SEC-S18W1 I Survive by Pure Anxiety

in hive-188619 •  2 months ago 


Hello friends!

Describe what situations can cause you anxiety.

We have anxiety live with us on our daily existence. These are situations that tend to keep us unstable for a moment. We can not remove the fact that it exists, but what worries us more is the fact that it occurs even when we don't expect it.

Some of the situations that bring on anxiety include our daily work activities. As a field salesman, this is one aspect that keeps driving anxiety at every pop. The thoughts of chasing targets to meet up with our monthly expectations is one thing that keeps anxiety on the table.

Just like a few days ago, we had some unknown gunmen shot at some military men at a checkpoint on duty. Unfortunately, about three of them were killed in this gun duel. It was a terrible scene for ete whitness who saw this scanerio played out.

For people like us who heard the incidence hours later, we were also scared and apprehensive of possible reprisals from the Nigeria army. This is their usual way of getting back on the innocent civilians for the losses incurred. I was somewhere a little far from the home, on hearing the whole scenario and also the curfew on the ground, I became gitated.

I had to drive in such a speed that was necessary for me to get home to advertise any possible attacks from any quarters. During this moment, I was terrified, filled with anxiety.


How do you deal with this feeling?

Dealing with issues surrounding anxiety would clearly come from walking away from circumstances that promote anxiety. You see this word called anxiety. We should be able to know when to walk away from perceived spaces that promote it.

Walking away from relationships that promote negative energy, walking away from arguments that lead to disagreements, walking away from the tensed environment, etc.

Some tips to avoid suffering from anxiety.

My first tip is to WALK AWAY from situations that cause anxiety. Just as mentioned above, doing this and also timely is the key to avoiding most of the anxiety. This would help us limit the damages from anxiety.

Since we can not really avoid the occurrence of anxiety, we should also have to indulge seriously in EXTRA CURRICULAR activities. These are activities mainly different from our usual circle of activities. It helps bring stability to our nerves.

For specific or reoccuring anxiety patterns we dace, like in our olace of work, we should try to put a stop to it by strategizing on improving our perfirmance. This is a kind of permanently removing anxiety.

In summary, anxiety is part of the human emotional type that would surely show up from our numerous engagement activities, be it personal or in groups. One thing that should be certain is that we should always know when to walk away or distract ourselves from them all.

I'm inviting; @pandora2010, @yonaikerurso, and @maryamnadeem

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  ·  last month (edited)
Dear @chima09,,Greetings to this contest,,

Anxiety is present in all of our lives. We all have different types of anxiety due to our different activities and even our work style. As you mentioned one of your friends opened fire on unknown gunmen and three of them were killed. Such unexpected events really make us anxious. We all should get enough sleep and work out to overcome our anxiety. In this case the dance mentioned by you can be very effective.

•Best Regards,

Hello hello.
How terrible to read that there was a confrontation and that several died, that must be very ugly.
I think anxiety is so strong that small things wake it up.

Success in the challenge 🤞🏻
Many blessings.


Yes my friend its life and it had situation which Makes us worry and we start thinking about the situation.

Definitely it made us worry and we become anxious to solve the problem immediately who h we are facing.

We have anxiety live with us in our daily existence. These are situations that tend to keep us unstable for a moment.

Yeah sometimes we faced it on daily basis and we have to solve it.

Good luck
