch, write, and then teach these brain principles to your friends, they will stay in your mind for a long time.

3. Exercise

Exercise is not only good for your body, but it is also very important for your mind. There is a deep connection between exercise and the brain. Exercise helps the blood to reach the human brain. And it improves blood circulation. The brain carries plenty of oxygen. Which makes every part of the brain active. So exercise for an hour daily or go to the ground for sports. So that oxygen and blood can reach your brain well. And give your mind a chance to refresh.

4. Think with Pen and Paper

If you want to think of something better, take a pen and paper and then think. For example, if you think about how to succeed? So write the question on the page and think about which job you are most expert in? Or what is your passion? Write the answer below the question. Then think about how you can make yourself successful? The answer should be below is that by working hard, not wasting time, learning better and better. And that's the best way to think. As soon as you think something serious, keep the pen and paper with you. And write down whatever ideas come to mind. Try it out. This is an effective way of thinking.

5. Train your Brain

Just as exercise is very important to keep the body active, so is training to keep the mind active. The human brain has become very slow in terms of the time of today. It would not be wrong to say that man has made it too slow. So you have to train your mind to become a successful person. For example, you want to eat something right now, but if you have control of yourself and do not eat something. Then you will strengthen your mind. If you plan to get up early in the morning and you don't get up, it means you haven't trained your mind. Remember not to be a slave to the mind itself but to make the mind your slave.

6. Take Actions

Thousands of thoughts come to the mind of an average person every day. And 98% of these thousands of ideas are repetitive. Only 2% of ideas are new. Now you have to filter these ideas. Write down, the ideas you have for improving your life and take action on them.

7. Learn, Learn and Learn

You must have heard from most people that I know everything. Or I have learned everything. Such people do not want to move forward. They don't want to learn. Human memory is 2.5 million GB. Don't know how many books can be stored in it? So don't be afraid to learn. The more you learn, the more successful you will be. And it will also strengthen your mind.

8. Healthy Diet

60% of the human brain is made up of fats. That is why healthy fats are very important for the human brain. Healthy fats mean polyunsaturated fats and monounsaturated fats. In addition, omega-3 fatty acids are very important for your brain. Which are found in almonds, walnuts, cashews, and peanuts. All the dried fruits are very important for your brain.

9. Meditation

The eyes use about 65% of the power of the human brain. Therefore, to relax the mind, it is necessary to relax the eyes. Meditation is very important for this. You have to go to an environment where you have no disturbed. Don't choose a noisy place. There must be a relaxed atmosphere. You have to sit in such a place. And to be calm, to get rid of all unnecessary thoughts, to close your eyes, and remember God. It has many benefits. Meditation gives a lot of relaxation to your eyes and mind. Focus improves and blood pressure returns to normal. That is why it is said that the remembrance of God gives peace to the hearts.

10. Brain Power

The human brain consumes 20% of the oxygen of the whole body. That's why it's important to give your brain oxygen effectively. Take a deep breath and release it slowly. This also helps oxygen to reach the brain better.

Make the most of water use. Exercise daily and increase your brainpower. And don't waste the energy coming out of your brain. Rather generate ideas from it. Think more and more about how you can go so far in life.
I hope you have learned a lot from this article. If you liked this article, be sure to share it with your friends. So that they too can benefit from this useful information.

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