RE: Psychorehabilitation

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in hive-185836 •  last year 

I don't have Dropbox.
I have a disc like this
but I've never used it. You could try it.

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That’s very good to know. You should then be able to access it on a Google drive. I’ll upload it and share a link here.

Let's give it a try ))

  ·  last year (edited)

Привет @petface
The video is almost done.
Can you please tell me how I can put your name in the description of the video.

Just go by my screen name here, petface. That should do, shouldn’t it @bambuka?

Thank you)
That's what I did!

Great, it worked and I downloaded your file.
Thank you so much.
I'll start working with it tomorrow.
I like your voice and the way you dubbed the text 🖐 😊 👍