It's Wednesday 13th May 2020! Happy Hump Day! Drop a link to an undervalued post for chance of resteem upvote and tweet (or leave me a comment and I'll check out your blog)

in hive-196037 •  4 years ago 

Hello 🐝lovely🐝bees🐝! It’s Wednesday 13th May 2020! Happy Hump Day!

Today is day THIRTEEN of MAYnia! This month a bunch of idiots Freewriters are going to be trying to write 50000 words in a month! That is over 1666 words EVERY DAY! Oh man! I am having a go (So far - up to, and including, DAY 12 - I’ve written 20,797 words!)… you can find out more about it and today’s prompts here:

If you have nothing better to do you can read my previous “chapters”: One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight, Nine, Ten, Eleven, Twelve

Yesterday I wrote 1685 words for MAYnia. I will begin writing for Day Twelve later. I have to judge and award Zapfic first!

So, I’ve been struggling the last few days. The easing of lockdown has the effect of highlighting how bad things are going to be for us. Our business (B&B) is dependant on people being able to move about and of course although we can open, people can’t yet move freely around France. More summer events have been cancelled. So even if things are relaxed further summer is going to give us much less business.

And the artisanal shop will also be affected. Fewer tourists will mean fewer customers, of course. We hope we can reach a deal with the owner of the building so we can reduce our rent for a while. If not it seems unlikely we will be able to keep it open after summer…

Anyway, I sorted a few things out at the shop, yesterday and took some photos and made this video:

I am going to try to sell things via the internet again. I tried this a few years ago and it is difficult, time-consuming and expensive (to post things). But it seems one of the only ways we can try to earn some money

I made these dog brooches yesterday:

I guess we just need to ride this year and then work out what to do next year. We all have to adapt.

I hope you guys have a wonderful day.

Stay cool, everyone.

Be fantabulous! #BeHIVE!

I am looking to promote good posts on Twitter.

Show your posts (and other peoples posts) some #HIVElove! Drop a link to an undervalued post for the chance of a upvote, reblog and tweet!

If you don’t like self-promotion just leave me a comment and I’ll go check out your blog!

If you leave a link to someone elses post and I like it I will Reblog, Upvote and Tweet it AND I will take a look at your blog and do the same for one of your posts (if you haven’t posted in the last 7 days I’ll send you a TIP via the new PeakD tipping system)

Follow me on Twitter:

Here are some #HIVElove Tweets from yesterday:

****** if you don’t see a picture of tweets it is because you are very quick to read this, or you are not on HIVE. Please Note I am only reblogging and tweeting posts from the HIVE blockchain. So pop over and find me there *****


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I also run a bed and breakfast in France!

You are free to use this gif : Be Free, #BeHIVE

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