Human Asset Matters

in humanresources •  7 years ago 

Human Capital, Human Resources, Employees, Staff, Workforce, Personnel, about Human Assets rather?

FACT: A human asset "matters" to your organization.
WHY: Expertise, Skills, Experience, Value Adding, Performance, Profit Enhancing, Creation, Innovation, Operations, Service, Production, Function

FACT: A human asset generates "matters" to contend with
HOW: Issues, Challenges, Hurdles, Problems, Incidents, Circumstances, Ideas, Perceptions, Behaviours, Situations, Concerns, Arguments, Complications

I am a Training and Coaching Professional with a passion for Interviewing, Online Training, Writing and Research.

I provide online Coaching & Consulting Services to HR Managers, Executives, Small Business Owners, Recruitment Managers, Company Recruiters, Agency Recruiters, and Talent Professionals.

Training People - My Purpose,
HR Writing - My Passion

Industrial Revolution 4.0 made a ''deep impact'' on the way we hire, manage and retain our most valuable Human Assets (employees). With that said, if you are on the flip side of this coin as a job seeker, WOW things have turned 180 degrees in terms of job seeking and interviewing strategies.

I play on both sides of the field: Helping employers to hire better AND helping job seekers to advance their careers. I am not a recruiter, but rather a talent curator and Human Asset Advisor.HamLogoFinalSticker.jpg

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