Friday Challenge - President For A Day: Scotland

in hive-185836 •  5 years ago 


Dougal MacKenzie by @stef1




Hello my dear Steemians and Art Fans,


Thank you @steemitblog and @steemcurator01 for organizing such regular challenges and this interesting topic today that I believe will bring up many submissions.

I think throughout our lives predominantly in our childhood we have moments we wish to be a president of the country where we live.

Here in Scotland the First Minister is Nicola Sturgeon, her background is lawyer and I also have done her portrait with soft pastel that I wanted to present you.



Nicola Sturgeon by @stef1



Trenner groß.png


“First Minister” of Scotland for a day


Once again in the past I thought Scotland is a separate country but later on I found that it is a part of UK and already for many centuries it is trying to be independent and be a country itself with its own rules and regulations and not depend on Westminster.

Therefore let’s imagine that everything is possible.

Due to current situation of Brexit, Scotland is going to be taken out of EU but there are many historical reason why Scotland wants to remain in EU and be part of European countries that would be my main two goals for a day:




  • 1 . Scotland to return to European Union, because there are historical connection between European countries and Scotland:


There is a long history and connection between Europe and Scotland, actually starting from Picts that is ancient Celtic folk that lived in Western Scotland and was known well by Roman Empire.

After 13th of October 1307 or “Black Friday” the Templar escaped from France and found shelter in Scotland and that was also in “The Da Vinci code” by Dan Brown

Up in North Scotland there is very close connection with Norway many have ancestors from Norway too.



  • 2 . Scotland to join Nordic Council: is the official body for formal inter-parliamentary co-operation among the Nordic countries: Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, and Sweden as well as from the autonomous areas of the Faroe Islands, Greenland, and the Åland Islands.


All the countries have a historical connection and this is Vikings the ancestors of all Nordic nations. To open an open trade with those countries, free movement for people to enable them to live, study and work would that would make Scotland attractive for tourists and could bring more business and economical growth.



„Viking ship“ by @Stef1


That definitely would be the most successful day in the whole Scottish history who knows that may can come true :)


I hope you enjoyed my post and thank you for viewing :-)


Trenner groß.png




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Шотландец такой колоритный

Спасибо, моя любимоя работа :)

Hello friend, your art is wonderful, I congratulate you for being selected steemit curator, at the address is the publication, greetings and it is good to know that you will be there to support the art

Thank you @betzaelcorvo and we wiill do our best in supporting Art throughout Steemit :)

It is just nice to learn some history about Scotland but I know that they wanted to be independent from UK for so many reasons @stef1 and it is complicated and hard because the UK government is opposing the idea.

Thank you @cryptopie, it is a beautiful history and a lot of event int his little land so hopefully one day it was be able to make its own decision :)

Duncan MacCloud the highlander was a famous Scottish hero also:):)
I came to say hello and see your beautiful artworks dear Stef:) i am making new artworks and posting them at makersplace, i think you would like them:)


Hi George and it is really nice to see you again here. It is really noticeable that you are not around. Wonderful Gif and it is your recognizable style. Thank you for stopping by :)

Ты такая талантливая! Каждая картина - настоящий шедевр. А этот шотландец очень похож на одного из героев моего любимого сериала. Ты не смотрела "Чужестранку"?

te felicito, es muy bueno tu post.

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