Draw on Blockchain : Ladies of Asia Logo and Banner Making Off 亞細亞之美LOGO和BANNER

in illustration •  6 years ago 

Hello! Last week, one of the project I joined recently had launched, it is called @ladiesofasia. (link) Thank you giving me a chance to make a logo, banner and other post decoration like divider line and the post closing banner. And I would like to share more about the process of making those deco and some ideas too.

大家好,上星期我參與的另一個合作計劃 @ladiesofasia也開始活動了,而謝謝組員給我發揮了小宇宙,畫了LOGO,BANNER和其他帖子裝飾。在下一個活動帖前,讓本宮來分享一下過程和一些創作時想到的點子吧。亞細亞之美我亂改的,單純覺得亞細亞這字發音好酷。


The colour I pick is Pantone's colour of 2018, PANTONE 18-3838 Ultra Violet. I think many art and design fans may know this. I think it fits us and trendy too, haha. As we are also involved in the crypto world, which is a new era of technology and economic things, and we are here as a creative author here on Steemit. (but, well, we use cosmetic with UV block, lol)


Pantone reason of the colour of choice:

We are living in a time that requires inventiveness and imagination. It is this kind of creative inspiration that is indigenous to PANTONE 18-3838 Ultra Violet, a blue-based purple that takes our awareness and potential to a higher lever. From exploring new technologies and the greater galaxy, to artistic expression and spiritual reflection, intuitive Ultra Violet lights the way to what is yet to come.
by Leatrice Eiseman, The Pantone Color Institute's executive director

And for the warm colourful watercolour background, as we are writing in team, introducing the same topic in different culture/places, a mixture of colour is quite suitable. Watercolour and the handwrite font make it lively, playful and warm, which are the image of the group after I did a little research on them.


There are also four stars in surrounding LoA. It is the Epsilon Aquarii, which also known as “Star of Girls” in Asian astronomy. (Epsilon Aquarii)


The high quality watercolour image source is from pixabay.com by the creator Stux link. Thank you very much!


They are the portraits of us ^^ At the beginning, @livinguktaiwan suggested landmarks, and I later though that may be flower or animals also a good idea too. However, later, I thought that landmarks, flower and animals seems too board and not so representative for the part of "ladies"/human part. So I focus on member. I visited blogs of our ladies.

From the left hand side: @nanosesame is drawing, @wanderlass a cat lover, @kawaiipower is lovely Pikachu, @mrspointm is a foodie and also share cooking, @jrvacation is traveling, @elizacheng with different kinds of life sharing and free writing, @livinguktaiwan and @travelgirl are traveling too. To be honest, traveling is a comment topic, and seems overlap by several members. BUT! There are differences! Although we share traveling, the style are different. @jrvacation traveling Japan with cute; @livinguktaiwan is intellectual; @travelgirl is active.

I didn't give up the local elements, I add details (may be not easy to be seen T_T) to the characters.

Pink dolphin → HK
Sampaguita → Philippines
Pikachu → Japan
Vanda Miss Joaquim → Singapore
Rafflesia → Malaysia
Taiwan Black Bear → Taiwan
Koala → Australia
(Thank you members providing ideas and information!)


然後我也沒放棄地區元素,所以也暗暗在大家身上加了大家提議的東西(詳細還請滑回上面吧... 帖好像有點長了)。謝謝大家提供了各種點子,豐富了我的靈感。


The divider I still using the watercolour background as the line and the short form of project name. I add a compass too, geographical element is also an important element of LoA. But I didn’t label anything like “Asia” or “East. Because it will be a bit “too much”, like every think say “Asia Asia Asia” in post, so I make it as simple as it can. lol.

分隔線我也沿用了水彩跟縮寫,然後加了一個小小指南針來強調一下「地方特色」也是重點之一。但沒有加上指出亞太的東西,因為帖子本來就是在說亞太了,連分隔線都在叫喊亞太亞太的話,有點吵^^ less is more 而我的解釋卻越寫越長 (汗)

Here is my process and how/what I think when I making the decoration for LoA. Please visit our page @ladiesofasia too! See you there!

以上就是LoA女團LOGO跟帖子裝飾的解說了,歡迎來看看我們的主頁 @ladiesofasia喔!

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A beautiful piece of work becomes even more extraordinary and attractive by the many significant fine details behind it! Thank you @nanosesama for your efforts in creating this pretty piece of art with a story to tell! And, I especially love the Vanda Miss Joaquim orchid on my head! 😍

Thank you!! Hope you like the look, one advantage of traveling Japan is that we can still dress very pretty , or even more pretty then normal outfit ^o^

Yeah agree!!! 😂

Thank you for making a sampaguita dress for me. All look so beautiful and creative :)

Thank you <3 You are more beautiful than the flower 😊

You're so sweet! Thank you too 😊

Awww what the uplifting art you created! I feel the warmth from it ♥️

Thank you~ I made Pikachu representing Japan, so didn't add flower or animal😆

SOOOO beautiful and meaningful <33 Add oil, you can!!

Thank you <3 How about forming a witches of Hogwarts?

You’re very welcome!! Sureeee! 😍 let me be Luna Lovegood 😌

想不到背後是花了這麼多心思!! 原來每一筆,每一個顏色,每一個細小圖案全都有意思。經你解釋過後,我這個藝術白痴學會以後要細心欣賞作品。

謝謝您為 @ladiesofasia 設計這麼可愛和有意思的作品 💖

大家在discord的提議都好有用,而且有埋link同圖做reference添~ 我也學習了不少啦💪

@nanosesame, 伦家就觉得你的区块链普及贴写得不错嘛~~~ img

@nanosesame, 关注一下区块链技术!

让单身狗孤独而死的节貌似快到了,@cn-cutie.pie 可可 我给你准备了惊喜哟!

  ·  6 years ago 


Hi ~ I'm a robot of januschoi.I just upvoted your post!
Please come visit me here: https://steemit.com/@januschoi
Thanks so much~!!

This is perfect! It really captures the personalities and themes ^^ Also I looove all of the colors! So warm and friendly.

Hello, very nice, I just met you
Happy week