One Weight loss Tip🍀. The Diary Game 11/07/2022

in hive-195150 •  2 years ago  (edited)

Hello everyone

I woke up early monday morning.. Most people wake up late cause its a monday amd they have less activities than regular days.. But my mornings are aleays the same.. Gotta be up early.

I got outta bed, and drank water.. Specifically three glasses of water..

  • Okay the weight loss tip is water.

water bottle main lede.png
Water contains zero calories and waking up early and drinking three cups of water everyday on a empty stomach has been known to help in weight loss diets.
AKA water therapy..

  1. How does water help you loss weight?
  • water might help surpress your appitite
    Your body response to mild dehydration with thirst to make you know you have to drink water and yet sometimes we mistake that for hunger.. How many times do you feel thirsty in a day? And how many times do you feel hungry inna day..
    Most of us probaly only drink water when we really need to or due to an incident.
    So when you drink water early in the morning and your stomach appears full.. It then sends a message to your brain signalling fullness and satisfaction.
    Could last you several hours before you actually feel hungry.

  • It increases metabolism.
    Drinking water imcreases your metabolism for the rest of the day and its most adviseable to drink cold rather than hot water in the morning.
    When your body takes in cold water, for thermal equilibrum it undergoes the process of thermogenesis or heat production to turn the temperature of the water to the temperature of your body amd this requires energy to do.. Inturn burning fats for energy used and increases activity ..

  • it reduces the tendency of taking in other liquids.
    Drinking water thats 1 to 2 litres daily reduces the chances of you taking in other liquids with higher calories .. Considering water has zero calories.

  • drinking water helps for a better workout.. Water helps your body take out waste.. Water helps reduce stress..
    And its mostly free and doesnt expire or go bad when kept properly.

  • Did you know when they say the water in a bottle has gone bad.. It isnt the water that has gone bad but the bottle that contains the water has reached its expiring date.. Lol and yes the bottle can actually expires thats 2years after it has been manufactured .. The water in the bottle becomes harmful to consume.
    Most people have more alcohol im their systems than water.. If youre ome of those people drinking two to three glasses of water in the morning and a litre or two the entire can safe your life.


After drinking water i freshened up.. Took a bath.. Got dressed and left for the gym.

Today was upper body.. Thats we hitting ..
And upper back..

For chest we did bench press..

For shoulder we did..
Lateral Raise..
Arnold Press..
Overhead press..
Front raise..
Upright row..

5sets of each excercise and 20reps each.

After the workout we stretched and went home
Took a cold bath.. And ate


i just took the time to rest relax and feel some freedom. Watched a movie or two on netflix


Slept early since i slept most of the day.

Thank you


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