I wokeup early..abit sore but i have been through worst..
I started with my korning routine..
- made the bed
- drank 3 cups of water
- brushed
- took a bath
- and left for the gym.
Thursdays.. Squats.
I like the workout schedule because you work a part.. Leave it to rest while you working out the other.
Yesterday we did upper bodg and legs.. Which was unintended and today we doing legs..
I came in dueing the abs session joined in and as usual i was assigned to stretch.
After the stretching the general workout was concluded.
Then came the second session..
We arrnged the bar.. Weights and stand for the sets..
It was a drop set. Sorta ..
Since theres a contest coming up.. So everyone is preparing. Hard and well.
Those interested can text the number on the flier
Looking forward to participating with you guys.
Got home took a bath
Took a bath and left for work.
Work was boring yesterday i could feel myself falling asleep.
Finally sold to few customers and they left when it was 8pm they wernt any customers so we closed.
Got home freshened up.. And slept shortly after.