Hi steemit lovers ...
Back again in this beloved community, we will see a bit of some of the beauty of the caterpillars on thistle plants, as well as the natural way of expelling caterpillars on your plants or plants at home.
The appearance of caterpillars on plants that we care about certainly makes us worry about the growth of plants that we care about, one of which is the death of these plants, so how is the solution to repel the caterpillars without using chemicals.
Here's how to get rid of caterpillars naturally:
Provide chili that has been ground, or that has been refined, then mix the chili powder with garlic, the way to make it is by mixing 1 tablespoon of ground chili powder that has been finely ground, and 1 clove of garlic that has been refined too or ground, then mix a little liquid soap, then add enough water, then mix all the ingredients together and stir until evenly distributed, and let stand for 24 hours, after that spray the solution on the plants or caterpillars that are in your favorite plants.
You can also try the second alternative by using vinegar as an insecticide, the way is to provide 2 tablespoons of vinegar and mix it with 4 liters of water, after that spray the water into ornamental plants or other plants that are attacked by caterpillar pests, or vinegar water without a mixture of water can also directly kill caterpillars on our plants, that's a simple and natural way of getting rid of caterpillars on plants, and proven effective because I've tried it.
That is a little explanation from me in eradicating or expelling caterpillars on plants in a natural way that may be useful for us all, keep the spirit to live your day, stay safe, stay home, protect our families from the corona virus and have a nice day.