It's Friday 8th May 2020! 75th anniversary of end of WWII in Europe. Drop a link to an undervalued post for chance of resteem upvote and tweet (or leave a comment and I'll check out your blog)

in hive-196037 •  4 years ago 

Hello 🐝lovely🐝bees🐝! It’s Friday 8th May 2020!

Today is the 75th anniversary of the end of the Second World War in Europe (VE day). It is a bank holiday here in France, and many other European countries.

My grandfather served. He was drafted late because he was older (early forties). He was an antique dealer, and the armed forces didn’t have much use for those kind of skills so the draft officer asked him what hobbies he had. He said he enjoyed photography so they made him ships photographer in the Royal Navy. Here are a couple of photos he took (he left us an album of his photos. The notes are his)

Today is day Eight of MAYnia! This month a bunch of idiots Freewriters are going to be trying to write 50000 words in a month! That is over 1666 words EVERY DAY! Oh man! I am having a go (So far - up to, and including, DAY 7 - I’ve written 13,204 words!)… you can find out more about it and today’s prompts here:

If you have nothing better to do you can read my previous “chapters”: One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven
I will begin writing after I have posted this....

It’s a beautiful sunny morning, here in Central France. I have been to collect my order from the Farmers Drive, which is a Lockdown replacement for the market on Fridays (order the produce and then pick it up and pay). The market is due to return the week after next, but with restrictions

One of my cats, Pineau, had an injury that became an abscess so we took him to the vets yesterday. He had to have it cleaned and stitched under anaesthetic. He is ok, but a little bit pissed off at having to wear the collar. He is an outdoor kind of cat, so won’t take kindly to being kept in for the next 10 days until we get the stitches taken out!

As well as writing, I need to do some updating of my bed and breakfast website and the page for the artisanal shop to reflect we are open but with conditions, following a relaxation of the lockdown. I will also spend some more time cleaning the porch structure out the front of the house.

Oh, I will also be practising the guitar and learning more Spanish.

I hope you guys have a wonderful day.

Stay cool, everyone.

Be fantabulous! #BeHIVE!

I am looking to promote good posts on Twitter.

Show your posts (and other peoples posts) some #HIVElove! Drop a link to an undervalued post for the chance of a upvote, reblog and tweet!

If you don’t like self-promotion just leave me a comment and I’ll go check out your blog!

If you leave a link to someone elses post and I like it I will Reblog, Upvote and Tweet it AND I will take a look at your blog and do the same for one of your posts (if you haven’t posted in the last 7 days I’ll send you a TIP via the new PeakD tipping system)

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Here are some #HIVElove Tweets from yesterday:

****** if you don’t see a picture of tweets it is because you are very quick to read this, or you are not on HIVE. Please Note I am only reblogging and tweeting posts from the HIVE blockchain. So pop over and find me there *****



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I also run a bed and breakfast in France!

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