An Update On My Life & An Introduction to

in hive-198761 •  last year 


Author: @r2cornell

An Update On My Life & An Introduction to último sobre mi vida y una introducción a

It has been a while since I've published on any platform. But I wanted to catch you up with what is happening in my life and introduce you to I am sharing some photographs in this post, even though I intend to introduce you to Serey. Not using some of my photographs felt wrong as I started working on ideas for this post.

Hacía tiempo que no publicaba en ninguna plataforma. Pero quería poneros al día de lo que pasa en mi vida y presentaros En este post comparto algunas fotografías, aunque mi intención es presentaros a Serey. No usar algunas de mis fotografías me parecía mal cuando empecé a trabajar en ideas para este post.

Some of you are already familiar with Serey, while others may not. I have a community on Serey, focusing on my presence there to curate. I do not have any channels in my Discord Community; instead, I have elected to use Telegram because Serey has its presence there. My community name is R2cornell_Community on telegram. It is also the name of my community on

Algunos de ustedes ya están familiarizados con Serey, mientras que otros puede que no. Tengo una comunidad en Serey, centrándome en mi presencia allí para curar. No tengo ningún canal en mi comunidad de Discord; en su lugar, he optado por utilizar Telegram porque Serey tiene su presencia allí. Mi nombre de comunidad es R2cornell_Community en telegram. También es el nombre de mi comunidad en

When I first started on Serey the following two statements stuck a note with me:

Cuando empecé con Serey, me llamaron la atención las dos afirmaciones siguientes:

"Serey aims at developing an open platform where everyone in any place of the world is free to enter into dialogue without privilege and to be rewarded for the creativity they provide to the platform."

"Serey aspira a desarrollar una plataforma abierta en la que todo el mundo, en cualquier lugar del mundo, sea libre de dialogar sin privilegios y de ser recompensado por la creatividad que aporte a la plataforma."

"Serey is neutral and agnostic by providing everyone equal access, no matter what their station of birth, race or economic power is. It is a place where anyone, anywhere may exercise their creativity, no matter how singular, without fear of being coerced into silence or conformity."

"Serey es neutral y agnóstico al proporcionar a todos el mismo acceso, sin importar su posición de nacimiento, raza o poder económico.

Es un lugar donde cualquiera, en cualquier lugar, puede ejercer su creatividad, por singular que sea, sin temor a ser coaccionado al silencio o al conformismo."

Each community has its own rules and guidelines. R2cornell_Community is open to general topics. I ask that those publishing in my community write their post in English. When English is not the person's first language, they can use both English and their native language. Other communities may require you to publish in their specific language.

Cada comunidad tiene sus propias normas y directrices. R2cornell_Community está abierta a temas generales. Pido a quienes publiquen en mi comunidad que lo hagan en inglés. Cuando el inglés no es la lengua materna de la persona, puede utilizar tanto el inglés como su lengua materna. Otras comunidades pueden requerir que publiques en su idioma específico.

I am going to share some links here to offer you more information about the Serey platform than I can share in a single post:

Voy a compartir aquí algunos enlaces para ofrecerte más información sobre la plataforma Serey de la que puedo compartir en un solo post: (My community) (to sign up)
Serey Official Steemit Community:

Like many cryptocurrencies, especially the blogging platforms, Serey's (SRY) tokens value is also depressed. It is an opportunity to accumulate SRY at a low price and keep all SRY powered up. As you earn through publishing and curating others' work, your wallet will grow like any other blogging platform.

Al igual que muchas cryptocurrencies, especialmente las plataformas de blogs, el valor de tokens de Serey (SRY) también está deprimido. Es una oportunidad para acumular SRY a un precio bajo y mantener todos los SRY alimentados. A medida que ganes a través de la publicación y curaduría del trabajo de otros, tu billetera crecerá como cualquier otra plataforma de blogs.

If you have any questions, you can send me a private message on Telegram. I use R2cornell on both Discord and Telegram.

Si tienes alguna pregunta, puedes enviarme un mensaje privado en Telegram. Uso R2cornell tanto en Discord como en Telegram.

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The two rose photographs are the same rose that I have published on several platforms, although these are unique photographs.

Las dos fotografías de rosas son la misma rosa que he publicado en varias plataformas, aunque se trata de fotografías únicas.

So what is happing in my world? Well, I am finally semi-retired. On August 1st, I moved one of the ladies I cared for to a new home. She has adjusted well. My wife and I had cared for her for 22 years; my wife had known her for a few years before that. Her family was very supportive in helping make this happen. I have one lady left that I am caring for. My granddaughter, who does the same kind of work, plans to take her by the end of the year.

¿Qué está pasando en mi mundo? Bueno, por fin estoy semiretirada. El 1 de agosto, trasladé a una de las señoras que había estado cuidando a una nueva casa. Se ha adaptado bien. Mi mujer y yo la habíamos cuidado durante 22 años; mi mujer la conocía desde unos años antes. Su familia nos ha apoyado mucho. Me queda una señora a la que cuido. Mi nieta, que hace el mismo tipo de trabajo, tiene previsto hacerse cargo de ella a finales de año.

As many have noticed, I have decreased posting on all platforms. I am still adjusting to all the changes in my life. It is hard to believe that seven months have passed since my wife died. When I publish, I will vote on comments using the curation accounts.

Como muchos han notado, he disminuido mis publicaciones en todas las plataformas. Aún estoy adaptándome a todos los cambios de mi vida. Es difícil creer que hayan pasado siete meses desde la muerte de mi mujer. Cuando publique, votaré los comentarios utilizando las cuentas de curación.

I will share my last photo for this post. It is a photo I came across on my computer of my wife and me in 2011. It was taken just a couple of days before our 25th wedding anniversary. Needless to say, I miss her very much. She was my life partner, best friend, love of my life, and confidant.

Voy a compartir mi última foto para este post. Es una foto que encontré en mi ordenador de mi mujer y yo en 2011. Fue tomada justo un par de días antes de nuestro 25 aniversario de boda. La echo mucho de menos. Fue mi compañera de vida, mi mejor amiga, el amor de mi vida y mi confidente.

2011-10-22 13.24.53-S.jpg

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This brings us to the end of this publication. I hope you find something in it that you enjoy.

Con esto llegamos al final de esta publicación. Espero que encuentre algo que le guste.


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Hello sir, I have been working in for a long time, I like the fact that you support everyone in serey.

The picture of the flowers you shared is very beautiful,

I didn't know about your wife, so sad to know, the pain of losing your loved one can never be forgotten, I pray God bless you wife.

Thank you. I am glad to hear you are active on Serey.

he lost his be loving wife after a battle with cancer. You should read the blogs he's wrote about it. Bring tears of hope in true love everytime I read each one of his post.

Greetings @r2cornell, it is always a pleasure to read you, beautiful photos, thank you for opening a window into your life by sharing your current state and that beautiful photograph with your wife, without a doubt a very special memory.

I didn't remember anything about Serey, thanks for the info. Happy night and may God givem, you peace, life and health.

Thank you for your comment. I hope you give Serey a go.


Si había notado menos participaciones. De verdad lo siento mucho, una hermosa fotografía, muy guapa y llena de vida, seguro le encantaba abrazar y cuidar las flores como a ti. Sigue cuidándote y fortaleciendo la familia y la salud.

If you had noticed fewer shares. I'm really sorry, a beautiful photograph, very pretty and full of life, I'm sure she loved to hug and take care of flowers like you. Keep taking care of yourself and strengthening family and health. Hug.


Thank you very much!

It nice to see you again with a new post, the photo which are all shared by you all are very nice. Keep doing more.

Thank you

May God help in everything that is yet to come. Life is beautiful and everything will be fine. The main thing in our life is creativity. It is creativity that frees us from all problems and creativity decorates our lives. I wish everything to be very good in the future. With respect,

Thank you for your kind words.

Nice to know about . Thanks for sharing

You are welcome

Thanks for watching support and good 👍 post sharing here

You are welcome, and thank you.


Es fuerte por la situación que está pasando, la perdida de un ser amado es fuerte, entiendo que este distante.gracias por compartir sobre serey de como va tu vida. Bendiciones para ti

Muchas gracias

Glad to see you here. Make wonderful updates to people people who are here, greetings and good luck

Thank you

  ·  last year (edited)

Dear sir @r2cornell I literally getting crush on your photography. Thats the cool one I ever discover. keep going sir.
May Allah Bless you and your Family. Be healthy sir.

Im blown away by what I just read,

"Serey is neutral and agnostic by providing everyone equal access, no matter what their station of birth, race or economic power is. It is a place where anyone, anywhere may exercise their creativity, no matter how singular, without fear of being coerced into silence or conformity."

that's huge! and I really appreciate the information I want to be part of this!

awww I love love love the picture with your wife, as beautiful as I imagine after read your story.

  ·  last year (edited)

Hello sir @r2cornell I have a weakness for white flowers.
White is a symbol of elegance.
Your flower photography is amazing. It seems, beckoning me to smell it. Thank you for sharing such beautiful flower photography with us. Wish you all the best.

Hermosa imagen