Honkai Impact 3 Hack Crystal 2020 😎 is an anime RPG game based on combat and hero upgrades. Players control a series of Valkyries–attractive young rebel people-fighting a worldwide devastating force named Honkai. The plot is supported by a set of quests where players utilize special skills and improvements named Stigmata to battle Zombies and electronic monsters. Half of the gameplay is fighting; the other half is heroes and equipment upgrades. In addition to the main activities, players can enter and form guilds and experience stand-alone gold and gear selection modes, special events and exclusive side stories.

Until I continue, I will make it clear that this guide has some bias (it's my book, my thoughts), and that this guide came up in February, and so it has parallels to that time (the announcement of HOV and the Chinese case for the new year). The ones you want are either HOV, SK, CH, S6 (if you don't get them, I'll explain the names later). If you haven't got one of these people then stress so much, you aren't so critical during the early game walks and you have enough room to get others. The valkyries I mentioned were the TOP TIER, which you'd probably want later. If you want a good team and easy to beg, try to get one. If not, you can only restart it and it's up to you.
Try to find the valkyrie which fits your play style the most, if it doesn't suit you even if it is best, then don't worry, although you don't have to go extreme, unless you really want to. Late match will be hard without a good team, but you'll probably know your team and most of them will be valkyrie. Kiana's are quick, Bronya's have heavy harm to Himeko, Fu Hua has a ton of combos, and so on. Find your style of playing and see what valkyries you want to invest in.
Valkyries are NOT WC, CI, VB, BS, INVEST IN (t0 partially valkyrie triumphant). These valkyries are absolutely not good and should not be invested in. Most of them are your beginners, but all of them have a major flaw that makes them pretty bad. Even if you like them, you should know there are better options for example that toilets can be substituted with DP (both Kiana's have the same playing styles except DP's cause slowing down and healing and psychic).
Don't waste crystals after your first S-rank in the Standard Gacha even if you get a card. Try saving diamonds if you have fresh valkyries, such as HOV, which is GOD TIER (hehe). The same goes for normal equipment, trying to wait for strong oriented guns to arrive as' Oath of Judah,' a tool to make Theresa very good. I realize that it is easy to go regular because every 10 times you get A rating, but try saving or at least working on it, you have a better chance of valkyries that you might like. TIP 1: If you did not know, only 5 types of valkyries can be concentrated so try to look at them, if you want a valkyria. Example: I want DP in the HOV emphasis so that I have a better chance to get her than usual. TIP 2: Because you only get an A valkyrie rank 10x, it is better to make single pulls because every 10x you pulls you will get a Valkyrie rank A even if you only made singe supplies. TIP 2: This helps you to manage the remedy. You can also see you're pulls if you click on the banner at the top, then scroll down to provide the log in crate to see what you got.
Don't listen to STAMINA! Try to spend it anywhere, story stories, open world (lvl 30), or basic adventures. It is not worth it because the game actually offers you some endurance potions. You can use them whenever you like so there's no point in saving stamina. TIP: Try to save at least 3 or 4 staminas. There are some situations in which for whatever reason you are looking for endurance. Prepare 3 or 4 strength pills for use on stages in case of such an incident. TIP 2: If you do not use stamina, try open world. TIP 2: Quite 2 recommends that more than 100 endurance will invest 50 percent EXP CHIP on USE CAPTAIN. It's easy. Daily. Daily. Helps you a lot. Helps you a lot. The valkyries limit is calculated at your own stage to enable YOU to level up so that YOU can advance.
Do not go up every valkyrie. As said before, you don't need to spend in some valkyries. However, I really don't like some nice valkyries. Ask before the trial, of course. Example: I don't like Bronya's playing style so I don't have every incentive to change things up.
Try to complete all the adjustments when the tale is over. Each time you get 15 crystals. With some math if you do the normal Chapter 1 story (6 stammers per stage with a total of 15 stages) the math comes out, giving you 225 diamonds for "free," it's not that hard to mention you get gold awards for every stage. TIP: Use a squad of someone who splits momentum (slows down time), a bronya with a low-level laser weapon and someone who can cause a "frozen moment." My squad is: VC(laser arm and low level time split since I don't play it), DP(frozen time) and the third is often built on a need, and often one of my strongest valkyries is ready to finish quickly. I use VC for combination attacks as spam onec in a while is very simple and I inflict time fractures with it.
Delete the valkyries to rate. Any valkyrie can take advantage of the SSS RANK. It's very important that you ranking your valkyries so always farm your favorite tip very early on trying to get NS since it's quite good and try to get any valkyrie at least. Although every new valkyrie doesn't send you 100 EP, you can't list them (you can use them for your skills) Mid late game farm only those you love until SSS doesn't spend the shop's crystals unless you're desperate. But you should just sit, even then. Try spending only gold on pieces of valkyrie as they are worth it only if you have the money you have to spare. It's not worth spending 28 crystals on a single frag, if you can invest 16 days on a tale stage to sometimes send you the frag with little effort if you do it from the command center ALWAYS DO weekday activities (for crystals at least once). I don't spend endurance on the training camp because they're not worth it. BUT weekday activities is the best place for MATERIALS without dias. Eventually, you'll need them to update weapons and shame. TIP: You can use these Ai-chan tokens here, which she always gives you since you're not doing the training camp. You get demanding attempts. Try to use them whenever you need supplies, particularly for GOLD.
Complete the "Beginner Education Class." You get certain prizes not to mention stage gems, but the competition task. Tap on task and your preferred Valkyrie (WC by default) on your main screen. Then there is a Purple Box on your right that says Challenge Mission. Here, it's true. You get some nice bonuses to end it.
Or LVL 15 USE TO Mark INVITATION. It helps us really late gamers. I don't do it as a plug-in, but rather to tell you that when you do this, you and I get rewards, so don't forget. Please use this link to find codes. I posted mine there, too.
There are many tutorials for STIGMATA and WEAPONS, but I prefer this playlist from jc3 with much more knowledge than me. We go into detail and direct both characters. However, their tier lists can be outdated because of game patches, so just see your latest tier list videos.
You should seek again, if you didn't understand the TUTORIAL at the begging. This guide has been updated to the right bottom of your phone and goes to the last app called Archives. After that, please click on the academy and do the stage. I'd suggest that you do all of them since they are 0 endurance per stage with 15 dias. Such steps still won't allow you to go through until you have completed the acton. Example: The Ultimate Evasion stage will allow you to finish, unless you have evaded the stage.