회사 송년회 Company year-end party

in hive-196917 •  14 days ago 

2024.12.04 수요일, 더 리버사이드 호텔 뷔페 더가든치킨

우리 본부 회식이 있었다. 1인당 9만9천원이나 하는, 꽤 괜찮은 뷔페였다. 먹다보니 배가 불러서 모든 음식을 다 먹지 못한 것 같다.
그래도 음식이 맛있어서 만족스러운 곳이었다.
오랜만에 보는 우리 본부 사람들이 많았지만 그렇게 많이 얘기는 못나눈듯 하다.

We had a company dinner. It was a pretty good buffet, costing 99,000 won per person. I think I couldn't finish all the food because I was so full.
Still, the food was delicious, so it was a satisfying place.
There were a lot of people from our company that I hadn't seen in a long time, but I don't think we talked much.

경품 추첨 Prize draw

매년 송년회에서 경품 추첨을 하는데, 이번에도 상품을 타내지 못했다. 1등은 아이패드였는데 시가로 백만원짜리였다.

본부장 : 초성이 'ㅈ' 으로 시작하는 사람입니다.
(여기서 살짝 기대를 했었는데)
본부장 : 두번째 초성도 'ㅈ' 입니다.
(이렇게 되고보니 나를 포함해서 4명이었는데..)
본부장 : 성이 '조'씨입니다!
(여기서 나 포함해서 2명이 남았다.)

결국 내가 아닌 다른 한명이 가져갔다. 괜히 기분이 나쁘더라..

Every year at the year-end party, there is a raffle, but this time I didn't win a prize. The first prize was an iPad worth 1 million won.

Headquarters Manager: Someone whose initials start with 'J'.
(I had some expectations here)
Headquarters Manager: The second initial is also 'J'.
(It turned out that there were 4 people including me..)
Headquarters Manager: My last name is 'Jo'!
(There were 2 people including me left.)

In the end, someone else took it instead of me. I felt bad for no reason..

아무튼 배부르고 맛있게 먹은 날이었다.

Anyway, it was a day where I was full and ate delicious food.

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아이패드까지 받으셨으면 정말 좋았겠지만~
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