Pencil Drawing Artwork - Miss

in hive-185836 •  4 days ago 


Pencil Drawing Artwork.

Yesterday I made another picture, a picture of a teenage girl who was missing her mother, in the picture I made random hair sections, right down to the eyes that looked blankly and sharply.

This picture that I made according to my own imagination is just a picture of a teenager missing his mother who is in a far away area.

In drawing this too, I made it in stages, which you can use as a guide, for you to study at home, during holiday activities tomorrow and Sunday. let's see it below:

Stages of Completing Pencil Drawings






Stages of Completing Pencil Drawings


that's what I can say, hopefully it's useful.



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Your artwork is always outstanding

hai @crafter
thank you for looking at my picture,
just an ordinary picture, maybe because I'm not tired and relaxed, that's why I made a slightly better picture,
thank you too, you're happy to see it ok :)