SEC-S5:W1 - Sport in my community

in hive-193637 •  2 years ago 

Steemit Engagement Challenge has entered season 5 week 1, and on this occasion I want to participate in a contest held by the community Steem Venezuela and for the original post from the Challenge can be seen here Steemit Engagement Challenge Season 5 Week 1: El deporte en mi comunidad / Sports in my community.


Sport is an activity that is very popular in the world, including Indonesia. Various kinds of sports, be it football, volleyball, basketball, badminton and many other sports. In the current era, in addition to healthy sports, exercise can also make achievements. Almost all sports are competed in both national and international events.

By exercising, there are many benefits that we can get, from helping us lose weight, reducing the risk of chronic disease, helping improve sleep quality, maintaining healthy skin, improving mood and reducing feelings of depression, as well as building and maintaining muscle and bone strength.

What are the favorite places for sports in your community?

Many favorite sports in my area, be it football, table tennis and volleyball. Most people are focused on the sport of football and volleyball. Where when there are football and volleyball matches, people flock to watch football and volleyball.


Even if they don't like sports, they will spend time watching football and volleyball matches. Instead, they will leave work to watch the sport they love.

People who don't like sports don't necessarily mean they don't like sports. Maybe he doesn't have enough time to exercise, so the person spends time watching sports that he likes. Recently in my area, a regional volleyball tournament was held. People flocked to come to see the match, in fact many people could not enter to watch the match, because of the excess capacity of the place.

What facilities do you have in your community? For example: it has exercise machines, it has a stadium with stands, it has a popular stadium, there are sports fields, they practice sports outdoors, etc

Talking about sports facilities, in my area Aceh certainly has facilities that are already adequate for football. Whether it has a closed stands, a field for practice and that is different from the match field, as well as bus facilities that are ready to pick up players from the inn to the match venue.

When compared to developed countries with sports, we, Indonesia, are still behind in sports facilities, but for now we are not far behind and that is sufficient. Even though Indonesia's sports facilities still do not include international standards, at least for below international standards Indonesia already has.


Unlike the case with Moto GP facilities, Indonesia has facilities that are proven in the eyes of the world. Currently, the Indonesian Moto GP sports facility at Circut Mandalika is included in the circuit favored by racers and is recognized as an international circuit. For now, Indonesia is making improvements to sports facilities, be it football, volleyball and other sports so that Indonesia can meet international standards.

What sports discipline is practiced most frequently in your community? Who practices it (children, youth, adult men or women)?

The sports that are often practiced in my country are football and volleyball. It is practiced in schools, be it in elementary school to college level. The scope of sports for all groups, be it for children, teenagers, adult men and women.


Football is not only liked by adults, children also love the sport of football. Because football can be played anywhere and does not have to be in a certain place. For the sport of football is very good for children, both physically and mentally. Football can strengthen muscles, eye and foot coordination, balance, weight control. Meanwhile, from the mental side, children can learn discipline, sportsmanship and good cooperation.

Children need to be taught sports as early as possible, because according to a study, children who exercise are smarter than children who do not. Because exercising can teach children to concentrate more on tasks and manage time.


Here I invite friends to be able to participate in the Challenge organized Steem Venezuela. Please join @ridwant, @irawandedy, @klen.civil, @afrizalbinalka, @liasteem, @ayijufridar, @harferri, @zainalbakri, @jufrimj, @mahyulmaulana, and @f2i5. Thank you admin and community moderators for the time and opportunity given and thank you to SC01 and SC02 for their support so far.


About me @amryksr

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Hola amigo!

El voleibol es un gran deporte donde se libera mucha adrenalina, espero que en algún momento cuenten con mejores instalaciones deportivas como las que desean .

Éxito en tu participación amigo

Bola kaki dan bola volly adalalah dua permainan olahraga yang sangat populer di kalangan masyarakat. Apalagi saat menonton kompetisi yang berlangsung akan sangat seru. Fasilitas lapangan olahraga adalah salah satu kunci utama dalam melaksanakan kompetisi.

Smoga berhasil di kontes ini.
Saya juga sudah membagikan postingan tentang kontes ini

Masyarakat di daerah kita menyukai sepakbola dan bola volly. Mereka meluangkan waktu untuk menonton olahraga yang mereka sukai.

Saya sudah singgah di postingan anda

Iya benar sekali..
Terimakasih ya kunjungan nya..notif nya mungkin terlewatkan oleh saya.atau pun udah saya balas?? Haha.

Bisa jadi @sailawana. Terimakasih sudah mau berkunjung.

Greetings friend.

Indeed Football is accessible to virtually every community as one can play it in any corner of the world, even on the streets and volleyball is also a popular sports game among people, which I love also.

You have made a great post with delightful photos to back it up. Good luck my friend in this contest.

Indeed, to play football does not have to be on a special field, but can play in every corner. In fact, there are people in my area who play soccer on the streets.

Hello @amryksr, It is very true that some people do not even like to practice sports but at least they like to watch them, that is very common.

And I was very surprised that in that volleyball game that you mention there was a large number of attendees, this means that in your community they love to practice or at least enjoy watching sports games.

Excellent participation.

Sí, en mi área a la mayoría de la gente le gusta el voleibol y pasan el tiempo viendo partidos de voleibol.

El volibol es un gran deporte que por cierto, nunca le di la talla, mis saques no llegaban ni a mitad de la malla; pero no por eso dejo de gustarme. Tus imágenes al respecto se ven geniales. Éxitos en el concurso!

Es posible que las personas a las que les gusta el voleibol no necesariamente puedan jugarlo. A veces les gusta mirar y no les gusta jugar.

Hello friend, I am glad to know that despite not being at the top of the international standards in terms of sport, your country has many facilities.

They also practice volleyball, that is interesting, soccer is a very popular sport and generates a lot of money worldwide.

It is true that sometimes it does not mean that a person does not like the sport, the time factor influences the practice of this, for example my husband, is mature, very active in the walks and loves to watch different sports on TV haha.

There are those who only watch sports on TV because due to work, occupations can not practice them regularly.

The picture that I show is a match or competition from volleyball. People flocked to watch the game.

Increíble amigo, se ve un ambiente agradable lo que me gusta bastante es que el público apoya estos eventos deportivos lo cual es muy gratificante para el deportista.

Saludos y bendiciones!!!

La gente aquí acude en masa para ver el deporte que amo. De hecho, una vez no fue del todo correcto mirar.

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Thanks @fredquantum for the support and I will join.

  ·  2 years ago (edited)

@amryksr, It is true that playing sports has many benefits for our body, including that people sleep better, which combats insomnia.

In addition, it helps prevent age-related diseases.

When I was a young man I played a lot of volleyball I loved that sport.

From what you say and I see in your community they love volleyball, not one more person on the court changes.

Soccer is one of the sports that many people in the world practice, since by only having a piece of land or a free space there they can carry out that activity.

It would have been great if you could show some photos of a soccer field in your community.

I say goodbye wishing you a happy day.

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First of all I would like to thank you @albenis for the verification and constructive comments. First I want to say, I support Burnsteem25, can ands check again. Indeed, I wanted to show a football field, but when I opened my cellphone and PC, the image of the football field was no longer on my two devices.

Hello Little Friend.
It is good that both children and adults like soccer.

They don't play much volleyball here, the truth is that I haven't even seen it in practice.
They seem to be having a lot of fun watching these games.

Good luck in the challenge 🤞🏻
Best regards.
Many Blessings..🙏🏻


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