SEC-S14W3 | What I bring for travel?🧳

in hive-188972 •  7 months ago  (edited)

Time to pack! 💺

After enjoying the possibilities of surviving in different natural scenarios during last week, now is coming the moment to think about all that stuff we use to consider at the time to make any trip, no matter is frequently made or extraordinary ones by few opportunities a year... We all need something to pack up before starting the adventure. So, let's keeping having a nice journey in TS community letting know what we bring for travel.

Picture taken from Pexels and edited with Inshot app

Topic Description

One of the most exciting moments when it's time to make any trip, no matter if this is short or long on duration... packing all the essential elements you're sure you will be needing to travel is definitely important for this purpose and avoid any issue during the expected journey. So, let's enjoy this contest and see: What you bring for travel?

Hints to take in count

  1. What kind of bag do you prefer to keep things for travel: rucksack or suitcase?

  2. Which are the basic things you can't leave before the trip: toothpaste, brush, facemask, etc.

  3. What type of food and snacks you'd rather to have for a great trip?

  4. Take describing pictures of your suitcase or rucksack with some of the objects you'll take for a great travel.

Rules to follow contest

• Make sure you're posting in Traveling Steem Community.
• Set Title as: SEC-S14W3 | What I bring for travel? | [Your personal heading].
• Create an original text of 300 words as minimum.
• Put at least 3 pictures of your own or get free-use ones from Pixabay, Pexels and more (not directly from Google, FB, etc).
• Any native language is welcome to post.
• Is mandatory the #steemexclusive status, without doing a cross-posting article on other websites and not using any bot service for upvotes.
• Authors have to join the #club5050, #club75 or #club100.
• Use tag #travelingsteem-s14w3 and the one from your country (for example #bangladesh), moreover of #burnsteem25 if you set 25% to @null as benefactor.
• Resteem/vote this contest and invite 3 friends to join it.
• Enter your link in the comments section of this publication from 11 to 17 of Dec at 12 AM UTC. And also your promotion in X platform but in your own comment section.
• To be eligible as potential winner, you must get at least 10 upvotes and 5 valid comments from others while you partake the most part of other communities' contests in the SEC event, engaging with active users and voting to them too.


Contestants will be getting a vote from the @travelingsteem official account by following the rules, moreover of this configuration of 10 Steems as rewards according to the quality+creativity for the best ones that will be active in this contest:

🥇- 1st place: 4 Steems
🥈- 2nd place: 3 Steems
🥉- 3rd place: 2 Steems

~> Don't miss this humongous opportunity while you have fun by participating here in the SEC contest with @travelingsteem.

Useful Links

Please also read some Traveling Steem Community guides that can help you to increase your contribution to the space:

Social Media & Support

Feel free to follow the official accounts for this new community in Steemit, Discord and Twitter profiles that were created for this amazing purpose:

Steemit ~ Discord ~ Twitter ~ Telegram

Of course delegations are also available for all those that would love to support this new initiative of @travelingsteem:



~ Let's go wherever we want ~


* Thanks For Kind Attention *

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Check your end date.

Done once again. Thanks 👍🏻

  ·  7 months ago (edited)

Mi participación espero les sirva de ayuda para un mejor viaje.

Mi publicación en Twitter

Buenas noches comunidad

01 Portada publicaciones de la comunidad.png

Acá mi participación en el concurso ¿QUÉ LLEVO PARA VIAJAR? organizado en esta comunidad y que forma parte de la semana 3 de la temporada 14 del #SteemitEngagementChallenge.

Espero estar dentro de la directrices del concurso y que esta publicación sea del agrado de quienes la lean. Suerte a todos los participantes.

Hasta la próxima...

Feliz y bendecido día a todos mis amigos de Traveling Steem. Aquí les dejo mi entrada.

Esta publicación fue promociónnada en Twitter

Your post has been rewarded by the Seven Team.

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We are the hope!

Mi participación en esta semana del desafío.

Saludos. SLPS

Hello Traveling Stemm friends, Here is my entry


Buenas noches amigos aquí les dejo mi entrada
SEC-S14W3/¿Que llevo para viajar? [ Casi toda la casa🙈]