It's Gardening Time....My Green spaces......πŸŒΌπŸŒ»πŸŒΊβ˜˜πŸƒπŸŒΏ

in hive-196725 β€’Β  3 years agoΒ 

Climate is getting better and it's that time of the year to focus on sowing seeds for the new plants. I always find spending time with nature is any day more fulfilling then spending time with humans. Yesterday whole day I spent with my plants, some of the old plants which needed maintenance was done and then planted some new ones as well. Also got a lot of new indoor plants to make my space more greener.

Started working first with the indoor ones. Changed the soil for all the already existing plants and then also set up some new ones. The new ones in the lot are the Snake plant, Cactus and the string of pearls.


The most difficult task was to clean up the money plant creeper and arranging it well again across the wall. It had dried up in many places so it needed a lot of care

After completing the indoors then for the outdoors the new plants I set up are mint, chilies, garlic and Tulsi. I also have sowed seeds of some flowers which I got from the nursery. I am hoping that they will grow out well. I will need to have some patience of a week to 10 days time to start seeing my plants grow.

The Aloe Vera grows beautifully all through out the year and I use it for so many different purposes.

The Bougainville and the Desert Rose are the old ones. The third one is a flower plant which my cook planted, I am not sure what will grow in it, let's see.

I still need to plant some more and fill up this space completely

And there comes the first flower of the Season, my all time beautiful Desert Rose

The indoor ones have also been set up in their place and they add so much beauty to my living room


Let me see after a week's time, how the new ones that I have planted are coming up. I am so anxiously waiting to see them grow. It is my dream that in future, the house that I plan to build up outside the city will have a big garden area where I will want to grow all my veggies, fruits and all different types of plants and flowers.

Thank you for visiting my blog. πŸ‘ΌπŸ»πŸ‘ΌπŸ»πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸŒΉπŸŒΊπŸŒΈ

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Wow, so nice
Definitely plants are true companions of ours
I am also a plant lover and maintaining terrace garden since many years.
I know how much efforts it takes to grow a plant. Watching the journey of a tiny seed to a big plant really an amazing experience.
But after seeing a blossomed flower a blissful feeling eliminates all negativity. Keep growing β˜ΊοΈπŸ‘

Wow, so nice
Definitely plants are true companions of ours
I am also a plant lover and maintaining terrace garden since many years.
I know how much efforts it takes to grow a plant. Watching the journey of a tiny seed to a big plant really an amazing experience.
But after seeing a blossomed flower a blissful feeling eliminates all negativity. Keep growing β˜ΊοΈπŸ‘

I consider plant growing a blessing,and you are so blessed to grow so many plants around you.You are done with the work of sowing seeds and now have trust on the Almighty and hope for the best.

Thank you to say those kind words, yes their presence make us feel very good and energetic

Plants are looking soo fresh, healthy and beutiful.keep enjoy

Thank you :-)

Β  Β· Β 3 years agoΒ 

Your plants look great, I liked the arch and the vine that covers it. I like to have plants in my house, I have some aloe vera and garden plants. I'm going to plant peppers and chili peppers to see how they grow in the garden. Thanks for sharing.

Yes that vine has grown out so well over a period of time, almost 3 years now and I feel so good that it is so healthy. I am sure the peppers will grow well, they are easy and fast.

Β  Β· Β 3 years agoΒ (edited)

I am very glad to see your decorative potted plants;-) I hope you enjoyed the nature's gift of planting potted decorative plants
You feel like you are in cloud nine joy 😘!!!

Yes, it is always very gratifying to work with them. I would like to have my whole home filled up with them, but here it becomes too much for to manage it all alone, so whatever in my capacity I try to do it. Thank you

Plants look very nice and fresh. Your proper care is the reason behind their freshness. Keep growing them they will keep you happy .

Β  Β· Β 3 years agoΒ 

Love the photographs shoot by you nice dairy from your side keep posting your content is informative

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Β  Β· Β 3 years agoΒ 

The work is very beautiful, you must really enjoy changing your flowers, after you arrange it neatly, the place you put the flowers is very beautiful from my view. @nainaztengra

Thank you for the appreciation @marcojon

Β  Β· Β 3 years agoΒ 

You had such a nice collection of plants. It reminded me of my childhood when i used to help my grandfather In soiling and watering flower pots. I have seen some plants for the first time.

Nice to go through your diary.

Thank you @drqamu, it is always a pleasure to work with them and have them around.

Β  Β· Β 3 years agoΒ 

You have created a seen πŸ‘€ of greenery in your house. Looking very attractive 😍 and beautiful. Greenary are good for our eye and it gives relaxation to our mind. Nice diary.

Thank you

Β  Β· Β 3 years agoΒ 

I like plants at home, they give a touch of freshness and natural to the home, I have elechos and a vine in the central patio of the house. The fertilizer and the change of pots appreciate it very much with its splendor, all your plants are very well cared for, that desert rose looks very good.

Thank you. They do need as equal attention and care or rather more than we human, and when you care for them they also give you so much of good energy in return, that's the beauty of nature.

We have a limited season for growing plants here but whenever I have planted something I would passionately wait for it to grow. Each day I would check it in the morning to see the progress.

I am really touched by your efforts to build a in/outdoor garden.
Keep inspiring

Thank you!

Same here, I have been so eagerly checking out 2 to 3 times a day if those seeds are sprouting out or not, Patience is running out...hehehe....thank you, glad you liked it

Β  Β· Β 3 years agoΒ 

Yes it is hard to maintain a money plant, which sheds its dry leaves, but the only plant decorating most homes in the world even mine haha

True, it comes up very fast and also makes the space look full with it's bright green energy.

You need to plant some Japanese indoor plants like Bonsai trees which take less maintenance, and also consume very less water. Money plant is always looking fine at the entrance and arches.

Yes, I do have one Chinese Lily, Bonsai, I have not yet got and do not want to get it here in this temporary home. Thank you

Β  Β· Β 3 years agoΒ 

The Desert Rose looks very beautiful color. @nainaztengra. Thanks for sharing with us.

It's one of my favorite, and the plant has been with me since last 3 years giving such beautiful flowers