STEEMIT TIPS: Dolphin 101- You're reading comments wrong! (about to cross 2400 followers!)

in howto •  7 years ago 

If you've gotten to the point where you have some followers then you've probably been here long enough to learn to obsess over them at least a little. When I write a post, I'm not simply writing the post, I'm also carving out about 30 minutes afterward so that I can be sure to answer comments that come along. This is the lifeblood of keeping an active user base- that is engaging with them.

Amanda Palmer give an excellent talk on why it's so freakin' important to engage with the audience you're hoping to maintain.

So, you've gotten your audience, but you're probably not getting all the engagement out of it.

What you probably do

You write your article. You have PALnet open. You're talking to your friends. You see a comment come up like a little DING on your screen. You click the button and rush to answer it. If your page is getting some traction you're probably missing quite a lot of the action.

See the way it works is that when you respond to a post it appears as a reply to the author. When you reply to comment made about the post it appears as a reply to the commentor and not the to the post author. Say What? If I post on an article by @ausbitbank he'll see it come up. If @teamsteem replies to my comment then @ausbitbank won't see it. If it's a lively discussion on your wall then it's possible that what you're doing is making you miss upwards of half the comments on your post.

What should you do?

Open up and refresh the whole article. Scroll down through the comments and stay engaged with the discussion that is directed at you. Now I can see all of what's going on. Now I can upvote funny shit that minnows post in the comments even if they aren't directed at me, and now I'm really engaging the full spectrum of people commenting on a post.

A note about upvoting your own comment

This is normally considered autoerotic curation, and it isn't cool, but in case you haven't noticed yet comments appear in order of highest value on a wall. So, as a dolphin commenting on a minnow post if I want to make sure everyone sees my comment first I simply upvote with enough strength to get in front of everyone else. That's not quite the same as autoerotic curation, but just be careful upvoting your own comments because people will call you out. Then again, if you want to make sure that the author sees it and it isn't buried in the post it's a great way to get visibility.

I will now proceed to answer stuff that comes through for the next 30 min. I'll see you soon.

I'm sexy rockin' this now-

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That is completely true :)
Trying to get a hang of it

Awesome and Lovely. Mentioning Amanda Palmer's video along with this post is beautiful idea which is totally related to what ever you said in your post. Lucky that I am following you since day one. Otherwise I would have totally missed this post so does must have missed a beautiful speech from Amanda.. Thanks for introducing me to her.

About Replies, I am just 3 weeks old and my posts were still in single digit. My last post was total disaster for me in terms of voting though I feel the content I put there is valuable. But still, ever Since my first post, I always stay back up to an hour or more time to answer for the replies I get. I feel it like it's my responsibility. I feel it like It will make more people will understand my post if still they have any doubts.. I feel it like it will make a step closer to community. reply become almost like a post..hahaha.. But You made a valid point. Thank to you.

When you're little I strongly suggest putting minimal effort into posting and maximul effort into commenting. you're way more likely to catch big upvote and post rewards in a comment on a whale than as a minnow posting. Come join the minnow support project in the Discord channel. maybe we can get you launched faster.

Sorry for the late reply. I was preparing content for my next post. I have been seeing this minnow support posts every once in a while. Is that really helpful..

It's my baby. I hope it is.

hahaha.. ok I will join then..right away.

Nice advice on watching your new posts. I think your are correct in saying most people are not actively engaged in their posts when they first post them... 30 minutes minimum of active attention is great advice!

Congrats on the 68 Rep:)

Man that was 9 months in the making. I don't know how some of these folks have more than me in less time. Kinda shocking. it depends on teh size of your audience too. You can get away with less if it's little, but if it's big it'll take some time.

WOWWW!! Well i guess that proves that hard work pays off @aggroed.

This information is really insightful and i didnt even know it wasnt cool to upvote your own post. I just want to know how to get more STEEM in your account.You have really shared something unique with us and really hope to see more of your posts.

In the discord room there's a channel called writing-advice. I've put my best info in there.

Thanks a lot

I wonder if I can up vote this comment to the top of @aggroed 's wall without looking like a complete tool...

Helped you out mate. Upvoting own comments is addicting.

I posted an article, patiently waited for 30 minutes, but no one was listening.

Sounds like being a minnow. Make more friends. tell people when you post about something in general, without actually linking the post. Could be fun.

you're more successful than me....

just 30 minutes I've been waiting days lol

Hahaa...I have been guilty of autoeroticism..why do I suddenly feel the need to wash my fingers?!? Arrgh!!!

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

that's dirty... and always welcome on my wall. :)

I couldn't get your comment to be worth exactly what I wanted... but you get the drift.

LOL You've done plenty and I thank ye for it.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Thank you for posting your view! It's hard in the beginning to get somewhere. I just started yesterday and I already wrote a few comments. As you said, they mostly got lost because my reputation is low and I didn't upvote them. But I'm looking forward for more posts! I also joined minnow today :D

Great. Minnow Support Project should serve you well. Welcome aboard. I have a whole bunch of steemit and writing advice in there in teh writing-advice channel. Hopefully something helps you.

mfw i'm not sure what to comment since this isn't very relevant to me as a minnow -

Hahahaha! xD

Gifs are (almost) always appreciated!

Well I don't use them, because I don't gif a f*ck

thanks for the info. I thought that steemit automatically liked your comment when you post it. Are you supposed to unlike it so that your not "autoerotic"? Also what does it take to be a dolphin?

Wow i just uprooted myself and shot up in the comments. Did not know it worked like that.

dolphin is 5k sp - 50k sp.

It'll automatically upvote a post, but not a comment I don't think. Either way. you're a minnow it isn't a big deal.

Ok great. soon I will be swimming with dolphins!

Congrats on the 68 reputation and 2400 followers! You're so right about engaging with people. It's one thing to say "thanks" or "I appreciate it", but to really read what they have to say and provide a thoughtful response, that provides more value than it's weight in gold. People don't remember the lazy people, they remember the people that were active, caring, and made them feel important. It's great to see your spreading this positive news and hopefully all of the other big fish take your advice :)

Ok, this was really thoughtful. You get a new follower from me for this. I hope your posts are as thoughtful as your comments.

Thank you! I try to be as thoughtful as I can with my comments. I hate when people just breeze through stuff. Right now I'm currently working on my 5th blog and it's very thoughtful. I've been working on it for over 4 days and am almost done. It'll help a lot of people out.

@aggroed followed you, and now I will too. Good work.

Maybe, but you're a minnow? Not many people will see it. You might want to hold off, make friends in the comments section, and only later release your masterpiece.

Got a glitch or hit wrong button.. sorry!

Thanks for the advice. I've been gaining a lot of followers in the past couple of days. Since I'm about to cross 100, I figure I'll start releasing more content so people can see what I have to offer, then get more consistent as that following increases.

Sure. I still think comments is faster to grab followers up until about 300 followers. Then it's faster through writing. There are transitions and inflection points as you grow.

Ah ok, I see what you mean. Ever since I started commenting, it's been blowing up. I was wondering when that starts to taper off and blogging is more proficient. That's excellent advice that I'll definitely take. It makes sense too, since when you have a big following, more people are likely to see it, then you have the advantage over single commenting

Yep. Weirdly, eventually even authoring doens't pay off enough and that's why a lot of whales stop and just curate. Funky little system.

Now THIS is something that just grabbed me. Thank you for the advice :)

1 new follower here ;)

Awesome, thanks!

Didn't watch the vid..the writing serves purpose perfectly. Engaging with your true followers are key to keeping them. Thanks for this howto I really enjoyed it, cheers!

Great tip to keep in mind for the future, however far it may be! Can't say I can related though..I'll have to get my first comment on another comment by a different commenter before I can experience that :))

You'll get there!

It'll happen quicker than you can blink at times @foodie.warrior 😁

Thanks, @sandstorm! will keep blinking those eyes of mine then ;)

Haha, ok cool! :)

Great post. There is a lot of meat in this. I appreciate the tips. Blessings.

Thanks. Many blessings to you and yours and have an excellent day!

I feel bad if I miss even one comment, but even more bad I feel when some users won't reply to even well thought and insightful comments.

However, it's silly when many see that the only person to reply comments is the author. We don't see if anyone else has written a good comment and write a reply.

Comment section deserves more life!

Yeah, well, it's only 2-3% of the rewards pool. Great way to pick up followers and friends tho.

I have no idea about the rewards pool, but I think it's all about making friends - or at least making someone happy. This is still social media and very nice one too :)

You have just given me an idea for another post...

I'm not a dolphin yet, but still very relevant information. I started a vlog on here and have been getting a few loyal commenters. Some had more relevant and thoughtful comments than others, but I was upvoting everybody the same so it was lost in the mess! It's good to know I can regulate the order of comments on my post, so thank you! As always, #aggroed for president haha See you in the MSP later!

Rock on boss. Glad you're in there!

Well, you are at 2400 followers RIGHT NOW.
Get screen shot.

WOOT! 50 more I'm at 2000 in the last 30 days I think.

You are forgetting what it's like to be a minnow and only receiving 3 comments!

Well, this is Dolphin 101 not Minnow 101. But a minnow with a lot of followers might find application for this. And I was a minnow a month ago, and for the 9 months before that. So, I'm pretty sure I remember.

Point taken!

My current blog got me jumping off bridges, out of planes, near death experiences, photos of my daughter and everything. I'm expecting a comment rush for sure! refresh refresh!

Should be fun!

Well written and articulated!


I wasn't aware of this, thank you. It will help once I have enough followers to be that busy.

Thank you, I loved that video from Amanda Palmer!

She's brilliant.

Great video, great post. Here take my 0,002$ upvote and can I ask you for something? Can I e-hug you? Let's e-five first!


I see two sets of boobs. I don't know what that is, but I think I just failed my Rorschach test.

Now that you say it I am seeing boobs too... Those can also be happy lads. Well, I guess boobs lead to happy lads so it makes sense...

They're not boobs? That's all I saw, wondered how high e-fiving with boobs made sense, what were they supposed to be? : )


Another killer post man :)

I hope I can get there one day perhaps a little persistence, thanks for your article cheers mate

Well, always good and useful tips from @aggroed! Love to read from top to bottom👍

Thanks aggroed. I just joined the minnow support group and starting to get really engaged in the community. Thanks for helping us noobs.

Sure thing. It's fun.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Let me just upvote my post without anything to say hahaha

well, that's one way to do it.


This type of Post are good for us to learn and become good and successful members of the steemit family...

I have about 7 more in the discord channel writing-advice. Check them out some time. Maybe those will help too.

Thanx a lot...I am going to check those topics also....

Hmmm if #aggroedlovesme aggroed would still be looking at his comment wall an hour after the post ;)

Guess what Steph! I should hire an artist for an #aggroedlovesme badge. You'd get the first one.

Hahaha I'd spam it all over Steem as my duty to get it trending

"If I post on an article by @ausbitbank he'll see it come up. If @teamsteem replies to my comment then @ausbitbank won't see it"

@aggroed thanks for sharing. I'm glad to have followed you. Keep the good work!

Glad you're here. I don't think I've seen you the Discord channel. Please come join us there too! Lots of folks to help you climb.

Discord channel @aggroed What is that? How can I join? I'm still fresh. I appreciate it more if you lead the way. Thanks!

You're kind, thanks!

I'm sexy rockin' this now-

Drops mic!

Hahah, great share thanks for the advice

A month or two ago I noticed the comments i upvoted where shooting to the top. I used to dislike that, but i have less of an issue as anyone can resort the comments.

And after hf19 i enjoy my power upvotes and i see how they can be used to curate comments and reward thoughtful words.

Yeah, some aspects of curation are pretty fun. I still wish I had more votes though. I know technically I do, but I liked giving out more 100% votes. Now I feel stingy.

I'm definitely much more stingy and I'm checking much more after HF19.

Great post @aggroed. Busting out value by the truckload on this one 🚛
Staying engaged is staying in the game. BOOM 💣

Yep. It takes time and dedication, but it's fun too.

Definitely! it's either go all in or go home, no hanging around in the middle doing nothing 😀

Oh my God, I never upvote my own comments...

I do sometimes, when I say something really great.


See, if I hadn't been in the comments I wouldn't have seen this post!


Awesome post @aggroed I have been on steemit for just over a month now and I never really bothered opening my posts when replying to comments. I usually just reply directly from my comments page. I will use your way and see how this affects the flow of comments on my posts - your friend @bitcoinkings

Do Dolphins drink?
can I get you cold beverage?, or some coffee?
been a hot day ,enjoyed a me day!
missed this..
nice to know on the comments... I am guilty of this, have to correct that!
great video!
autoerotic, so I get excited about growing! I promise no pic.s! ...maybe a safe meme
Hope you have great Day!

Aggroed - Had seen you on PAL but seeing your blog here is wonderful! You are absolutely right about taking time for connecting with people by carefully going through comments. I have found Steemit to be a really enriching experience due to the wonderful comments I saw and responded to. I would have missed that if I had let my focus wander after writing my blogs. Thank you for drawing attention to this mainstay of communication. Upvoted and followed you.

I am mostly into wildlife and travel photography blogs. I would be honored if you check my latest blogs when you have time. Your comments will be very valuable to enrich my experience. Thanks.

That's not my thing, but because you asked without adding the post, which always feels like begging, I'll do it.

No problem. It is ok if those type of blogs do not interest you. Thanks for your support.

Good article getting engaged with your audience can be fun . And it helps build you a public. The key is being involved on every aspect in steem and the content u create and consume.

thank you for all the info

Nice post!

To be honest, I'm guilty with the "upvoting your own comment" part. It just feels good to see your comment not on the bottom of the page. hahaha. But your advice is so helpful. Following you.

I always upvote my comment, I didn't get it from your post, is it good or not to upvote my comment ( I mean when I answer to comments, because I get 0.01 from each vote and I like it ) ?

you have little SP. It doesn't really make a difference. It's kinda like playing with yourself a little, but meh. Have fun.

hahaha... funny

AT 1:39 "especially lonely people who looked like they hadn't talked to anyone in weeks."

What a sad commentary on our "society".

yep. But this is good. we can get social engagement for all. For example, when you're on the internet nobody knows you're actually a squirl.

I partially blame you for my transformation.

I was perfectly unhappy being a surly curmudgeon, and then you (and Steemit) come along. ;-)

glad to help bud.

I'm not going to clog your replies with the rest of what's swirling around in my head right now after having listened to the rest of her talk.

Just, Thank you.

Great post. Upvoted.

Great article! I agree that community engagement is important and there's great advice in here :)

In a world where most people have the attention span of a 2yr defo makes sense to take the time to engage with people who comment. Thanks for the good post @aggroed

Sure. You might keep your fans around when you do. And when you're coming up it's so important to keep them all sticky.

So I am a bit slow on the uptake I guess but are you saying to reply to your own article as opposed to the individual comments in order to keep the entire discussion going? Sry for the question just trying to improve and understand how all this works so that I can engage at my full potential while keeping everyone involved. Thanks for the post @aggroed and the @minnowsupport PALs project

I'm saying when you have a big following don't click on the replies button to have the conversation. Go through the comments section of your whole post. Otherwise you'll miss stuff.

ohhhh got ya I c what you are don't do what I just did makes sense thanks

Good article
There is nothing more disheartening than following someone who never responds to posts on their articles

Well, I noticed you bud. Thanks for being here!

Wonderful to have a Q&A session.

My Question:

Even with hundreds of followers, I notice that some posts don't get any attention. And not all of those posts are of bad quality. Some are quite engaging and interesting.

My reasoning is that the followers don't have the same interests as the publisher.

Could that be the reason for the lack of response from the followers? What do you think?

Oh.. you talked about engagement in the comments section, but that can only happen, when you have people commenting..

Yeah. This is Dolphin 101. So, it's a bit meant for peeps that already have a following. I dont' know why some posts dont' get much love. it depends on time of day and what else is happening on the platform. it also depends on how loyal the folks are that follow you.

You're right about the loyalty of followers. I guess that can only be improved with time. Thanks for the response!

Just when you think you've read as many helpful articles as it will take to know how to grow your own fishy properly, you post more great advice. I've been waiting for that clear direction on upvoting your own comments. I'll cease and desist immediately.

This is dolphin 101. It's ok as a minnow. No one cares. Maybe it helps. But you're probably better off upvoting someone elses comment or post to make a friend to have a more sustainable income from followers than simply upvoting your own shit.

Thanks for your time. I'm also looking forward to being able to turn off the minnowproject streemian if you make the change to the registration rules. To allow me to recharge and help my friends more.

yeah. it's coming. I'm waiting on a few people to test it out other than me. I've delegated 1500 SP to the project, but I'm a little more familiar. waiting to see what everyone else thinks of it.

Nice post! Upvoted and followed
I have been sharing quite informative series but couldn't get enough views. Please suggest a remedy and also do have a look @archerized

I'd say go into the Discord room for Minnow Support Project and check out the 8 articles I've put into writing-advice channel that talks about what I think is the fastest way to grow through this place. When you're little less writing and more commenting will save you hours.

It's funny you mention the time after a post. I decided not to publish a post a few times when I knew I had to step away right after. Posted in later on when I knew I could be available for a while. Great minds think a like!

yeah, when you're a minnow it won't matter. when you have a following oh goodness. Follower maint. is fo realz.

I always make time to respond to comments on my blog. I think we owe it to the people that take the time to make a comment on our blog. I agree with @aggroed that it is a great way to keep the interaction going.

Yeah. You wanna get out of being a minnow you need people engage, respond, and like you as a person and not just your content. Hard to get there if it's just a 1 way communication.

Funny Shit!

Wow.. that was inspiring :) Thanks for sharing the knowledge! Some times it feels like steemit is a high level learning -platform.

Oh yeah, it's pretty hard to figure out how this place works. The minnow support project helps tho. I think we make the learning curve a little friendlier.

Yeah, the minnow support project is awsome. joined merely a week ago, and it keeps on growing!
In terms of learning I was thinking on the content you, and others share- like this post. Useful knowledge you can implement in other situations and settings.

yeah, it's good, but you can't do general stuff like this and make a lot of traction generally until you've already built some of an audience.

Thank you for the tips... but I have some doubts about

Say, I posted pictures with some food. and my first commentator asks about its recipe.... should I wait 30 minutes before my answer? I don't think so... may be my follower needs this recipe now and would cook it... maybe she will close her laptop after 20 minutes waiting [and her family would be without dinner tonight because I watched on a clockface]. I'm kidding but...

Or somebody would ask a timesensetive question and not answering on time would look as a negligence.

I think you misunderstood. I'm not saying wait 30 minutes to answer. Shit I've been answering questions baout this post for 2 hrs. I think you need to carve out at least 30 minutes as a dolphin to answer people after you post.

thank you for the clarifications.

have a great day! :)

Thanks for tips, it well help a newbie like me!

Sensible post. I do the same - nearly obsessively preening comments as they may or may not come in.
I noticed, if the post hasn't picked up momentum within the first 10 - it's likely to die an unseen death...

SP +++ SP +++ SP and of course grooming one's followers. I would think that perhaps 1-2.5 percent of followers are active. More work to do...

Appreciate your work on P.A.L. Good stuff.

Happy weekend!

Thanks globo. Glad to have you there. I think the amount to which you help them is the proportional amount that they engage with you. That's what I'm finding, but I'm not sure that's universal.

Thanks aggro...

I put out a couple of helpful non politiical posts - that are not doing as good as they could. That said, we Red Fish and Minnows shall remember,

Persistency is Key!

Well, people upvote the author as much or more as the upvote the content of the post. The more you're in the community the more you'll see some love on your content. You'll see.

Hmmm - I am a notorious introvert... OCD and never bored...
So, networking isn't my strength. Still, I think someone like me can be successful... I take care of my followers to the best of my ability. It might all work out as long as they don't meet me in person... 😎

Sometimes I want to comment something cool but I'm out of ideas. Wish I could respond everybody as they deserve.

gifs and memes brother. Gifs and memes.

Never thought of using memes.


Question: I see that you upvoted your own post at the time of publishing. Does this eliminate the 30 minute linear timer on the rewards for other upvoters? Do you forego something when you upvote yourself at minute zero?

No, from what I can tell upvoting my own post to the tune of $4.00 or so just gives it a little more visability to start with. The curation reward on that is zero though. So, I don't think it's part of the calculation.

All, it really does is weaken my pool to give out other votes. Given that I given out roughly 20k votes over the last week I don't feel that bad.

Excellent thank you!
The whole point I thought, was to engage your readers and build up a long term rapport with them. Everybody starts to lift upwards then.
Sometimes we all need reminding, success is measured in more than the wallet on here.

Yeah, if you're not already a whale I actually think the most important metric isn't easily measured. It's the collectively amount of SP that your active followers have at their disposal. But there's lot of good ways to measure progress on the site. That's why I like @elyaque 's badges so much.

You should ask him for your own personal one. I bet he can find a Centaur.

My boat is a westerly Centaur named mystic. Hence my name lol
A cool logo would be nice though

(Out of topic) i have been checking and wonder why there is 300 follower of minnowsupport in discord while there is only 40 plus or more active upvoters with thr bots!

Then I read a bounty that joining the discord of minnow support just take advantage of it, jump to register in discord without having steemvoter and streemian acount first, and you appreciate it!

Streemian uses a lot of voting power and at some point low SP accounts can't handle it. So, they fall off, especially when it doesn't always work post-HF19. probably moving away from it.

Thanks, so using streemian is not recommended..

me, I will still used streemian, setting voting power to 5%! And i think it works well for me! It increase back my voting power

not as good HF19

I think hf19 allow 10 or 20x a day upvoting per account! So upvoting 100x or more a day will hurt much!

This post has been ranked within the top 50 most undervalued posts in the second half of Jun 24. We estimate that this post is undervalued by $76.78 as compared to a scenario in which every voter had an equal say.

See the full rankings and details in The Daily Tribune: Jun 24 - Part II. You can also read about some of our methodology, data analysis and technical details in our initial post.

If you are the author and would prefer not to receive these comments, simply reply "Stop" to this comment.

Great point about being able to see all comments when answering to replies on your post - the refresh button is always your friend! I haven't had a post yet with a ton of replies, but I have had several wonderful conversations with my fellow Steemians on the comment sections of my posts, which are always very rewarding and help encourage me to keep STEEMING on and creating high quality awesome content for all! Thanks @aggroed!

Still getting my bearings here on Steemit but I feel like I'm doing great. This post put perspective on some things thanks! Steem on my friend!

Very interesting. I didn't know it was frowned upon to like your own comment? So it's OK if I want to get to the top of the comments? Actually can you explain this I'm confused a bit! I have upvoted some of my comments.. didn't see the harm. But I'd like some clarity as you'll be here for the next 30 mins ;)

Well, you're a minnow. It doesn't really matter if you upvote or now. 3 cents isn't gonna rape teh rewardpool. Ned however can pop out $4800 or so on 1 comment and I think could do that 10 times a day. So, it's kinda rude and rapey to go around upvoting your own comments when you have a lot of SP. But if you're doing it to make a point or get one accross to the author it isn't always wasted.

ah ok, thanks. Might be a silly question but.. where does the voting money come from? Do I lose money every time I vote? because I've been voting a fair bit. And $4800 a comment is insane???

Money comes from the reward pool which is dictated by the price of steem and the inflation rate. right now inflation is about 10% so that's where the new steem comes from.

Interesting. So its all about spreading the wealth...if you have it.

Just a question to - upvoting your own comment

For upvoting comments you lose Steem Power as well right? It's like upvoting a post?

yep. Good question.

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first comment before going for dinner

I think you just need to go ahead and write the Steemit Bible and be done with it. Please make sure I get a copy.

Excellent post.

I keep a running section of my steemit tips in the Discord room. Check out writing-advice channel. Glad you're here, and thanks for being a part of the MSP party we got going on!

And we shall bind it in leather and distribute it to the masses. The Steemit Bible. Already written. LOL

I had a conversation in Discord chat with someone earlier about my inability to suck up. It is truth. I can't do it. But I know a person worth respecting when I see them. So for whatever it's worth, I tease and joke about things, but on a very serious level I also recognize what you're about and what you've managed to do here on this platform. Being a leader is inherent in a person's personality. Being a positive, influential leader is inherent in a person's character. There's a difference. I recognize both in you, and it's an honor to be part of the movement you started with MSP.

That's really touching. Thanks rho. I'm glad you're there too. Steemit built something amazing, and we're building something amazing-er-ish with it. Should be fun and I'm glad to head there with you!

Count me in for the long ride! :-)