in hive-195150 •  6 months ago 

Image from my phone.

Good day everyone, hope we are good today and our activities are going on smoothly. Permit me to share the experience I had on the 2nd of this month visiting my beautiful mum and enjoying her sweet treat...

Since I couldn't go home for the Easter vacation due to some unfinished work at my place of residence, I promised mum I was going to come after Easter Monday. You know mothers have their ways of reminding you of a promise made. Exactly, 6:00am on Tuesday morning she called and asked are you preparing to come I smiled and told her yes, she said Okay and hung up the call.

I hurriedly packed my bags, freshened up and hit the road before her call will come in again. Guess what!! While in the bus, she called again to know where I was at that moment, I told her calm down Ma you'll see me she smiled and hung up the call.

When I got home, I was expecting someone to jump on me with a scream as she hasn't seen me in a while, but I met her absence I was told to went to the farm close to the house to harvest some cassava. That was when it struck on me why this woman called so early, so that I can arrive early and assist her in harvesting the cassava.

Image from my phone.

I went to the farm and there she was, she jumped in excitement and hugged me. Already shewas done harvesting the cassava before my arrival, all I helped her do was to gather them and pack them in a bag and we went home.

Image from my phone.

Mothers are awesome, not minding the tiredness from the farm, she grabbed a a yam she bought because of my arrival peeled it and prepared a delicious porridge yam for me to eat. Even after enough dragging with her to leave it for me to cook, she insisted she must cook for me. I must say I missed her and her delicious delicacies.

She gave me enough to eat that I couldn't walk again. Before then, she had spare a cock for me so that I can kill it and prepared any delicacy of my choice. I told her let me rest a little, I'll kill it and prepare food for dinner she said Okay.

Image from my phone.

I killed the cock steamed it and prepared a pepper soup rice for dinner, so yummy and that's the benefit of visiting mommy Lolzzzz.

Image from my phone.

Dinner well served and enjoyed, I love my mom so much because she knows how to give me a good treat.
Thanks for going through my diary hope to read from you too. Bye until my next diary.

MUCH 😍 FROM @blezzy to you.

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