Darwin's Dilemma

in humanism •  8 years ago  (edited)


The brilliance which was Darwin was, to his amasement, not unique, or so it seemed.

Darwin had produced his revolutionary work "On the origin of Species" and was naturally eager to share his findings with the world but his conscience would not permit him to do so.

Darwin realised some likely negative consequences of these revelations, specifically that the origin of man seemed to be, bypassing the actual origin of life itself, a single celled organism which after millions of years of evolutionary development, left its closest relatives behind and elevated what was now 'himself' through the development of intellect, to the position of Lord of the Planet Earth.


Darwin perceived that men would be persuaded that religion had no basis in reality since no God was required to make this all happen, or so they said, somehow sweeping the small matter of the the genesis of life under the rug.

He feared the nature of man without the fear of God and his trepidation was well founded.

But there was another who had come to the same conclusions as he had and was about to publish his findings and wrote to Darwin and announced his intentions. This motivated Darwin and particularly those who stood to gain from this publication to pucs him into publishing before he was too late.

Well whether the origin of man lies in a Godless coincidental culmination of factors, the odds of which culmination are beyond imagination, or a creation of sorts as described in one or all of the sacred texts, one thing is certain. Men have changed their approach as a result of this information and the consequences are of no small moment.

It is claimed that eugenics began with the Darwinian theory of 'the survival of the fittest' and the new found obligation felt by those who deemed themsleves above us all and fit to dictate the future path of mankind in such a way as to ensure that we did not go the way of all the species, which appears to be extinction.


And so the likes of Adolf Hitler, who appointed himself ruler of the world, decided that since humans, like an other species, in his estimation, were not worthy of any special treatment but rather that they should be utilised in the interest of the survival and assention of the species to the highest possible elevation.

Experimentation with humans in place of lab-animals would provide information on the best methods of designing the ultimate human mind and body and facilitate the nurture of a new 'super race'.


Well we know the upshot of that but do we really? It is all still happening, only we are blind to it and the subtelty actually fools enough of us to permit the repetition of the horrors the reich perpetrated only this time the scale will be global and comparatively gigantic. While that topic might consume a volume or two, I will leave it be and invite those to whom this is new to investigate.

Aside from that horroific portent, there is the matter of millitant Atheism and Atheism in general, which proliferates at an alarming rate and threatens to turn us all into the animals we've come to belive we are, only far worse than any animal. Atheism's impetus has been ecponentially motivated by the Darwinian revelations which are seen as negating the 'need' for God. Well there is evidence but I certainly do not see it that way at all, in fact every new discovery leads me to think, exactly as I would expect things to be under the benificent God I trust in.


Then there's the new development in Humanism. "Trans Humanism". Transhumanism seeks to pursuing the dream of preventing ageing, recreating failing organs and ariving at an plan which may provide eternal life. It also emdodies the concept of mind, a conscious intelligent entity deemed to exist by virtue of the function of the brain and the biology of the organism, being tranferable to a computer or another body, thus ensuring life everlasting, or at least until something prevents the next transference from a dying or iminent failure of functionality of the inanimate machine it occupies.

These ideas may seem harmless, with the view they are nonsence, but the resources expended in following this dream and the lengths these people intent to go to to ensure a perfect planet or world on which to establish their eternity, are way beyond the percetpions of the uninformed and would astound anyone previously unaware of the extreme nature of their diabolical intentions toward the rest of humanity. These assertions would be frowned apon by your average Transhumanist but they do fit with many other sources of a similar nature.

The general decline in morallity which is denied by many who say that the world is far better than it was 100 years ago, is evident to all and the biggest victim is the institution of marriage and the foundation of human development, the family.

It has long been prophecied that the demise of these institutions will bring about the demise of humanity.

Darwin saw these things and feared, yet if he had not brought these things to light, someone else would have, and the same motivations would have surfaced and this course would still have been followed.


Sources : On the Origin of Species, Wikipedia, Hope and Tragedy, Pixabay, Humanism - Dr. BG Grobbelaar, Prison Planet

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Nice topic to think and write about. If we look at it from a philosophical view, isn't the blockchain that Steemit is based on, some form of "eternity" in the sense of our content being stored forever.

Back to your article. Where would you put freedom in this context of trans-humanism. What if a person does not want to live forever? Our natural tought and collective unconciouss has developed only to the measure of coprehending reality as: born-live-reproduce-die.

In the last century we are witnessing the breakthrough of science and the rise of life expectancy which eventually leads us to imagining the possibility of such eternal exsistence through - art, media, film, cinema etc.

That is why will this topic go into real scientific develops in the future. Lucky them people of the future, or are they?:)

Thanks for the article!

Singularity will be reach by 2050. A.i evolution is miles ahead of what people think. My real thougth is the quantum leaf will enable human been not live forever but i can see them beeing transform im a hybrid... at that point Darwin evolution will be based in a new kind of Moore's law... that s what i can see or is just my imagination flying away😂. Great post definitely following

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"If God is dead, then all is permissible"

  • Dostoyevsky

This is the point that the "New Atheists" cannot seem to grasp. The fact that apart from the existence of a higher being that transposes morality and creates a distinction from what is good and what is evil, all human morality is muddled with subjectivity, and we cannot actually condemn even the most heinous of crimes against mankind. This is a clear problem. Not to mention that Evolution does not account for the transition from lifelessness on a newly-formed Earth, to the genesis of life, clearly a miracle in it's own right. Life cannot spring about from nothing. I believe in Evolution and God simultaneously, because Evolution cannot be denied in terms of observation on a smaller scale, genetic variations within species, etc. but does it adequately replace the need for an intelligent creator? I don't think so.

Good post! Followed!

Agreed and reciprocated :)

Agreed and reciprocated :)

Nonsense, I am an atheist and I am perfectly capable of condemning heinous crimes. You can too, without looking up to heaven to see if it is ok.


This is the materialist/Idealist debate of which there is only one honest answer: agnosticism! Either agnostic theist or agnostic atheist; these are the only two tenable positions today....
BTW: Christian Gnosticism explains a great deal about why things are the way they are on this planet. The evil of existence yet still finding good ( the demiurge didn't know it was a distortion); the deals it made with The Jews; Christian's and Islam; all riddled with falseness.....The political/economic control of The Archons......All pointing to a congruent theory of god! And yes, I'm an agnostic theistic Gnostic:))))

Just pick something to believe

I would like to become a transhuman one day, I wish to have my mind integrated with computer. This will enable me to create my own worlds and my imaginations come into a 'virtual reality' that is indistinguishable from our current reality.

people can develop that skill without hardware upgrades

Very nice post.. I like this

Human development, of course, will cause the demise of humanity. But, how soon that's going to be is still questionable. But, I kinda like the fact when you correlate this with Darwin's "the survival of the fittest"

Belief in God takes faith. Stubborn blind faith. Faith in a higher power provides a system of judging moralty and what is wrong. A moral compass if you like

Religions have proven to be a tool towards driving wedges and hatred between those who have chosen to believe in higher beings

In all I think man will still find reasons to fight with each other, and I prefer the idea that I was created, nurtured and loved by a higher being than accepting that I'm a product of coincidence, floating a speck of dust floating in the middle of nowhere

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Somehow I feel Charles Darwin got lucky in terms of timing of publishing his theories, and the original ages old scriptures from Eastern Religions (Hinduism) got ignored or did not receive its much deserved credits.

Darwin, a British national, published his theories when the British Empire was flourishing to its peak. Which gave him a natural advantage of getting heard and acknowledged.

In contrast, Hindu scriptures (Vedas) that were written > 3000 years ago had greater details around Human Evolution, Astronomy, cosmology. The scriptures have recorded time in terms of planet and star positions, cus they knew the Earth is not flat.

But as luck would have it, this part of the world was never heard. At the time, when major scientific discoveries were being carried out in different part of the world, this region was constantly under attack where Mughals and the Crown struggled for domination. The scriptures were lost in time.

The another reason for not being heard, was contradiction to popular beliefs. As the world was not created in seven days, it evolved from marine life to ground and half humans before evolving into full human beings as we know today.

The social evolution can be divided into 4 phases or Yugas. Starting from Satyuga where nothing but truth prevailed, and ending in Kal Yuga where morality would be at its lowest.

Great post. I agree fully with you

Ugh, really? Hitler was religious. SS belt buckle said "God with us". The beneficent god you believe in, sure conjured up quite the torture chamber...this world seems to be a grist mill for souls bound for hell.

Thanks for your comment. Yes he was religious but a psychopath. I was an ardent Atheist who believed religion was a crutch, a ridiculous fairytale, and I fought tooth and nail with all the scientific facts I could muster.

I do think though that the god you think I believe in is very different from the God I do believe in and agree that the god I contemplated during my Atheist years, which most assert, does not make any sense.

Well, I am just looking at the reality we live in. Whatever your god is, most people don't believe in it. So most souls are created to burn. Kind of a nasty story if you ask me.

Not so according to my perception. That would be an unfair God which I do not believe in. This is possibly the biggest question and its the one which caused my reject of Christianity 40 years ago. No my God certainly is not that kind of God at all.

That is interesting. So you don't believe your god created this reality?

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Think in terms of the fact that despite the scientific observations which led to the conclusion that all organised energy, whether manifesting as heat or atoms(matter), we now observe that the visible universe is actually becoming more organised. Or the fact that the 'strong force' which is deemed to exist since such a force is required to maintain such equilibrium as exists in atomic structure. Or the largest body of matter, deemed to exist and referred to as 'dark matter' since only such a body of material could account for the exertion of a force great enough to cause the acceleration of all matter away from Big Bang ground zero. All these are merely ideas which are manufactured in the minds of men to account for the unexplained. This while the same individuals who develop these ideas deny the existence of spirit on the grounds of its being undetectable.

Well put these ideas together. Let's say that these forces we cannot actually detect, except to the extent that they apparently influence things in our perceived reality, are all attributable to spirit and a complex array of forces, undetectable to us only due to the fact that we are as yet babes in the wood in terms of our scientific acumen.

Let's further postulate that spirit as manifest in the 'strong force', gives form and structure, creates or organised and persistently sustains all these structures.

Lets say that there are two primary modalities of spiritual activity, bearing in mind that spirit is the conscious and intelligent substance of existence, giving form to all else. The first is creative and beneficent to the to the continued existence of life in terms of workable ecosystems which provide for living as we know it. The second would be opposed to this creativity since its 'ideas' would not contribute and would therefore be maleficent.

Let's further assert that the highest form of intelligence is currently found in the collection of spiritual entities we know as humans and that those who have mastered the ropes of existence are afforded opportunities for further creation and development in this existence while the rest are restricted from influencing life in the long run.

So creative force then is everywhere, in everything, upholding every structure and freely associating and collaborating with all other creative force while destructive force is right there as well.

Need I say more?

Well, we can detect the strong force and the other forces outlined by physics. And we do detect the gravity exerted by dark matter. Dark matter actually explains why galaxies are held together , instead of scattering. Also, the universe is not becoming more organized, it is moving towards heat death. I think intelligence is an emergent property of the central nervous system.

As best as I understand you, your god manifests through the 4 basic forces of physics, keeping and creating our reality. Well, the reality your god has made is pretty damn cruel.

Do you think humans have an indestructible soul?

Spirit manifests to our perception through the four basic forces we are aware of. Twas not long ago that we were unaware of infra-red, ultra-violet, gamma, ultra-sound, the wave form of light, gravity, electro-magnetic froce fields, atomic structure, most of the visible cosmos, etc. Give some credit to reality's potential to hide more from us than we obviously now imagine.

The 'pretty cruel' certainly seems apropriate, yet the critical view assumes there could be a better way. We (the creators) do what we can with what we have. Creation is a work in progress. In other areas of our endless reality progress is at a different level. All things are constantly in a state of flux. All things working toward a higher level of organisation. Let's assume that the creative forces are operating optimally in the face of the opposition which does and must exist in all things.

I will find and refer to the studies which now demostrate that entropy is not the dominant force.

Yes we do detect dark matter, the strong force and the creative forces through their influence but lets simply assciate them with the word spirit and see where it takes us. (Thats the proverbial we)

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

I believe the creative entity (all creative spirit, everywhere - lets call it) is indestructible and that we are part of it. That our constituted individual existence going forward is dependant on our choices and conformity to the principles of creation.

You make it seem as if evolution is somehow atheistic - it is not. It's not inherently godless. Although I may disagree with some of the content here - you made a well written, well thought out post. Have a like. :)