RE: Darwin's Dilemma

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Darwin's Dilemma

in humanism •  8 years ago 

Spirit manifests to our perception through the four basic forces we are aware of. Twas not long ago that we were unaware of infra-red, ultra-violet, gamma, ultra-sound, the wave form of light, gravity, electro-magnetic froce fields, atomic structure, most of the visible cosmos, etc. Give some credit to reality's potential to hide more from us than we obviously now imagine.

The 'pretty cruel' certainly seems apropriate, yet the critical view assumes there could be a better way. We (the creators) do what we can with what we have. Creation is a work in progress. In other areas of our endless reality progress is at a different level. All things are constantly in a state of flux. All things working toward a higher level of organisation. Let's assume that the creative forces are operating optimally in the face of the opposition which does and must exist in all things.

I will find and refer to the studies which now demostrate that entropy is not the dominant force.

Yes we do detect dark matter, the strong force and the creative forces through their influence but lets simply assciate them with the word spirit and see where it takes us. (Thats the proverbial we)

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I agree that the sum of human knowledge is pretty meager compared to the universe. But we are indeed increasing our knowledge at a pretty good clip. Is this some sort of woo woo version of the "god of the gaps" argument? We don't understand something, therefore god? It is a logical fallacy, it doesn't follow. Calling the natural forces of the universe "spirit" doesn't accomplish anything for the furthering of human knowledge.

And once again, everything isn't moving to higher organization. Energy is dispersing to zero point.