Future Food Supply Challenges

in homesteading •  7 years ago  (edited)

Have you ever worried or at least concerned about how we are going to feed the ever-growing world population?

The current world population of 7.6 billion is expected to reach 8.6 billion in 2030, 9.8 billion in 2050 and 11.2 billion in 2100, according to a new United Nations report.

On top of population growth, climate changes will negatively impact food production with extreme weather conditions causing disasters such as droughts, floods, heat waves, wildfires, and storms.

I don't know about you - I am concerned even though I am sure I will be dead when food supply becomes a real problem. However, I love my children. Therefore, I am thinking more of my children's generation and their children' generation.

The question is what our generation can do to mitigate the potential food shortage crisis?

Solutions offered by the government and corporations are controlling population even by force (e.g. forced abortion in China) and unsustainably increasing food production at the expense of our Terra Mater (Mother Earth). For example, using harmful chemicals and GMOs to increase food production without taking the environmental cost such as destroying natural ecosystems, wildlife, and causing pollutions into consideration.

Let us forget about expecting government and corporations driven by lust for power and greed to fix their fundamental issues (i.e. lust for power and greed), then to fix this problem. The question for you and me is: in the spirit of self-governance, what can we do as individuals and communities to mitigate potential future food shortage crisis?

I would like to quote two sources which give me hope in dealing with the issues of population and food supply.

God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth ... ~Genesis 1:28

The greatest change we need to make is from consumption to production, even if on a small scale, in our own gardens. If only 10% of us do this, there is enough for everyone. ~Bill Mollison

I believe our Creator God and what He says in the Bible. When He commanded the man to be fruitful, to multiply, and to replenish, He knows what He is saying and will certainly provide for us. He gave the man the garden of Eden, which I believe supplying all food for the man. By mimicking natural ecosystem to grow food, I believe we can have our food needs met even with growing population.

By the way, the man was vegetarian or even vegan in the beginning until after the Flood in Genesis 9:2-3. Therefore, I encourage people to eat less meat, which takes up more natural resources to grow, and only meat from a sustainable source or practice. To be a good example, I don't eat meat regularly but only small portions on some special occasions. As a matter of fact, I am totally fine without eating meat at all even with BBQ aroma always present around my house from my neighbors' grills.

I have a small garden and use it to grow food for my family. I thought I needed a much larger area. However, amazingly I can grow perennial leafy greens and starchy energy food on a small scale to supply for 10 families.

In conclusion, I would like to encourage you to grow your own food if you haven't already been doing it even on a small scale. Or you really don't have any space at all, find a community food garden or use someone's backyard. If you really don't want to or can't grow your own food for any reasons, buy food locally from family farmers.

Longevity spinach, a perennial leafy green from my garden

I have documented how I grow my own food here on the platform. Please check my previous blogs. If you have any questions, simply ask. I will be more than happy to answer your answers. Thank you!

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Good job! Healthy-Homes think about food and scarcity and personal production!!!

"He knows what He is saying and will certainly provide for us."
If you believe the Bible, then in faith, such questions as you started with are mute points.

"meat, which takes up more natural resources to grow, ."
This is actually a logical fallacy.
Large herbivores, when grass fed are some of the greatest instruments in soil building. Healthy heards require much less inputs than chemical agriculture, with no negative by-products or pollutants. Built up soil can be drawn from later for high yield grain production(for human consumption).
Grass fed/free range meat is VERY nutrient dense, and therefore more "food value" can be transported and distributed with less fuel/diesel use and transportation resources.

I could go on..... But may save it for my own post!!


I agree with you on large herbivores, when grass-fed ...

My only concern is when demand for meat gets higher and higher to a degree that more virgin forest lands need to be cleared out and turned to pastures out of greed to feed large herbivores to supply the demand. I consider forests to be our natural resource and should be protected. That's the only reason I am advocating for eating less meat.

Thank you so much for your comment. You've helped me look at this issue from another angle.

We can't depend on governments to solve any problems, let alone food shortages. The solution is to become self-sufficient. We can grow plenty of food on a small amount of land.

True that!

My father said, "The Fox is in the desert and doesn't feel hungry." It means we don't have to worry about food because God is the one that saves us food in the future.
From the scientific side, humans can provide food for themselves and depend on themselves for food production... But global companies--shaytan--don't want this... Because it causes financial losses.
My dear friend..@cheneats. Not everybody thinks like you...
There are people in the world who think about collecting money only and not caring about the future or the environment...
And the kind of you think is causing them problems, they don't like it.
But we must not surrender because this land is not theirs.
Thank you, my best friend.@cheneats

Brova! My best friend. I am so glad we think the same. We just need to spread out the words and hope others who haven't seen this yet (just like I did before) to see this. Thank you for your comment!

Best friends are very important for #healthy-home s!

I think about this a lot. Too much maybe.

North America in particular is very wasteful culture. Everything is supersized and gigantic, even our appliances are supersized. Grocery stores are packed full of food that just won't sell before it goes bad. The amount of food waste from restaurants is insane, people buy food and let it go bad in the fridge ...

All this food simply wasted while people are in fact starving in our own country. People have forgotten that the meat on their plate was once a life, sacrificed for them. The care and effort that goes from taking a seed and creating a vegetable only to have someone toss it in the garbage. I lose sleep at night thinking about all of this.


I am with you, we grow as much of our own food as possible and we've learned how to not waste any of it. I think that when you are responsible for creating your own food, you become so much more respectful towards it. Some of us are changing things for the better. Hopefully more will join.

Bravo for recognizing the wasteful culture and growing your own food, my friend! For many who have grown up in this culture are simply ignorant of the wasteful practice or do not care at all. I think it's our duty to help people be aware of this wasteful culture and hope many people like us will join to conserve natural resources for our future generations. Thank you for your comment. I appreciate it.

Well My Friend @cheneats

It was also a question of fear for me that what is the future of food chain supply, because human activities s hazardous and dangerous for the echo system and killing the beauty of Terra Mater with every passing single second.

I do agree with you suggestion and let me tell you that i am already growing my natural food to some extent just to make the land more fertile and beautiful.

Thanks you so much for your concerns My Spiritual Friend

Stay Blessed, Steem On!

Bravo, my friend, for growing your own natural food! We need more people like you to be better stewards of our Terra Mater. Our current practice truly has a great impact on the future generations. We really would like for them to enjoy the beauty of nature as much as we do. Thank you for your comment!

Great article. I was cautious as I started to read. I thought you were going to come at it with a population control angle, but I think we're on the same page! God bless!

Man's way is trying to control population, which won't be blessed by God, whose way is to provide all our needs. Thank you so much for your comment!

@cheneats following you and can't wait to read more.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Thank you, @homesteaderslife! Have a great day.

But I do not worry about the food. Alan works just to make that happen. But what really worries me is the quality of the food. We become fed by vegetables and fruits in the off-season. Of course, with the necessary medicines. The body is a disease. Natural food is the basis of human structure and the basis of its strength and health. That's what makes me really worried. Thank you my dear brother @cheneats

Exactly! That's the reason we want to eat natural food. What a better way to eat natural and freshest food from your own garden! Thank you for your comment.
