@wox-helpfund: do you think that Steemians need it?

in hive-185836 •  5 days ago  (edited)




Hello my dear Steemians,


I would be grateful for anyone who just visiting my blog for any reason could read the post and also to leave your thoughts and comments after your read it.


Helping by Liking


Time to time when I see that there is someone who needs some help I am trying to do my best and to collect some people together so that we all together could help out with our Upvotes to gather some Steem. This is the best feature of such platform that while liking something we can grant some Steem and luckily Steem has its value that could be converted into currencies and people can get financial support and that is the best characteristic of Steemit platform and Steem. Slowly many who are here for a long time know that great side-effect of blogging and that is why many are here.


Charity: help or look away


I think it is well known in every country and every society that there are always some organisation that help to support many different things like:

  • Red Cross is always there where extreme condition, war, children in need

  • UNICEF the major emergency fund for children

  • Cancer charity organisations there are many organisations worldwide and in each country and also many private people running them

There are indeed many of those organisations but still it seems not enough.

There are people who ready to come for help even when they donate little, but they just can not look away. We all know that doing this we will not make the number of people in need less but we know that we will make a little change for those people.

Some people get annoyed seeing this kind of calls for help and it is true that we, as human with time get overfilled with that and if initially one is able to make many people to contribute with time people will try to avoid you.

As an example, what we have in Europe Ukrainian War, you might remember how it was in the beginning every country was ready to help with taking refugees, offering them shelter, jobs and governments their help financial and military. Now it is going into year 3 in February next year and it is noticeable how some politicians calling for stopping help, but what is changed? Maybe just our heart becoming more hart and resistant and we are losing our compassion for others.


@wox-helpfund: do you think that Steemians need it?




Here on Steemit, we have since May 2021 @wox-helpfund that is created by @xpilar who regular donating Steem for different users, who posting about their Fate. The fund helped so many users and there are so many users who continuously spending % from their posts to @wox-helpfund so that account grows and be able to help with those collected funds.

Yesterday I noticed those two posts that I displayed as title image:





And today there was another post:





I am glad for those users @sabrip and @cive40 and hope that it will give them a little bit of help.

*I am glad that the board members: @o1eh @sultan-aceh @adeljose @steem.botto @xpilar decided to donate the funds.

Seeing that despite of the announcement of those donation there were no comments that is why I wonder:

  • maybe nobody needs this Fund and nobody has an interest if it is doing anything or not

  • maybe it is just wasting time and resources?

  • and if it is stopped and closed down, will then anyone be sorry about that

So many questions and what is the correct answer? I do not have any and you?

Somehow I like this Help Fund and wanted to share the payout of this post with our little Heart-Fund @wox-helpfund





Trenner groß.png


  • Unbenanntg-1.png

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Привет Стеф, я понимаю твои эмоции когда ты пишешь важный пост и под ним не видишь реакции читателей в виде комментариев.

С другой стороны это может быть проявлением скромности некоторых людей. Они поддерживают проект, саму идею помощи, но ... как часто многие спекулируют на этих эмоциях (это я не про посты, а про комментарии под ними, когда комментаторы отмечаются, чтобы быть на виду).

Как только образовался этот фонд поддержки я отчислял в него проценты некоторое время. Но не всегда получается держать эту тему в голове. Пропустив несколько раз, я стал пропускать чаще и потом совсем забыл к своему стыду.

У тебя была хорошая мысль о постоянной настройке под постом. Я бы ей воспользовался.

А что касается нужности или ненужности этого проекта ... ты сама знаешь, что он нужен. Есть много людей, нуждающихся в любой помощи, даже просто в поддержке словами.

Hi @stef1, I understand your emotions when you write an important post and you don't see the reaction of readers in the form of comments under it.

On the other hand, it may be a manifestation of some people's modesty. They support the project, the very idea of helping, but ... how often do many people speculate on these emotions (I'm not talking about posts, but about comments under them, when commentators are marked to be visible).

As soon as this support fund was formed, I deducted interest into it for a while. But it's not always possible to keep this topic in mind. After skipping a few times, I started skipping more often and then completely forgot to my shame.

You had a good idea about constantly tuning in under the post. I would have used it.

And as for the necessity or uselessness of this project ... You know you need him. There are many people who need any help, even just words of support.

Правду говоришь, со временем если никто про проект не говорит не пишет, люди забывают. Конечно, много людей кому нужна помощь но если люди не будут поддерживать фонд то как ему существовать.

Это должно быть как страховка здоровья, из него будут платить для людей которые заболевают.

я думаю значимость фонда в самом факте его существования как жеста доброй воли и помощи человеку в трудной ситуации (не обязательно здоровье, ловушек в жизни много бывает). Человеку нужна поддержка и порой моральная важнее денежной. Но я понимаю, что порой без денег тоже ничего не сделать. Так порочно устроено наше общество.

Я уже упоминал, что было бы удобно иметь функцию сохранения настроек бенефициантов. Люди не держат постоянно в голове то, что не касается непосредственно их самих.
"Любая новость живёт три дня" (с)
С постоянной настройкой было бы удобно и фонд пусть малыми дозами, но пополнялся.
Возможно имеет смысл подумать над каким-то "поощрением" тех, кто жертвует свои средства в фонд.

1 maybe nobody needs this Fund and nobody has an interest if it is doing anything or not

2 maybe it is just wasting time and resources?

and if it is stopped and closed down, will then anyone be sorry about that

  1. For myself, I will say that I did not even know about such a fund.
  2. If the sun rises, then someone needs it. I hope that people really help those in need with their funds.
  3. Many of our Steem colleagues will definitely not notice this.
    Personally, I am ready to say that 5% of each of my posts will be allocated to this fund.

Thanks, it is the case, there are still many who do not know about the fund , if many contribute with their small % then for it will be easy for people who normally pay into the pot.

That's often a thing with comments, if there are no comments, it doesn't mean it's not useful. It would be a great pity if the account was closed.

Yes, like I mentioned above the good projects and initiatives are often being silently accepted, we like them but we do not spread these news. We know that people behind the project working and this is for free, this do because they wish to help. The Fund is their own funds, often what they earned with posts and often what is sponsored by the same people. If that WOX-Helpfund would be supported by majority of Steemians just with their Upvotes and re-steems and of course, nice words, that would have much more in their fund to help.

It think the account definitely adds value to Steemit, and can be a great help to a few people who have nowhere else to turn in a time of desperate need.

@wox-helpfund has value not only in the sense of tangibly helping people, but also in the sense of setting a good example of "giving back to the community."

I think it's also important for the account to keep growing its Steem Power, perhaps to the point where there might not be help directly available, but someone struggling can get a nice upvote as a "gift," instead.

Yes, I agree, if the account would be growing with regular Upvotes, that is what anybody can contribute without much giving away and if account would have high value of Steem Power then it would be easy to help too. Currently regular posts from Helpfund accounts generate regular Steem Power but that is still very little considering the amount that is needed if it decides to donate.

Like any project it needs more visibility, support of users around on Steemit and also some encouraging words that is a driving force for anything in this life, because again we are human, often inspiration, encouragement alone can motivate. There was a lot of negative publicity about WOX recently so we need positive vibes too.

@adeljose is one of the main members who brings in Proposal on who to donate and also, he checks funds and suggest we Dontate, then we all members can see the post and Decide in the Discord. Like you said, I wonder why the engagements are low on these posts

Greetings friend, many times people who are related to these cases, are busy and focused on their personal situation, for example, I see that the friend @cive04 has been inactive during these days, which could be unaware that this help was made effective to cover some medical expenses.

  ·  5 days ago (edited)

Thank you @adeljose, it is not the point of waiting for the reaction of those in need it is a point of to know if other people also willing to support this project @wox-helpfund. It needs more re-steems, it needs more supportive comments, again for those who are in "Board" and making decision, mobilising resources and searching for people in need. Those people who are running projects need to be encouraged with simple comments.

I know that there are many who constantly sharing their rewards with WOX-Helpfund and they are listed regular in the posts of Fund, some dedicate % in their every post and some more but time to time. We need that this is seen shown and that people joining that action. Because without recourses Fund can not help. I hope you understand what I mean, thank you for being a part of the team behind the projects!