Episode 1273

in humanityforthewin •  14 days ago 

Full Metal Ox Day 1208
Thursday 20, June 2024
Apocalypse Year Episode 1273

The Time Tunnel

It hit me while editing the segment from Spain, that it was seven years ago! The society has changed radically, which is the era of our other flashback segment. We lived through that as well. The H2020 is 4 years ago.
If Noxsoma Life Camp becomes an actual "real" camp, we'll be teaching and encouraging our students to keep personal chronicles for the sake of history. Official history is fake, or at best a matter of perspective and propaganda. Canon fodder are termed "heroes". War crimes and genocide is nuanced into neutrality and nobody but the poor and ignorant ever pay a significant price.
In 2020 we suspected it was a scam although we believed viruses existed. We listened to the conspiracy counter points and made our decisions.
We never got "sick" because we don't get sick. We later realized that there was, and are no "bugs" to infect us.
Since 2020 we've kept a daily video chronicle of our life, which includes a transition from a germ theory to terrain philosophy paradigm. As some terrain philosophers have commented, knowing that viruses don't exist changes one's perspective of the world. It's one less boogie man to be afraid of as we travel life's journey.
Speaking of life, climate gave us rain today, but it slowed down as summer arrived in the late afternoon.
It's a new celestial season and as expected the war talk has escalated. Paytriot news media has reported War, with an N, as in nuclear, is coming... in three months. The usual suspects have been pre-crime blamed by the usual culprits who have been causing the carnage for over a thousand years.
My predictions are worthless, but history strongly suggests that World Wars destroy empires, and if number 3 kicks off America, as we imagine it, is gone.
Then I realized, just as I typed it, America as I knew it, is already gone. And that's not all together a bad circumstance.
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SEASON 1 of FMO on the archives

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YouTube: Back in Miami picking up the fortnight fitness, fasting, lifting & bodyweight calisthenics. It's been 20 years since we peaked in strength. We may not reach those numbers again but we'll stay in good shape trying.

Session 26:
Off Monday Park Workout

Episode 57
Pyramid Deadlifts (Friday)

Pull ups like Deadlifts (Wed)
Monkey Bars Session 12

Episode 56
Mega Monday

Episode 55
Leisure Saturday

Session 25:
Off Friday Park Workout

Episode 54 Thursday
Gratitude & Scheduling

Episode 53 Tuesday

Session 11 Monkey Bars (Sunday) Pull ups

Session 24:
Grounding & Mat

Episode 52 Friday
Hi-Low Deadlift Game

Get strong. Be strong. Stay strong. Don't panic. Don't freak out. Humanity for the win!

Contact: [email protected]
Telegram t.me/noxsoma

Living is the best part of life.

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