My Vacation Has Started, So Stoked!!! Candy Kush Review - Time For A Smoke Network #Witness-Update?

in hive-195708 •  4 years ago  (edited)


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So we have started vacation and will be blazing Candy Kush from the cans set aside for this time grown by Islands Finest 😉 my buddy 😎 it’s smokin’ bud.


Much needed time away I am pleased to take a moment and write not worrying about restrictions of time 😎

My Little #Strains #Review for #CandyKush


I’ll start off with saying this batch is home grown with love as everything his group works with. Not always trimmed the best but always a good solid smoke and aroma opening the can to knock your socks off 😆


Candy Kush this time is a new one from him for me. Very pleased which is good cause we got 6 Oz just before the self quarantining happened setting them aside for now. Two were meant as gifts and two for smoke while two for backup or for once returning which we dibbed into one just before starting vacation.


The nose on this bad girl stinks out most of my apartment, keeping it bagged and in a container it still stinks. I believe the lineage fits the details on Leafly...

Kandy Kush is a favorite of DNA Genetics’ Reserva Privada line that combines two California classics, OG Kush (thought to be the “Christopher Wallace” cut) and Trainwreck, to make a tasty indica-dominant hybrid (although sativa phenotypes displaying more of the Trainwreck structure have been noted). Like the name suggests, the flavor is sweet like candy with a strong lemon-Kush scent. Popular with medicinal growers, Kandy Kush provides a potent body high with pronounced pain relief.

Flavour is bang on, very sweet and I have always been a big fan of the OG Kush crosses for how smooth they are. Not the strongest lemon aroma initially but very noticeable on the lingering smoke verses initial blast of straight up OG Kush and essences of lemon on the inhale 😅


Noticeable difference in how clean the flavour is between this bud and what I had picked up previously. No musk or chemical but still plenty of choke with a quick bang for the buck only rolling in at $100 an OZ canned up 👌


Cured nearly perfectly every time and canned the buds though crammed in there are sticky and fresh, I love how strong the smell is as soon as you puncture the tin! This strain and grow is definitely...

@D00k13 Approved!

We Are Enjoying Ourselves


Though having to practice social distancing and taking our vacation at home rather then traveling to visit friends, Melissa and I are enjoying our time so far. First day resting literally smoking ourselves stupid and eating pizza with chips and pop then sleeping it off. Today a drive to Port Renfrew then making plans for tomorrow’s activities of cleaning and organizing the house after shopping which is now a chore with line ups at the front door.


Snapped a couple good pictures but everything was locked down with no access, not surprised though seeing some people stop at anywhere without signs saying not to. We stopped at a random boat launch so we all could use the “bushroom” as those were all closed the entire drive also 😅



With having this time off from both jobs I hope to get things finalized on a physical location of servers basis. In short I need to set everything up from scratch. The long is one server has a broken UI while the other is failing to hear external calls on the API yet both produce blocks pretty consistently...


Except for the odd occurrence I am not certain why but happens every once in awhile and sorts itself out, thank you @relaylogix for alerting me 🤦‍♂️ as always it corrects itself before I can see what is going on. I suspect that my IP switches and it takes DNS awhile to sort it’s shit out. Now while trying to figure out what’s going on my ISP has stopped responding to my emails since outbreak of covid-19... they are swamped I’m sure but it seems I’m at a dead-end for now...


Anyways, if you notice me disabled know I have intention to enable asap as the desk and cables will need to be unplugged and moved around 😅 witness duties interrupted by the whim of my fiancé... sorry peeps I must bow to her so must my server at least for my own sanity 😉 I am stuck in the house with her for 10 more days.......

My First... After 2 Years...


Taking anything out of my online investments since starting this whole gig 2 years ago! I have “used” many tokens but till now anything I have taken out has found its way back into my creation in some way. From buying equipment like a GoPro and Accessories to software subscriptions and various marketing services even most recently launching of my webpage, I can proudly say all of my followers and supports have helped pay for that! Including both my rigs in an ass backwards way of my investment’s ROI coming in the form of assets for creation.


Now I find myself with an opportunity, my biggest investment STEEM doubled into HIVE right after I decided to take something for myself. Powering down both I have set aside $1000 CAD for a rainy day as some would say 😎 plans of keeping the majority of my holdings liquid for the time being as I’m not sure what the future may hold in these moments.


One thing I do know, my next investment will be a tripod for my old school Coolpix P90 I dug outa storage... I was playing with on our drive... me shaky as fuck! Maybe a trigger also? Dunno how I would plug that into it if even possible, it’s so old it’s awesome having long forgotten we had it!


Good, not so little camera, simple to use with an actual mechanical zoom I just have no idea how to adjust anything so I am using the green point and click button so far 😆.


Only downside is there is no computer linking so I must pull out the SD card and transfer to PC, really considering a Mac Book Pro or something in times like these. I would be able to access the images automatically & immediately with my phone even if away from home... gonna have to keep my eyes open for something used 😉 the image software on iOS and video editing software on PC I use would also be available on Mac so I’d save on learning and subscriptions...

Anyways, till next time smokers...

Smokem If Yea Gottem 💨

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wow! what an update!

I know right... when I have the time to put into things they come out great 😁

Thanks for the support 😘