Photo of the week #114 | Submissions post | high-rise

in hive-185836 •  last year 

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Photo of the week #114

Dear photo lovers

Today, looking at the city blocks, we came up with the theme of next week. We invite you to share photos of high-rise buildings.


So... theme of next week is high-rise in any form!
Of course, you can post photos on any topic, but theme of the -high-rise- will take priority
Аnd... as usually, the most expressive and original photographs win!

Well am-m-m... now, let's pick the winners. what did we get last week? The result can be described as "quantity would become quality"
Тhank you for your participation!

Congratulations to @eto-ka, who got the most upvotes.
Prize is 1 Steem!


Now the time has come to reward the authors whose photos were included in the top of the favorits.
The first one is... is... is... @barski

Looks like this is exactly what we wanted to see in this round!!!

Prize is 1.5 Steem + trail upvote of @Xpilar


Silver is going to @isabelpena
1.25 steem + trail upvote of @Xpilar


Bronze is going to @silviadiez
1 steem + trail upvote of @Xpilar


Three winners will receive a community @worldofxpilar upvote! Post must be created on WORLD OF XPILAR community

0.5 steem + trail upvote of @Xpilar
to @axeman-appics



The participants listed below receive HM+0.25 $teeM:

That,s all for today. Nothing else caught our attention :-(


Competition start on 15 of January and ends on 22 of January (payout time)

The basic rules:

  • Upvote, Resteem the initial post or Update post
  • Use only your own photos! Any attempt to steal other's work is considered a serious infraction, we will cancel yours qualification permanently
  • Add photo to initial post. The photo can be on any topic, of any quality. No restrictions (except violence and porn)
  • A participant cannot upvote his own photo


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Stand by

Sincerely yours



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Небоскрёбы-небоскрёбы, а я маленький такой... надо поискать ))

@alexey1976, I am more than sure see some marvelous stuff will pop up from you this round. looking forward.

Tomorrow I will prepare my photo for this contest)

Thanks! Congratulations to all participants!
Sometimes, architectural thought is not destined to come true and it remains an unsolved mystery, like this reinforced concrete tower in the middle of the same, strange, unfinished architectural complex.

I think it's great, I'm attracted to abandoned buildings and this one is worthy of a reportage.
Good luck in the contest @barski

Thank you, yes, this place is quite interesting, but, it is somewhat dangerous for walking :)

Guao muy impresionante construcción abandonada supongo.
Wow, very impressive abandoned building I guess.

Prefiero ver la versión completa :)

There is nothing higher.. yet.. :)

PS.. My memory not so long, lol. But well, sometimes just makes sense to go back to archives for something "fresh". Changed the pictures, but still "the tallest" :)


As I understand it, this is after the inscription ran through the building - Binance? :)

Uze bylo :-/

Yes, I remember this photo already took part, ... and won - its very cool .... and so memorable capture!

Спасибо @mister-omortson и всем проголосовавшим!
Очень радостно.

Для нового этапа, фотография, сделанная у подножия небоскрёбов Москва-сити 4 января 2020г. Один из небоскрёбов подсвечивает облака.


А ты была на них?

Я был, и даже фоткал их во время стройки -- в 2008 году. Случайно оказался...

забавно :)

так ить показывай :)

там всего 2-3 фоточки, без дублей особо. таки приберегаю... :) вот думал на этот раунд вывесить, но нашел кое-чего поинтереснее.


Я в марте 2021 глинтвейн пил на крыше.

А, есть, значит, выход совсем на крышу. Не, на открытой площадке не была.

судя по сайту там перестройка большая произошла со времени, когда я там был.

Да. На Федерации, в ресторане. Как раз тогда и фотографировала.

в ресторане? а не на самой верхушке? Там чисто "буфетик". :)

Он на верхнем этаже, вроде. На крышу не уверена, что есть выход.Большой пафосный ресторан, не буфетик. У нас входил в состав экскурсии обед там. Хотели дозаказать десертик, посмотрели в меню на цены и отдали меню обратно без заказа. :D

да как? смотровая площадка именно на крыше.

One gets the impression that these buildings are carved from black opal. The beauty!

Thank you!

You are welcome!

  ·  last year (edited)

Felicitaciones una estupendas participaciones.

Congratulations a great participation.

Hotel Riu Plaza España


Is it a big hive? :) Apparently, rich bees live in it!

it is a very tall building, a very tall and well known hotel



hi! this is my entry this week.


Привет! Спасибо за приз!

Участвую 8))


I don't know how comfortable it is to live at the very top :), Cool photo.

It is not for folks living apartments. It is for offices of effective Gazprom managers, lol

Okay, good target, get the coordinates.

Hit at St.Petersburg and you will not miss
Oh wait, boddhisattva and me live here, its our home, bazki

Yes, it's hard to miss, we'll hit :)

Yes, as far as I know, it's an office building. There are videos on the Internet taken from the top. Very impressive! It is the tallest skyscraper in Europe.


People don't learn from the mistakes of their ancestors, lol, the Tower of Babel was also planned to be the tallest.

Rich people have their own quirks!

Sometimes, it is determined by their word :)

I suddenly met a video

Hope you can open it

Thank you, but my mother does not allow me to follow such links, Odessa is my mother, and I myself don’t want to.

Conceptual façade of a skyscraper in Barcelona.

Torre Diagonal 008.jpg

  ·  last year (edited)

Thanks for 0.025 Steem @mister-omortson
Congrats to winners. Great pics🍒🌈🏆

My entry for High Rise

High Rise Buildings a1.jpg

High Rise Poster Art

0.025? :)

0.250 Apologise :)

This is a very glamorous sleeping area :) Great job!


Hello to all, here is my entry
saint Stephan.jpg


I love this one!

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Thanks @mister-omortson for the mention and congrats all the winners!

ජයග්‍රහණය කළ සියළුම දෙනාට සුභපැතුම්.ඇත්තටම මෙම කන්ටෙස්ට් කදිමයි.එය පළකල කෙනාටත් බොහොම ස්තූතියි


Congratulations for the winners

My entry: Abandoned baseball field lights. Olympic Village, Ciudad Bolivar, Venezuela.

Thank you very much. I am happy !! Congratulations to the winners.

20220625_114127 (2).jpg

We took the picture while visiting Dinghi Restaurant



Congrats to the winners! Nice photos!

Here's my submission. This building is called "The Pinnacle @ Duxton". These 7 blocks of 50 storey was completed in 2009 and currently still the tallest government-built housing in Singapore.

Situated and edge of our CBD, this architecture nicely rivals many towering commercial skyscapers. Yet, it blends very well with a decades-old park that borders it.


Shot with Oppo Reno 3 Pro - Night Mode

Nos,talán nem a lehet hogy sohasem gondolnátok :ez a szines-mókás épület bizony a szemétégető itt Bécsben!
Szép napot és nagy Gratuláció minden eddigi nyertesnek!

Hi everybody, this is a part of the Sforza Castle in Vigevano Italy, not that tall now, perhaps it was at the time XIII-XIV century :). I took this picture about 5 years ago.

Hi friends. This is my entry. Thanks!
