Scientists Find Dandruff on 125 Million-Year-Old Dinosaur

in humor •  7 years ago 

Scientists Find Dandruff on 125 Million-Year-Old Dinosaur: Paleontologists report that the oldest known case of dandruff has been identified in a small feathered dinosaur that roamed the Earth about 125 million years ago. Paleontologists say the entire dinosaur’s fossil wasn’t found, only its “head and shoulders.” But come on - a dinosaur with a dandruff issues? Sounds like “flake news” to me.
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Trump Says No Apology for Ancestors Who Tamed This Continent: President Trump addressed graduates at a Naval Academy commencement - claiming that “our ancestors tamed a continent” and “we are not going to apologize for America.” I don’t know about apologizing for America, but I do know we certainly need to apologize for Trump.
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Airlines Eliminating Limes as Citrus Prices Rise: Its being reported that several airlines have decided to discontinue serving limes as garnishes in their food and drinks as prices for the fruit continue to rise. Meanwhile, critics of the move are labeling this “a lime against humanity."
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