Pencil Drawing Artwork - Twilight Princess Wears Hijab

in hive-185836 •  3 days ago 


Pencil Drawing Artwork.
Twilight Princess Wears Hijab

Today, I will show again a twilight girl who wears the hijab, inspired by a twilight girl who is known to be affectionate and a children's education teacher in an inland village, who has educated many village children to be better in behavior and even teaching school subjects.

So, I made a pencil drawing with several stages of pencil drawing until completion, which you can follow as an initial guide to learning to draw at home on a piece of land.

Below are the stages when I draw a pencil at home, let's see below:

Stages of Completing Pencil Drawings









Pencil Drawing Completed


that's the whole picture I've made, I hope you all at home enjoy seeing it.

good luck in learning to make pencil drawings at home, good luck



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Very beautifully piece as always. I love your works and they always motivate me to want to try mime.

thanks for watching @mboma
yes...I'm not good at drawing pantomime yet :)

Oh, okay.

  ·  2 days ago (edited)

Lovely piece of work brother .i can see , Very Much improvement in your artworks . Great 👍

Keep up the Good Work.

Thank you for looking and commenting @rasyid001
You have to work hard, sometimes it's a little difficult to try to improve, you're tired, because you have other work, if this picture, I made it when I was relaxing and a cup of coffee was in front of me, heheheh